Fostering Excellence in graduate supervision at UBC through dialogue, shared resources and policy initiatives

TitleFostering Excellence in graduate supervision at UBC through dialogue, shared resources and policy initiatives
Faculty/College/UnitGraduate Studies
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

Improving and supporting excellence in graduate supervision speaks to UBC’s core values of “transformative student learning” and “creating an exceptional learning environment” (Place and Promise). Graduate students’ relationships with their supervisors and their larger scholarly community at UBC is central to their academic progress, their student experiences, their potential as future scholars, and their wellbeing.

This project uses a newly created research-based document as the basis for drawing into dialogue those who are interested in promoting high quality graduate supervision at UBC, and for developing resources and policy initiatives to continually improve our supervision pedagogy and practices. The outcomes of the project include holding forums, resource development, sharing resources widely across campus, developing approaches to evaluating supervision and making various policy recommendations, showcasing excellent supervisors, and improving survey data. Our ultimate goal is develop a shared understanding of the principles of excellent graduate supervision pedagogy at a research-intensive university, and to demonstratively enhance the quality of graduate student supervision at the University of British Columbia.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2017/2018
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorTheresa Rogers
Year 1: Funded Amount15,090
Year 1: Team Members

Theresa Rogers, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Wendy Hall, Nursing
Naoko Ellis, Engineering
Michelle Stack, Education
Sharalyn Orbaugh, Asian Studies
Hillel Goelman, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program
Vincent Duronio, Medicine
Steven Taubeneck, Graduate Student Society
Natalie Marshall, Graduate Student Society

Year 1: TLEF ShowcaseYear 1: TLEF Showcase
Year 2: Project YearYear 2
Year 2: Funding Year2018/2019
Year 2: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 2: Principal InvestigatorTheresa Rogers
Year 2: Funded Amount6,635
Year 2: Team Members

Theresa Rogers, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Project Report2018-TLEF-Final-Rogers-WEB.pdf