TLEF Proposals

Displaying 401 - 500 of 998

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2006/2007Small TLEFRichard VedanFirst Nations House of LearningIndigenous Elders-in-Residence ProgramYear 149830Completed
2001/2002Small TLEFJo-ann ArchibaldFirst Nations House of LearningHands Back, Hands Forward: First Nations New Learning Technologies ProjectYear 125000Completed
1998/1999Small TLEFAnn DoyleFirst Nations House of LearningFirst Nations Information Technology (IT) and Research SkillsYear 1Completed1999/2000Small TLEFAnn DoyleYear 2253282000/2001Small TLEFJo-Ann ArchibaldYear 323000
2017/2018Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryAugmented Forests: Supplementing Forestry Field Instruction with Virtual Field Instruction and Dynamic Adaptive Quizzing to Build Skills and KnowledgeYear 135554Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Culbert-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFPatrick CulbertYear 214154
2015/2016Small TLEFShannon HagermanForestryBlending the Foundations: Pilot testing a blended environment for Foundations of Conservation (CONS 200) through two new modulesYear 122030Completed2016-Hagerman-Final-WEB.pdfPoster2016/2017Small TLEFShannon HagermanYear 21475Year 2: Poster
2015/2016Large TLEFJanette BulkanForestryField forestry instructional assistance through mobile learningYear 155540CompletedPoster2016/2017Large TLEFJanette BulkanYear 238536
2015/2016Small TLEFNicholas CoopsForestryObserving the Earth from SpaceYear 144995CompletedFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Coops-WEB.pdf
2014/2015Large TLEFSuzie LavalleeForestryDesign, Development, and Implementation of Online Learning Materials for Core Second-Year Forestry CoursesYear 1119821CompletedReport-2014-FL-Lavallee-WEB.pdf
2013/2014Large TLEFGeorge HobergForestryDeveloping Video and Online Modules for Sustainable Forest PolicyYear 128616CompletedReport-2013-FL-Hoberg-WEB.pdf
2018/2019Small TLEFAlison KrahnForestryAboriginal Forestry Information RepositoryYear 141326CompletedPoster
2018/2019Small TLEFSusanne LavalleeForestryCONS 101 Course redevelopmentYear 118160Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Lavallee-WEB.pdfPoster
2014/2015Small TLEFThomas TannertForestryEnhancing Student Learning through Next-Generation Digital Wood FabricationYear 117500Completed14-050-TLEF-Tannert-Final-WEB.pdf
2014/2015Small TLEFMaja KrzicForestryIntegration of the Questogo© platform to enhance soil science and forest ecology coursesYear 143140Completed14-047-TLEF-Krzic-Final-WEB.pdf
2013/2014Small TLEFBruce LarsonForestryForestry education and demonstration areas at UBC research forestsYear 139000Completed13-044-Larson-Final-WEB.pdf
2012/2013Small TLEFIain MacdonaldForestryEnhancing Lab Teaching and Safety using Mobile Learning ToolsYear 18500Completed
2011/2012Small TLEFStephen MitchellForestryCultivating forest stewardship - integrating forest ecosystem management and student learning at the UBC South Campus FarmYear 146870Completed2012/2013Small TLEFStephen MitchellYear 245000
2019/2020Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryFelling Language Barriers: An Open, Online, Multilingual Dictionary of ForestryYear 113183Active
2019/2020Small TLEFStephanie EwenForestryForestry Soils Skills and Field Navigation EnhancementYear 116000Completed
2019/2020Small TLEFJeanine RhemtullaForestryLeveraging open-source tools, data, and student power to teach spatial analysis for sustainabilityYear 128959Completed
2019/2020Small TLEFVincent LeungForestryPreparing Students for the Future of Digitalized Computer Numerical Control Fabrication with Multi-Media and Training ModulesYear 116022Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Leung-WEB.pdf2020/2021Small TLEFVincent LeungYear 24871
2019/2020Small TLEFSusanne LavalleeForestryVisual imagery teaching resources for vertebrate identificationYear 148269Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Lavallee-WEB.pdfPoster
2011/2012Small TLEFMaja KrzicForestrySoil Biodiversity as Influenced by Forestry Practices: An Enriched Virtual Educational ExperienceYear 142918Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFSuzanne SimardForestryIntegrating Forest Ecology and Soil Ecology Courses at UBC: Development of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Tools Using WebCTYear 125000Completed2011/2012Small TLEFSuzanne SimardYear 223360
2010/2011Small TLEFSarah GergelForestryIncorporating Local and Indigenous Perspectives of Sustainability: Training of Global Stewards via CONS452Year 122250Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFJohn InnesForestryDevelopment of Online International Course: Forests in a Global ContextYear 150000Completed
2008/2009Small TLEFStephen MitchellForestryScenario Planning and Trade-off Analysis for New Natural Resource Conservation Global Perspectives Capstone CourseYear 18750Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFPamela PerreaultForestryBreaking Math-Related Boundaries – Innovative Instruction Addressing Cultural BarriersYear 126819Completed2007/2008Small TLEFCandace ParsonsYear 220161
2006/2007Small TLEFPaul M. WoodForestryWriting Well: Write Effectively, Learn for LifeYear 146000Completed2007/2008Small TLEFPaul M. WoodYear 24410
2004/2005Small TLEFSandra SchinnerlForestryCanadian Partnership for Forest EducationYear 118850Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFIain MacdonaldForestryCreation of a Learning Objectives Repository on Wood Science and Advanced Wood Products ManufacturingYear 110000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFJohn InnesForestryIntegrating Malcolm Knapp Research Forest Ecosystem Maps in Teaching and Learning in ForestryYear 115394Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFBruce LarsonForestryCreating a Forestry Digital Image Database for UBC Research ForestsYear 127374Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFSimon EllisForestryPICTURES (Portable Image Capture – Teaching, Understanding, and Rembering Enhancement for Students)Year 122219Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFStephen SheppardForestryForestry Geodatabase – A Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning in the Forestry CurriculumYear 135000Completed
2020/2021Large TLEFSusanne LavalleeForestry3D Educational ResourcesYear 1126899Completed2021/2022Large TLEFSusanne LavalleeYear 2116825Year 2: Poster
2002/2003Small TLEFSimon EllisForestryForestry Student Career CentreYear 166980Completed
2001/2002Small TLEFSusan WattsForestryEnhancement of Teaching and Learning for Forestry Undergraduates Through the Development of High Technology Delivery ToolsYear 146300Completed
1999/2000Small TLEFSally N. AitkenForestryDeveloping “Hands-on” Labs ot Learn Concepts in Genetic DiversityYear 121327Completed2000/2001Small TLEFSally N. AitkenYear 222827
2022/2023Small TLEFDavid MontweForestryEnhancing newly established forestry education and demonstration sites at UBC’s Malcolm Knapp Research ForestYear 127359Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Montwe-WEB.pdf
2022/2023Small TLEFPaul PickellForestryUBC is Entering the Metaverse: Gamifying ForestryYear 141558Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Pickell-WEB.pdfPoster
2023/2024Large TLEFJohn InnesForestryTurning the Indigenous Land Stewardship program into a multi-access programYear 1116759Active2024/2025Large TLEFCarlos OrmondYear 282628
2023/2024Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryVirtual Field Trips to Interior ForestsYear 114818Active
2024/2025Small TLEFAndrew AlmasForestryCreating an Urban Forest Demonstration at the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest ArboretumYear 147791Active
2024/2025Small TLEFBianca EskelsonForestryFVS-BC Exercises for Forest Resources Management and ConservationYear 126692Active
2024/2025Small TLEFNicholas CoopsForestryGeospatial Solutions for the Climate Emergency: Advancing Earth Observation, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing EducationYear 148720Active
2024/2025Small TLEFMichelle ZengForestryInnovating Forestry Education: Advancing Accessibility, Equity, Diversity, and InclusionYear 137135Active2025/2026Small TLEFMichelle ZengYear 212829
1997/1998Small TLEFJ. P. KimminsForestryForestry 202 - Forest Ecology Learning Enhancement ToolYear 1Completed2000/2001Small TLEFJ. P. KimminsYear 211125
2025/2026Large TLEFSarah GergelForestryAI-Powered Course Assistant for Forestry: Enhancing Engagement and Interactive LearningYear 184603Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJorn DettmerForestryAugmented Reality Assisted Equipment Safety and Setup Learning ToolYear 121664Active
2025/2026Small TLEFAndrés VarholaForestryBridging Learning Outcomes and Competencies for Student Success: Enhancements to a Curriculum Mapping ToolYear 135513Active
2025/2026Small TLEFCarrie Anne VanderhoopForestryHGI Development of a foundational Indigenous focused course that would be open to all and serve as a pre-requisite for HGSE 371 Re-Storying History: Indigenous PerspectivesYear 1Active
2017/2018Small TLEFTheresa RogersGraduate StudiesFostering Excellence in graduate supervision at UBC through dialogue, shared resources and policy initiativesYear 115090Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Rogers-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFTheresa RogersYear 26635
2014/2015Small TLEFWendy HallGraduate StudiesStudents' Perspectives on Graduate Student MentoringYear 17916Completed14-051-TLEF-Hall-Final-WEB.pdf
2010/2011Small TLEFLena PatsaGraduate StudiesThe PCGER Initiative: Bringing UBC to the forefront of global geothermal education and researchYear 192000Completed2011/2012Small TLEFLena PatsaYear 2840002012/2013Small TLEFLena PatsaYear 350000
2019/2020Small TLEFSusan CoxGraduate StudiesGraduate Supervisory Relationships: Creating Space for Dialogue and Wellbeing through TheatreYear 149860Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Cox-WEB.pdfPoster
2010/2011Small TLEFHillel GoelmanGraduate StudiesReaching beyond: Teaching and learning and interdisciplinarity at UBCYear 146300Completed2011/2012Small TLEFHillel GoelmanYear 233699
2009/2010Small TLEFBarbara EvansGraduate StudiesUniversitas 21 Program in Global Research Ethics & Integrity for Graduate StudentsYear 172000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFKay TeschkeGraduate StudiesHealth, Science, Engineering and Public PolicyYear 132500Completed2006/2007Small TLEFKay TeschkeYear 231500
2004/2005Small TLEFLynn AldenGraduate StudiesProfessional Development for Graduate StudentsYear 163360Completed2005/2006Small TLEFLynn AldenYear 2639612006/2007Small TLEFScott KerlinYear 335500
2005/2006Small TLEFCristina CalboreanuGraduate StudiesInterdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference OpportunitiesYear 17110Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFAnn RoseGraduate StudiesSupporting Professional Development in Graduate ProgramsYear 127776Completed
2001/2002Small TLEFGwen ChapmanGraduate StudiesDevelopment of a Web-based Resource for Interdisciplinary Health Research TrainingYear 149246Completed
2016/2017Small TLEFHannah WittmanLand & Food SystemsExpanding the Living Laboratory: Enhancing experiential learning in sustainability using UBC food system assetsYear 140357Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Wittman-WEB.pdfPoster2017/2018Small TLEFHannah WittmanYear 29318
2017/2018Small TLEFGail HammondLand & Food SystemsIntegrating Self-directed Learning into a Large Second Year Nutrition CourseYear 113978Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Hammond-WEB.pdfPoster
2017/2018Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSoilWeb200: Open Resource for Authentic Student LearningYear 127572Completed2017-TLEF-SP-Final-Krzic.pdfPoster
2016/2017Small TLEFChristine ScamanLand & Food SystemsThe new era of FNH teaching lab - Transforming lengthy lab procedure write-ups into informative online instructive video clipsYear 122000Completed2017-TLEF-SP-Final-Scaman-a-WEB.pdfPoster2017/2018Small TLEFChristine ScamanYear 220320Year 2: Poster
2017/2018Small TLEFChristine ScamanLand & Food SystemsThemes to learn by - An integrated first year course for Forestry and Land and Food Systems studentsYear 149918Completed2017-TLEF-SP-Final-Scaman-b-WEB.pdf
2016/2017Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsDigging In: An Educational Tool Promoting Science Citizenship for the Introduction to Soil Science CourseYear 148014Completed2016-Final-Krzic-WEB.pdfPoster
2015/2016Small TLEFKarol TravissLand & Food SystemsNew approaches to Dietetics Major clinical courses: incorporation of innovative and effective pedagogies to enhance teaching and learning in a health professional training programYear 131642Completed2016-Final-Traviss-WEB.pdf2016/2017Small TLEFKarol TravissYear 218291
2014/2015Large TLEFAndrew RisemanLand & Food SystemsScaffolding and Scaling up Integrated Experiential Learning Experiences in the Core Series, Land and Food SystemsYear 1100000CompletedReport-2014-FL-Riseman-WEB.pdf2015/2016Large TLEFAndrew RisemanYear 2890002016/2017Large TLEFAndrew RisemanYear 361000
2015/2016Small TLEFEdmund SeowLand & Food SystemsBringing a Virtual Biology Specimen and Image Repository to Classes and Mobile DevicesYear 117667CompletedFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Seow-WEB.pdf
2014/2015Large TLEFKarol TravissLand & Food SystemsA Dietetics Major Professional Practice Course Transformed: Students as Creators of Knowledge for Open Access Online SharingYear 134886CompletedReport-2014-FL-Traviss-WEB.pdf
2013/2014Large TLEFAzita Madadi NoeiLand & Food SystemsFlipped classroom approach for Exploring Our Foods: FNH200Year 146362CompletedReport-2013-FL-Madadi-WEB.pdf
2013/2014Large TLEFCandice RideoutLand & Food SystemsDeveloping a Flipped classroom approach for FNH473: Nutrition Education in the CommunityYear 140635CompletedReport-2013-FL-Rideout-WEB.pdf
2013/2014Large TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsBlended Learning Lab for APBI200Year 146430CompletedReport-2013-FL-Krzic-WEB.pdfPoster
2013/2014Large TLEFEduardo JovelLand & Food SystemsDeveloping a Flipped classroom approach for LFS350: Land, Food and Community IIYear 136206Completed
