Wendy Chan | Checkpoints help PharmD students self-assess learning | Case study | 2018 |  |
Francis Jones, Louise Longridge, Stuart Sutherland and Sara Harris | Adapting F2F Best Practices for Large, Online Geoscience Courses: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Effectiveness | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
Francis Jones | Geoscience Education Specialists; Merging Geoscience and Educational Expertise to Enhance Future Learning About Earth and Its Resources | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
Fong, M., Dodson, S., Roll, I., and Fels, S. | ViDeX: A Platform for Personalizing Educational Videos | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
Bliss, H., S. Bird, S. Burton, and B. Gick | Seeing Speech: A Pronunciation Toolkit for Indigenous Language Teaching and Learning | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
Cheng, L., with H. Bliss, M. Schellenberg and B. Gick | Ultrasound Overlay Videos: Testing its Effectiveness for Teaching L2 Cantonese Sound Contrasts | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
Bliss, H., S. Bird, and B. Gick | Developing Ultrasound Overlay Videos for SENĆOŦEN Learner | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Bliss, H., L. Cheng, Z. Lam, R. Pai, M. Schellenberg, and B. Gick. | Ultrasound Technology and its Role in Cantonese Pronunciation Teaching and Learning | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Kazama, M., N. Yamane, M. Noguchi, B. Kim, H. Bliss, and B. Gick | 日本語イントネーション・オンライン学 教材による反転授業. Intonation learning for Japanese L2 learners: A Flipped Classroom Approach | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Noguchi, M., Yamane, N., Tsuda, A., Kazama, M., Kim, B. and Gick, B. | Towards protocols for L2 pronunciation training using ultrasound imaging | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Tsuda, A., K. Yonemoto, & H. Hayashi | Teaching pronunciation using the online pronunciation learning website eNunciate! | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Tsuda, A., K. Yonemoto, & H. Hayashi | オンライン発音学習教材の効果と意義―音声研究の成果の応用可能性 [Meanings and effects of online pronunciation learning material: Possibilities of applying the outcomes of speech research] | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Yonemoto, K., Noguchi, M., Hayashi, H., Tsuda, A., & Yamane, N. | 超音波映像を応用した日本語発音指導の可能性 [Ultrasound Application to the Empowerment of Pronunciation Teaching and Learning] | Conference presentation | 2014 |  |
Victoria Wood | How to develop an integrated interprofessional curriculum | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Victoria Wood | Integrating ethics content across health professional programs | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Lynda Eccott | An integrated approach to ethics education across health professions | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Lynda Eccott | Transforming Interprofessional Ethics Education in Health and Human Service Programs at the University of British Columbia | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M., L. Tweten, and K. Solberg | Students are Doin’ It For Themselves: Digital Skills and the Ancient World | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
McIntyre, G., M. Funke & C.A.M. Gardner | From Stone to Screen to Classroom | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M. & G. McIntyre | Let’s Get Digital! | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Solberg, K., C.A.M. Gardner, & L. Tweten | From Stone to Screen: Ancient Words in a Digital World | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M., K. Solberg, & L. Tweten | From Stone to Screen: Squeezing into the World of Digital Archaeology | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M. & L. Tweten | From Stone to Screen: Squeezing Responsibility out of Digital Projects | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Tweten, L., M. Côté-Landry, H. Bertram, & C.A.M. Gardner | From Stone to Screen: Digitizing Epigraphic Squeezes | Conference presentation | 2014 |  |
Valley, W. & Wittman, H. | An Emerging Signature Pedagogy for Sustainable Food Systems Education | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Francis Jones, Lucy Porritt, Sara Harris | Promoting geoscientific thinking in very large classes with automated assignments that involve diverse readings, map-based projects and peer review | Conference presentation | 2019 |  |
Fu, G., & Valley, W. | Connecting Environmental Education between University and K-12 Schools: A Flexible Learning Approach | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Valley, W., Cassidy, A., Miller, K., Nelson, K., Lomas, C., & Fu, G. | Preparing students for complexity and uncertainty: Flexible Learning in the Land, Food & Community Series | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Valley, W. & Wittman, H. | An Emerging Signature Pedagogy for Sustainable Food Systems Education | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Valley, W. | Threshold Process for Understanding and Applying Systems Principles | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Valley, W. & Ahmed, S. | An Emerging Signature Pedagogy for Sustainable Food Systems Education | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Valley, W., Corbett, J., Stockdale, M., & MacKinnon, J. | Food Systems Change through Partnerships between Communities and Academia | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Valley, W., Edwards, M., Douglas, C, Eccott, L., & Zehr, D. | What Does It Mean to Engage in a Learning Exchange? Part 2 | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Valley, W. | Threshold Process for Understanding and Applying Systems Principles | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Valley, W. & Fu, G. | Evaluating LFS core series course: Flexible Learning, learning outcomes, and community collaboration | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Valley, W., Lomas, C., & Fu, G. | Evaluating Flexible Learning strategies in undergraduate courses: Technology and Community-Based Experiential Learning | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Valley, W., Lomas, C., & Fu, G. | Graduate Teaching Assistant Development in a Practice-and-Theory Framework | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Fu, G., Cassidy, A., Riseman, A., Lomas, C., Jovel, E., & Valley, W. | Flexible Learning strategies in Land, Food and Community series courses: Sharing our experiences | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Naylor, C., Valley, W., Leuty, R., & Nelson, K. | Developing Students Into Complex Thinkers, Reflective Collaborators and Community Leaders. How One UBC Faculty Is Doing It All | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Dawes, D; Greig A, Anthony, J; Beck, C; Ross C; Dawes, M; Hoens, A; Hubinette, M; Klassen, T; Lee, M; Mortenson, B; Newlands, C; Rusticus S. | The West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator (WICKED) Project | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Greig A, Dawes D, Anthony J, Beck C, Ross C, Dawes M, Hoens A, Hubinette M, Klassen T, Lee M, Mortenson B, Newlands C, Rusticus S. | The West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator - A “WICKED” approach to teaching evidence informed practice | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., Verma, A., & Albon, S. | A Comparison of the Function and Impact of Formative Assessments in UBC’s E2P PharmD Program | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., & Albon, S. | Examining the impact of formative assessment question-generation on student learning | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., Verma, A., & Albon, S. | Evaluating the function and impact of formative assessments in UBC’s E2P PharmD program | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
K. Nomme, P. Kalas, N. Schimpf | Developing Scientific Writing Skills | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
K. Nomme, P. Kalas, N. Schimpf | Engaging and Learning in Authentic Environments – Does Scaffolding of the Inquiry Process Enhance Student Learning? | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
K. Nomme, N. Schimpf, P. Kalas | Assessing student learning following course revision | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
N. Schimpf, K. Nomme, P. Kalas | The impetus for course renewal – responding to student feedback | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
N. Schimpf, K. Nomme, P. Kalas | The impetus for course renewal – responding to student feedback | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
K. Nomme, P. Kalas, N. Schimpf | Using Concept Assessments to Evaluate Student Learning Gains and Course Curriculum Revision | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
K. A. Dill-McFarland, S. G. Konig, F. Mazel, D. C. Oliver, L. M. McEwen, K. Y. Hong, S. J. Hallam | An integrated, modular approach to data | Conference presentation | 2020 |  |
Valley, W., Eyster, T., Clegg, D., & Fu, G. | Development of a Course-Level Graduate Teaching Assistant Program | CTLT presentation | 2017 |  |
