
TLEF applicants who are working on their proposals can ask for support and feedback from the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), Faculty support units, UBC Studios and the UBC Library. Between June and August, please contact if you are interested in getting some feedback on your project ideas. Over the fall season, CTLT hosts a series of drop-in sessions for TLEF applicants who are developing Large Transformation and Small Innovation TLEF project proposals. Staff from these units can provide advice, feedback, and support to TLEF projects on:

  • Pedagogy: course and program design, assessment of learning, evidence based teaching practices
  • Learning Design: strategies to actively engage students, and to design learning activities for online, blended or hybrid environments
  • Evaluation: Develop a project evaluation plan, identify the best method(s) to collect evidence, collect and analyze data to determine your project’s impact(s)
  • Learning Technology: Learning technology integration, development, learning analytics
  • Media: media design and development, graphic design: DIY, emerging media
  • Project: Project planning and budget development for TLEF projects

The following areas of general support may also be of interest to you as you consider your TLEF project:

  • Program Development/Renewal
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Please ensure that you consult with Central and Faculty-based support units if you are intending to use their support in the development and implementation of your project.

If you are interested in a consultation with CTLT please complete this Consultation Request Form.

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CTLT provides a range of curricular support for program development or renewal (degrees, majors, specializations, minors, pathways, etc.) at no cost to academic units. This support can assist TLEF applicants as they prepare proposals by providing data and advice to inform project definition and both implementation and evaluation planning. Department Heads interested in program renewal are encouraged to look to both CTLT and their local Faculty support units for a variety of opportunities for support in developing their proposals. CTLT support for curricular and program development is available outside the TLEF process as well.

If there is a specific area that you are interested in receiving support on and you do not see it in the list of opportunities below, please contact Andrea Han, Associate Director, Curriculum and Course Services, CTLT (

Available support includes:

  • Facilitate engagement with key constituents (faculty, alumni, employers, etc.) including curriculum retreats
  • Development of program level learning outcomes, competencies, or graduate attributes
  • Curriculum mapping and analysis
  • Analysis of student performance across courses
  • Consultation regarding Faculty, Senate, Ministry, or accreditation requirements
  • Development of program evaluation plan assessing student learning

CTLT's Learning Design team offers bi-weekly drop-in sessions where you can get an individual consultation with a learning designer about your course.  You can register for these sessions on the CTLT website:

Do you have questions and challenges about creating meaningful and successful learning experiences for your students? Maybe you want help in the process of teaching your course in online, hybrid or blended modes. Request a virtual one on one course consultation with a Learning Designer to explore ways to enhance your students’ learning experience. This is the opportunity for you to connect with a Learning Designer regarding any questions you have, or feedback you’d like, especially related to teaching your course for online, hybrid or blended delivery.

Bring your ideas and questions. Together we will examine them and explore how to enhance the course design and implementation. We can give guidance to incorporate online instructional strategies that support:

  1. identifying key areas in your course where you may need to adjust your practice, expectations, or learning activities for the online, blended or hybrid environment
  2. how you might use both synchronous and asynchronous modes of teaching in your course.
  3. motivating students to engage with their learning (e.g. structuring the course effectively, connecting course objectives to the “real world”)
  4. connecting students to their peers and instructors (e.g. collaborative and interactive activities, peer assessments)
  5. self-regulated learning (e.g. self-assessing readiness for learning, learner autonomy)
  6. evaluating your course design (e.g. aligning assessments with learning objectives, course usability)
  7. accessibility (e.g. ensuring materials can be used by all students)
  8. managing your workload in facilitating student activities and assessments

If scheduled session times do not fit with your schedule, let us know and we’ll adjust to yours.  Go to OTP Course Consultations, complete the form and we will follow up with you.

In collaboration with CTLT, the Student Diversity Initiative team provides strategic support, consultations, professional development opportunities, and resources for faculty, instructors, and TAs to create more inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for diverse students at UBC.

For resources, professional development opportunities, and work happening across UBC that are related to equity, diversity, and inclusion in teaching and learning, please visit the Inclusive Teaching @ UBC website:

Seeking support to evaluate your TLEF project? Start with the project evaluation guidelines. Our team of experts is available to help you design and implement an evaluation plan to help determine whether the intended impacts of your TLEF project were achieved. We can help with the identification of relevant indicators and methods, as well as with data collection and analysis.   10 hours of in-kind support is available to support funded projects.

Our team holds two TLEF Evaluation Workshops every year. Upcoming offerings will be posted to the CTLT Events site.

Please contact Trish Varao-Sousa ( for consultation and support.

Throughout the summer and fall, CTLT hosts a variety of professional development and support opportunities for faculty to explore ways of bringing innovation into their teaching practice and to prepare potential TLEF applicants for upcoming proposal development. Faculty are encouraged to look to both CTLT and their local Faculty support units for a variety of opportunities for support in developing their proposals over the coming months.