2018/2019Small TLEFSandra BrownLand & Food SystemsCatalysts: learning modules addressing content and language gapsYear 122250Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Brown-WEB.pdf2019/2020Small TLEFSandra BrownYear 22250
2018/2019Small TLEFCandice RideoutLand & Food SystemsSupporting first-year students’ transition to university studies in Land and Food Systems: A Redesign of LFS 100 (Introduction to Land, Food and Community)Year 145444Completed
2018/2019Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSustainable Forest Management and Soil Quality: An Enriched Virtual Educational ExperienceYear 148312Completed
2013/2014Small TLEFKarol TravissLand & Food SystemsWeb-based education segments for UBC Dietetics Major preceptors and studentsYear 131411Completed
2013/2014Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSoilWeb200 Educational Tool Goes to UBC WikiYear 131259Completed13-048-Krzic-Final-WEB.pdf
2013/2014Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsMultimedia Soil Map of Vancouver: An Educational Tool for Exploring our City's EnvironmentYear 142252Completed13-049-Krzic-Final-WEB.pdf
2012/2013Small TLEFKarol TravissLand & Food SystemsA Survey of Dietetics Major Graduates (2007-2011) and a Stakeholder Retreat to Inform Program CurriculumYear 128243.88Completed
2010/2011Small TLEFJudy McLeanLand & Food SystemsInternational Food and Nutrition Security InitiativeYear 142700Completed2012/2013Small TLEFJudy McLeanYear 254120
2019/2020Small TLEFWill ValleyLand & Food SystemsJust Food: Building Equity Competencies with Food Systems PedagogyYear 137316Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Valley-WEB.pdf2020/2021Small TLEFWill ValleyYear 212894
2019/2020Small TLEFDavid McArthurLand & Food SystemsRedesigning Wine Science 1 & 2 to integrate diverse topics and experiential learning by studentsYear 133185Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-McArthur-WEB.pdf
2011/2012Small TLEFChristine ScamanLand & Food SystemsEvaluating the learning experiences and career trajectories of undergraduate majors in Food, Nutrition & Health and Nutritional Sciences to identify opportunities for improved curriculum and pedagogical developmentYear 134878Completed
2011/2012Small TLEFEduardo JovelLand & Food SystemsEngaging Aboriginal Communities through Community Service Learning and Community Based Research to Promote Experiential Learning: a UBC Field Course in Heiltsuk First Nation TerritoryYear 154709Completed
2019/2020Small TLEFGail HammondLand & Food SystemsDeveloping a Blended Nutrition Education Curriculum for the Dental Hygiene Program: A peer-led interprofessional collaboration between dietetics and dental hygiene studentsYear 116239ActivePoster
2010/2011Small TLEFChristine ScamanLand & Food SystemsEducating food scientists: development of a framework to guide curriculum improvement and pedagogical practicesYear 141809Completed
2010/2011Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSoil in Questions: an interactive self-assessment and evaluation tool for natural resources coursesYear 119522Completed
2010/2011Small TLEFEduardo JovelLand & Food SystemsCultivating Place on campus and online: Online and in-class content connecting students and UBC Farm Aboriginal initiativesYear 125000Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFAndrew RisemanLand & Food SystemsRedefining the Undergraduate Experience: Integrating Sustainability into Transdisciplinary Programs for Experiential EducationYear 160000Completed2010/2011Small TLEFAndrew RisemanYear 250000
2009/2010Small TLEFT. Andrew BlackLand & Food SystemsClimate at UBC – Real Time Applets for Climate Teaching and LearningYear 139856Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSoil Science Teaching Tools – Merging of Old and NewYear 126360Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsVirtual Laboratory Modules for Soil ScienceYear 138400Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFSandra BrownLand & Food SystemsEmpowering Resource Based CommunitiesYear 145000Completed
2006/2007Small TLEFAndrew RisemanLand & Food SystemsDevelopment of an Education Program for Enhanced Learning of SustainabilityYear 147000Completed2007/2008Small TLEFAndrew RisemanYear 2411002008/2009Small TLEFAndrew RisemanYear 345000
2007/2008Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsLand-Use Impacts on Soil Quality: A Virtual and Experiential Education ProjectYear 135889Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFTim MichelLand & Food SystemsScience Awareness: Creating Science Learning Objects for First Nations StudentsYear 120000Completed
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster