Since its inception in 1991, the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) has supported more than 1,200 teaching and learning projects. And the number continues to grow. The Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic is pleased to announce the projects funded in the 2020/21 TLEF. $2.1 million of TLEF funding will support 10 Large TLEF Transformation projects, 43 Small TLEF Innovation projects and 5 special call Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching Grant projects in the coming year. A total of 83 applications were received in this year’s funding competition.
The TLEF supports UBC’s strategic plan Shaping UBC’s Next Century by advancing transformative learning at the university. It is funded entirely through a portion of UBC Vancouver student tuition. $1.05 million of the awarded TLEF funding will be used to hire up to 207 UBC students to work on project teams. TLEF projects provide an opportunity for students, faculty and staff members to partner together to enhance student learning by working on innovative and effective educational enhancements. Students support the development, implementation and evaluation of the projects as teaching assistants, graduate/undergraduate research or academic assistants, Co-op and Work Learn students.
To see a complete picture of the 2020/21 TLEF projects by the numbers, review this funding round’s snapshot.
Congratulations to the project teams awarded projects.