Online Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA) – scaffolding academic reading and course material

TitleOnline Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA) - scaffolding academic reading and course material
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

The Online Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA) is a prototype supported by Emerging Media Lab (EML) and designed to enhance student engagement with dense academic materials using generative AI. OCELIA helps students better prepare for discussion/tutorial sessions by engaging them in guided, thought-provoking dialogue rather than providing direct answers. It promotes critical thinking, expands students' understanding, and builds confidence for class discussions. Unlike standard chatbots, OCELIA evolves with the learner, offering scaffolded learning experiences and fostering digital literacy. The tool includes agents that assist with challenging topics, ask Socratic questions, and connect material across weeks. Initially, OCELIA will be implemented in three courses (Geography, Economics and English), with plans to scale to 700 students. Budget considerations for the project include per-user costs for the LLM sandbox and additional infrastructure. The Library is a central partner to help navigate copyright and access in the realm of AI.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 1: Project TypeLarge TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorSiobhán Wittig McPhee
Year 1: Funded Amount117,282
Year 1: Team Members

Siobhán Wittig McPhee, Associate Professor of Teaching, Geography, Faculty of Arts
Kellen Mallek, Academic Computing Specialist, Geography, Faculty of Arts
Jonathan Graves, Associate Professor of Teaching, Economics, Faculty of Arts
Tiffany Potter, Professor of Teaching, English Language and Literatures, Faculty of Arts
Fatemeh Salehian Kia, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Information, Faculty of Arts
Pheroze Unwalla, Associate Professor of Teaching, History, Faculty of Arts
Ricardo Serrano, Director, Arts Instructional Support and Information Technology (ArtsISIT), Faculty of Arts
Saeed Dyanatkar, Executive Producer / Sr. Manager, UBC Studios and Emerging Media Lab
Bronwen Sprout, Head, Digital Programs and Services, UBC Library
Doug Brigham, Head, Koerner Library, UBC Library