Valley, W., Fu, G., Eduardo, J., Riseman, A. & Nelson, K. | Tipping Points: Integrating Community- Identified Issues with Student Learning Using Flexible Approaches | CTLT presentation | 2015 |  |
Valley, W., Leuty, R., & Nelson, K. | Supporting Collaboration, Reflection and Community Engagement in Diverse Learning Environments | CTLT presentation | 2015 |  |
Xu, Xiaowen, Zhaokun Xin | Templating Chinese Literature: The TLEF Template Project for Chinese Literature Courses at the Chinese Language Program | Newsletter | 2021 |  |
Francis Jones, Lucy Porritt, Sara Harris | Fostering & assessing scientific reasoning in a large 1st yr course: 1⁄2 way report | Poster presentation | 2017 |  |
Francis Jones, Lucy Porritt, Sara Harris | Creative, peer-reviewed projects in very large classes | Poster presentation | 2018 |  |
Francis Jones, Lucy Porritt, Sara Harris | Students’ Reactions to Scientific Readings in a Large 1xx Science Elective; Some Preliminary Results | Poster presentation | 2019 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., Verma, A., & Albon, S. | Evaluating the Function and Impact of Formative Assessments in UBC’s E2P PharmD Program | Presentation | 2017 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., Verma, A., & Albon, S. | A Comparison of the Function and Impact of Formative Assessments in UBC’s E2P PharmD Program | Presentation | 2018 |  |
N. Schimpf, K. Nomme, P. Kalas | Biology 140 Renewal Update | Presentation | 2016 |  |
P. Kalas, N. Schimpf, K. Nomme | Standardizing scientific conventions across the Biology Program | Presentation | 2016 |  |
Kazama, M., and B. Kim. | Promoting Active Learning for Japanese Pronunciation through Flipped Learning | Presentation | 2016 |  |
McIntyre, G. & L. Tweten | Reconstructing the Role of Women in Ancient Greek Society | Presentation | 2014 |  |
Odell, H., H. Bertram, M. Côté-Landry, A. Mihailiuk, P. Taylor & L. Tweten | From Stone to Screen | Presentation | 2014 |  |
Dodson, S., Fong, M., Freund, L., Yoon, D., Kopak, R., and Fels, S. | ideo-Based Consensus Annotations for Learning: A Feasibility Study | Publication | 2018 |  |
Bliss, H., S. Bird, A. Cooper, S. Burton, and B. Gick | Seeing Speech: Ultrasound-based Multimedia Resources for Pronunciation Learning in Indigenous Languages | Publication | 2017 |  |
Bliss, H., J. Abel, and B. Gick | Computer-Assisted Visual Articulation Feedback in L2 Pronunciation Instruction: A Review | Publication | 2018 |  |
Bliss, H., S. Burton, and B. Gick | Ultrasound Overlay Videos and their Application in Indigenous Language Learning and Revitalization | Publication | 2016 |  |
Abel, J., B. Allen, S. Burton, M. Kazama, M. Noguchi, A. Tsuda, N. Yamane, and B. Gick | Ultrasound-Enhanced Multimodal Approaches to Pronunciation Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of Acoustics Week in Canada | Publication | 2015 |  |
Percival, M., H. Bliss, and M. Schellenberg | Methodological Trade-Offs for Dual-Purpose Phonetic Fieldwork | Publication | 2017 |  |
Bliss, H., S. Burton, and B. Gick | Ultrasound Overlay Videos and their Application in Indigenous Language Learning and Revitalization | Publication | 2016 |  |
Abel, J., B. Allen, S. Burton, M. Kazama, M. Noguchi, A. Tsuda, N. Yamane, and B. Gick | Ultrasound-Enhanced Multimodal Approaches to Pronunciation Teaching and Learning | Publication | 2015 |  |
Tweten, L., G. McIntyre, and C.A.M. Gardner | From Stone to Screen: Digital Revitalization of Ancient Epigraphy | Publication | 2015 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M., G. McIntyre, K. Solberg, and L. Tweten | Looks Like We Made It: But Are We Sustaining Digital Scholarship? | Publication | 2017 |  |
Valley, W., Wittman, H., Jordan, N., Ahmed, S., & Galt, R. | An emerging signature pedagogy for sustainable food systems education | Publication | 2017 |  |
Pachev, G., Verma, A., LeBlanc, N., & Albon, S. | A Comparison of the Function and Impact of Formative Assessments in UBC’s E2P PharmD Program | Publication | 2018 |  |
C. Hendricks, S. Reinsberg, and G. Rieger | The adoption of an open textbook in a large physics course: An analysis of cost, outcomes, use, and perceptions | Publication | 2017 |  |
Sunaina Assanand and Jan Ludert and Julie Walchli | TBD | Publication | 2017 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., Verma, A., & Albon, S. | Examining the Impact of Question-Generation on Student Learning | Publication | TBD |  |
Dunham, B. | “Why Statistics?” | Publication | 2018 |  |
Xu, Xiaowen, Zheng Cai, Xueshun Liu, Xinxin Wu, Zhaokun Xin, and Bin Zheng | | Report | 2021 |  |