If there is a specific area that you are interested in receiving support on and you do not see it in the list of opportunities below, please contact Zoe Morris, Associate Director, Teaching and Learning Professional Development, CTLT

Topics include:

  • Innovation with respect to teaching practice
  • Hands-on opportunities to experiment with techniques to increase student engagement in classroom-based and online activities
  • Evidence-based practices that foster skills and higher order learning in the classroom
  • Exposure to learning technologies that enrich the quality of learning materials, enable opportunities for student interactions, and increase the frequency and impact of assessment both in-class and online

The LT Hub is a central resource where faculty and staff can drop in to explore the learning technology tools available to them at UBC for use in traditional classrooms, blended courses, and fully online learning. Applicants who are considering the development or the adoption of Learning Technology tools (LT Tools), must consult with the LT Hub before submitting a TLEF proposal to ensure that they are familiar with guidelines relating to requests for LT adoption and assessment at UBC.

The LTHub's  Learning Technology (LT) Incubator can provide support to funded UBC learning technology projects by housing their software development within the LT Hub.  Please reach out early in your planning to get input from the LT Incubator team on your proposal and to explore the possibility of collaboration.

Please contact Tammy Yasrobi, Associate Director, Teaching and Learning Technology if you have questions or to arrange a consultation..

DIY Media Guides and UBC Media Makers offer resources, examples, and process guides to help you get your DIY project off the ground. The Planning Guide may be a good first step to get you thinking about your project.

Workshops are offered throughout the year and are open to faculty and student project teams involved in DIY digital media production.

Studio Sessions/Support: UBC Studios offers the use of the Lightboard studio and DIY studio for recording video. Expert staff are available to help.

Note that if you are planning a DIY media project and will be need help, please consult with your local Faulty instructional support unit or UBC Studios early in the planning process.
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The Classroom Climate Series is a year-long program where faculty, teaching assistants, researchers, graduate students, and staff from all over the University have the opportunity to challenge their own assumptions about what they have learned about Aboriginal people, become more critically aware of their teaching and research practices, and learn more about how they engage with topics that challenge their own social location within the institution. The breadth of participants’ experiences, locations, and roles within the University create a unique environment for the exchange of interdisciplinary approaches to teaching, and an opportunity to engage with and share experiences from a diverse range of perspectives.

This strategically-designed series creates a unique learning experience for participants by combining a series of mini-class lectures, interactive group activities, and one-on-one discussions with a strong focus on activities and discussions designed to evoke critical thinking and self-awareness. As a result, participants gain skills to create a more clearly developed and informed approach to understanding and teaching about Aboriginal and other socially contentious issues in a curricular setting.

To learn more about the series offerings from this year and to keep up to date with new offerings please contact Erin Run ( to be added to the email list.
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The CTLT Indigenous Initiatives team provides support and professional development to faculty, graduate students, and units across campus by building capacity around Indigenous engagement within teaching and learning. This includes services such as: consultations, TA training, resource development, and providing customized workshops to the UBC teaching and learning community. We offer professional development sessions on topics such as navigating difficult conversations in the classroom, Indigenous engagement in teaching and learning, classroom climate, and decolonizing approaches to diversity and inclusion. For more information, visit the Indigenous Initiatives website or contact Amy Perreault, Associate Director, Indigenous Initiatives, CTLT (

The CDI is a three-day workshop in which participants work individually and collaboratively to design or re-design a course they are (or will be) teaching. Throughout the workshop, participants will acquire a broadened understanding of course design concepts, and will gain skills and tools they can apply to their own course. The focus of the workshop is on having participants work with the major concepts and questions that need to be considered as they design a course. Ultimately, the goal of the CDI is to support instructors as they work to enhance their students’ learning.
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The CTLT Institute is hosted three times each year by CTLT. The Spring, Summer, and Winter Institutes feature interactive workshops where participants have an opportunity to network, gain practical ideas and share best practices with their fellow colleagues and members of the UBC community.
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The Certificate in Advanced Teaching and Learning (CATL) is a 13 month program that focuses participants on advanced pedagogical theory and practice, with a particular focus on uncovering and understanding discipline-specific pedagogies, as well as the opportunity to do a small-scale SoTL project. Graduates of the program are UBC graduate students who have engaged deeply with lesson and course design, and have designed, executed, and presented on a small scale SoTL project. If you are interested in hiring a CATL graduate, or a current CATL student to contribute to your TLEF project, please contact Joseph Topornycky ( for more information.

The TA Development Educational Developer at CTLT partners with faculties to provide training and support for graduate students and teaching assistants (TAs) involved with TLEF projects. This includes consultation on professional development workshops and programs for TAs, as well as workshop design and facilitation. For more information contact Shaya Golparian (

Please note that the Graduate Student Programs team at CTLT also offers support for departmental TA Training Programs where it assists with the development of training and resources that are responsive to the unique teaching situations across disciplines. Find more information about areas of support offered for TA Training programs or contact Shaya Golparian (