Equity education in engineering: developing and implementing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) content for the second-year mechanical engineering program

TitleEquity education in engineering: developing and implementing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) content for the second-year mechanical engineering program
Faculty/College/UnitApplied Science
Duration1 Year
Project Summary

An ability to apply equity in engineering practice is a critical professional competency. It is also one of the key learning outcomes required to be assessed in each program year for all engineering students by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. Equity, or eliminating unfair biases that may limit full participation in one or more aspects of society, strongly relates to engineering design. Designing systems and devices that are meant for human use must involve considering who may be excluded by certain design choices made by the engineer. Despite these educational and accreditation-related needs, we currently do not have learning assessments related to equity in any year of our program. The goal of this project is to develop and deploy equity-related content and assessments for our second-year mechanical engineering program. After piloting, these materials would also be made available to the other engineering programs at UBCV and UBCO.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2020/2021
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorAgnes d'Entremont
Year 1: Funded Amount16,735
Year 1: Team Members

Agnes d'Entremont, Senior Instructor, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science
Heather Gerritts, Manager, Student Services, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science
Graham Hendra, Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science
Sheryl Staub-French, Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Faculty of Applied Science
Paige Ngo, Club Mech President / Undergraduate Student, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science
Maya Schuller, Club Mech Vice President / Undergraduate Student, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science

Year 1: TLEF ShowcaseYear 1: TLEF Showcase
Project Report2020-TLEF-Final-Report-DEntremont-WEB.pdf