2025/26 TLEF Adjudication Committee

Dr. Simon Bates (Chair)
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning

Ms. Patricia Unung
VP University and Academic Affairs, Graduate Student Society

Ms. Zarifa Nawar
Interim VP, Academic and University Affairs, Alma Mater Society of UBC Vancouver

Dr. Richard Arias-Hernandez
Associate Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Arts

Ms. Erin Fields
Open Education and Scholarly Communications Librarian, UBC Library

Dr. Larry Leung
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Kevin Eva
Professor and Director of Educational Research and Scholarship, Faculty of Medicine

Ms. Susan Grossman
Director, UBC Centre for Community Engaged Learning

Dr. Suborna Ahmed
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Forestry

Dr. Elisa Baniassad
Acting Academic Director, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
Associate Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Science

Dr. Candice Rideout
Professor of Teaching
Faculty of Land and Food Systems

Dr. Anka Lekhi
Associate Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Science

Dr. Angèle Beausoleil
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Sauder School of Business

Mr. George Tsiakos
Head/Instruction Librarian, Peter A. Allard School of Law

Dr. Deirdre Kelly
Professor, Faculty of Education

Dr. Juan Abelló
Associate Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Applied Science

Dr. Janey Lew
Senior Educational Consultant, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

TLEF Committee Support

Jonathan Aiello
Project Coordinator, Projects and Faculty Partnerships, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Jeff Miller
Senior Associate Director, Projects and Faculty Partnerships, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Ilia Starr
Project Coordinator, Projects and Faculty Partnerships, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology