Title | Global Encounters: An Interdisciplinary Project for Enhancing the Teaching of Cultural Contact and Exchange at UBC |
Faculty/College/Unit | Arts |
Status | Completed |
Duration | 2 Year |
Initiation | 04/01/2009 |
Completion | 05/30/2011 |
Project Summary | This project will produce an interactive, web-based environment to enrich the undergraduate and graduate student experience in courses dealing with encounters between peoples and cultures over time and space. Building on an existing network of individuals across a range of disciplines whose teaching and research already address these issues, the Global Encounters project will serve as a virtual resource portal bringing together teaching materials, digital collections and databases (including maps, narratives, illustrations, and archival materials from Rare Books and Special Collections), information on lectures and events, forums for discussion, electronic exhibition spaces, and opportunities to share works-in-progress between students and faculty. The project has hired students from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS), and Arts faculties to plan and coordinate the elaboration of the project website, assisted by a professional web/graphic designer who is overseeing the integration of the site’s overall architecture and individual learning modules. |
Funding Details | |
Year 1: Project Year | Year 1 |
Year 1: Funding Year | 2009/2010 |
Year 1: Project Type | Small TLEF |
Year 1: Principal Investigator | Neil Safier |
Year 1: Funded Amount | 36,659 |
Year 1: Team Members | Neil Safier, History, Faculty of Arts |
Year 2: Project Year | Year 2 |
Year 2: Funding Year | 2010/2011 |
Year 2: Project Type | Small TLEF |
Year 2: Principal Investigator | Neil Safier |
Year 2: Funded Amount | 3,600 |
Year 2: Team Members | Neil Safier, History, Faculty of Arts |