Francis Jones, Lucy Porritt | Automating Creative, Peer-reviewed Projects to Enhance Motivation in a large 1st yr course | Symposium | 2019 |  |
Abel, J., H. Bliss, B. Gick, M. Noguchi, M. Schellenberg, and N. Yamane | Comparing Instructional Reinforcements in Phonetics Pedagogy | Symposium | 2016 |  |
Bliss, H., S. Burton, B. Kim, B. Allen, and B. Gick | eNunciate! Empowering Pronunciation Teaching and Learning | TLEF Showcase | 2016 |  |
Greig A, Rusticus S, Dawes D, Anthony J, Beck C, Dawes M, Hoens A, Hubinette M, Klassen T, Lee M, Mortenson B, Newlands C, Ross C. | The WICKED Project: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Flexible Learning Modules to Teach Evidence Informed Health Care | TLEF Showcase | 2016 |  |
Greig A, Rusticus S, Dawes D, Anthony J, Beck C, Dawes M, Hoens A, Hubinette M, Klassen T, Lee M, Mortenson B, Newlands C, Ross C. | The West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator (WICKED): An interprofessional approach to teaching evidence-informed health care | TLEF Showcase | 2017 |  |
Sunaina Assanand and Jan Ludert and Julie Walchli | CIRCLe 2018 ePortfolio Symposium | TLEF Showcase | 2018 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., Verma, A., & Albon, S. | Developing the Formative Assessment Program for the new Entry-to-Practice (E2P) PharmD Curriculum, Year 2 | TLEF Showcase | 2018 |  |
LeBlanc, N., Pachev, G., Albon, S., Pearson, M., & Verma, A. | Developing the formative assessment program for the new entry-to-practice (E2P) PharmD curriculum | TLEF Showcase | 2017 |  |
Xu, Xiaowen, Zheng Cai, Xueshun Liu, Xinxin Wu, Zhaokun Xin, and Bin Zheng | Content-based Courses with Multiple Sections for Chinese Heritage Students | TLEF Showcase | 2021 |  |
N. Schimpf, P. Kalas, K. Nomme | Biology 140 Renewal: Responding to student feedback | UBC presentation | 2016 |  |
P. Kalas, K. Nomme, N. Schimpf, B, Volpov | Insights and contradictions from student surveys in a 1st year Biology course | UBC presentation | 2019 |  |
Kim, Bosung, Trish Varso-Sousa, and Xiaowen Xu | Implementing Peer Feedback on Collaborative Writing Assignment | UBC Winter Institute | 2019 |  |
Bird, S., H. Bliss, and B. Gick | Visualizing Speech in a Classroom Setting Using Interactive Ultrasound Imaging | Workshop | 2017 |  |
Stefan Reinsberg and Georg Rieger | PHYS 100 edX design | Workshop | 2017 |  |
Stefan Reinsberg and Georg Rieger | Engaging Students in Open Education | Workshop | 2016 |  |
Yamand, M., Yoon, D., Dodson, S., Roll, I., and Fels, S. | "Can you believe [1:21]?!": Content and Time-Based Reference Patterns in Video Comments | Conference presentation | 2019 |  |
Dodson, S., Freund, L., Yoon, D., Fong, M., Kopak, R., & Fels, S. | Video-based consensus annotations for learning: A feasibility study. | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
Harandi, N., Fong, M., Dodson, S., Roll, I., Yoon, D., Farshid, A., Linares, L, and Fels, S. | Student Video-Usage in Introductory Engineering Courses | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
Fels, S., Dodson, S., Fong, M., Harandi, N., Roll I., and Yoon, E. | Active Viewing: A Framework for Understanding Student Engagement With Educational Videos | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
Dodson, S., Roll, I., Fong, M., Yoon, D., Harandi, N. and Fels, S. | Active Viewing: A Study of Video Highlighting in the Classroom | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
Dodson, S., Harandi, N., Roll, I., Yoon, D., and Fels, S. | Weaving Together Media, Technologies, and People: Students' Information Practices in Flipped Classrooms | Publication | 2019 |  |
Kraus, N., C.A.M. Gardner, and L. Tweten | From Stone To Screen: Copying Cuneiform in the Digital Age | Publication | 2018 |  |
Orchard, J., S. Hutton, and C. Martin-Cabanne | A Blast from the Past: Digital Antiquity in the Classroom | Conference presentation | 2017 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M. | From Stone to Screen to Database | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Martin-Cabanne, C. & C.A.M. Gardner | From Stone to Screen: Digital Antiquity in the Classroom | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Welton, L. R. Johnson, & C. Innes | Reflections of Dilmun and Tylos: Threats to Cultural Heritage in Bahrain | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Tweten, L., K. Solberg, & C.A.M. Gardner | The Writing’s on the Wall: Open Access Tutorials for Epigraphic Studies | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Hilliard, E., K. Hurworth, L. Tweten, & C.A.M. Gardner | There and Back Again: Negotiating Pedagogy for Students and Professors | Conference presentation | 2015 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M. | Squeezing into the World of Digital Humanities | UBC presentation | 2014 |  |
Tweten, L. | From Stone to Screen: Digitizing Epigraphic Inscriptions | Conference presentation | 2014 |  |
Côté-Landry, M., L. Tweten, P. Taylor, & H. Odell | From Stone to Screen: A CNERS Digitization Project | UBC presentation | 2014 |  |
Gardner, C.A.M., K. Solberg, L. Tweten, H. Bertram, E. Hilliard, & M. Côté-Landry | From Stone to Screen: Putting the Squeeze on Digital Epigraphy | Poster presentation | 2015 |  |
Solberg, K. & C. Gardner | The From Stone to Screen Project | Invited Lecture | 2015 |  |
Tweten, L. | From Stone to Screen: Digitizing Epigraphic Squeezes | Invited Lecture | 2014 |  |
Odell, H. & H. Bertram | From Stone to Screen: Digitizing Fragments of an Empire | Invited Lecture | 2014 |  |
Greig A, Anthony, J; Beck, C; Ross C; Dawes, D; Dawes, M; Hoens, A; Hubinette, M; Klassen, T; Lee, M; Mortenson, B; Newlands, C; Rusticus S. | The West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator (WICKED): An Interprofessional Approach to Teaching Evidence Informed Health Care | Conference presentation | 2016 |  |
Moosvi, F., Reinsberg, S., and Rieger, G. | Can a hands-on project lab be effective as a distance lab? | Publication | 2019 |  |
N. Schimpf, P. Kalas, K. Nomme | Biology 140 Renewal: Responding to student feedback | UBC presentation | 2016 |  |
P. Kalas, K. Nomme, N. Schimpf, B, Volpov | Insights and contradictions from student surveys in a 1st year Biology course | UBC presentation | 2019 |  |
McNeill, Laurie | Changing “hearts” and minds: Pedagogical and institutional practices to foster academic integrity | Book chapter | 2022 |  |
McNeill, Laurie, Loren Gaudet, Moberley Luger, and Brianne Orr-Alvarez | Pedagogies of Academic Integrity: Reciprocal Learning for Faculty, Institutions, and Students | Conference presentation | 2019 |  |
McNeill, Laurie, Loren Gaudet, Moberley Luger, and Brianne Orr-Alvarez | Explicit Content: Curricular Interventions that Cultivate Academic Integrity | Symposium | 2019 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Kristi Carey | Frameworks of Accessibility: Academic Integrity Curriculum and Institutional Codes of Power | Conferece presentaton | 2019 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Kristi Carey | Ways of Knowing and Being: Inviting Students to Academic Integrity | Conference presentation | 2019 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Kristi Carey | Beyond Crime and Punishment: Reframing Academic Integrity for Students | Conference presentation | 2018 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Stefania Burk | Academic Integrity Policies & Pedagogies | Departmental presentation | 2020 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Catherine Rawn | Building an Academic Integrity Resource Kit: A Campus-Wide Brainstorming Session. | CTLT workshop | 2020 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Judy Chan | Cultivating Students' Understanding of Academic Integrity in our online and face-to-face courses | CTLT workshop | 2020 |  |
McNeill, Laurie | Inviting Academic Integrity: Strategies for Your Toolkit | CTLT workshop | 2020 |  |
McNeill, Laurie | Course Design that Promotes Academic Integrity | CTLT workshop | 2019 |  |
McNeill, Laurie | Cultivating Academic Integrity in Land and Food Systems | Presentation | 2019 |  |
McNeill, Laurie, Kristi Carey, Nazih El-Bezre, Moberley Luger, Brianne Orr-Alvarez, and Laila Ferreira. | Minding the Gap: Fostering Academic Integrity in our Classrooms | CTLT Presentation | 2018 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Kristi Carey | Why We Cite (& How): Reframing Academic Integrity in the Classroom | Presentation | 2018 |  |
McNeill, Laurie and Kristi Carey | From ˜Cheating˜ to Chatting: Course Design that Invites Academic Integrity | Departmental presentation | 2018 |  |
McNeill, Laurie, Kristi Carey, and Eury Colin Chang | Ethical Research Practices: Academic Integrity in Public Policy & Global Affairs | Workshop | 2018 |  |
Garrett, B., MacPhee, M., & Jackson, C. | The Flexible Learning Initiative at UBC School of Nursing. Society of Teaching and Learning Conference, Savannah, Georgia, USA. | Conference | 2014 |  |
MacPhee, M., Garrett, B., Jackson, C., & Legacy, M. | Integrating Flexible Learning into Healthcare Education. | Conference | 2014 |  |