Funded Proposals New

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFHessam DehghaniArtsInteractive Web-based Course Material for Learning Alphabet and Basic Literacy Skills for Heritage Students of PersianYear 148257ActivePoster
2022/2023Small TLEFKaren DaviesMedicineHow Do We Move? Striving for Consensus in Lower Extremity Physical Examination and the Assessment of GaitYear 116740Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Davies-WEB.pdfPosterYear 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFCinda HeerenScienceImplementation of a Modern Campus-wide Assessment ResourceYear 150000Active
2022/2023Small TLEFAdrian YeeMedicinePartnering with Patients, Caregivers and Learners to Develop Virtual Clinical Educational ProductsYear 146937Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Yee-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFDavid MontweForestryEnhancing newly established forestry education and demonstration sites at UBC’s Malcolm Knapp Research ForestYear 127359Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Montwe-WEB.pdf
2022/2023Small TLEFChristoph SielmannApplied ScienceExploring Data in Manufacturing: Enhancing the Manufacturing Engineering ProgramsYear 136746Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Sielmann-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFKatherine WhiteSauder School of BusinessEmbedding Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion into Business Teaching and LearningYear 115093Active
2022/2023Small TLEFClaudia KrebsMedicinePocket PelvisYear 150000Active
2022/2023Small TLEFPaul PickellForestryUBC is Entering the Metaverse: Gamifying ForestryYear 141558Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Pickell-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFCaren LombardSauder School of BusinessExperiential learning cases for finance coursesYear 134393ActivePoster
2022/2023Small TLEFAsal TaheriPharmaceutical SciencesBuilding Blocks of Inpatient Pharmacy Practice Experience in the Entry-to-Practice PharmD CurriculumYear 149574Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Taheri-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsExploring Agroforestry Practices to Restore Degraded Soils in Kenya Through a Multimedia Case StudyYear 149980Active
2022/2023Small TLEFMario BrondaniDentistryDental public health mixed pedagogies: bringing the community to the classroomYear 144330ActivePoster
2022/2023Small TLEFElizabeth StacyPharmaceutical SciencesBuilding Foundations for Success in Decolonization and Indigenization within Pharmacy-focused Academic Programs in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical SciencesYear 150000Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Stacy-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFAdelheid O’BrienArtsDevelopment of a guided self-directed study online German for Reading Knowledge course on the beginner level applicable in various hybrid instructional modesYear 116040Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-OBrien-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFCasey KeulenApplied ScienceVirtual Laboratories for Composites Materials EngineeringYear 146867Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Keulen-WEB.pdf
2022/2023Small TLEFDavid (DJ) MillerSauder School of BusinessStudent Speaking SimulatorYear 121332Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Miller-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFTessa NichollPharmaceutical SciencesDevelopment, Implementation and Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Training in Year 3 Entry to Practice PharmD StudentsYear 131530Active
2022/2023Small TLEFGabriel SmithLand & Food SystemsFlexible Assessment Integration with Canvas GradebookYear 118300Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Smith-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFLeo StoccoApplied ScienceVirtual Mechanical ModelsYear 116000Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Stocco-WEB.pdf
2022/2023Small TLEFPeter J. MurphyDentistryUsing 3D visualization to Teach the Critically Important Anatomical Aspects of the Pterygopalatine Fossa for the Administration of Local Anesthesia of the Mid-FaceYear 149650Active
2022/2023Small TLEFAli Reza LadakPharmaceutical SciencesThe Next STEP-PF: A Standardized Teaching Education Program for Pharmacist FacilitatorsYear 149601Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Barbour-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFSumeet GulatiLand & Food SystemsFilling the gaps for new program development: Five new FRE courses and Online Content ProvisionYear 127059Active2023/2024Small TLEFSumeet GulatiYear 26708
2020/2021Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattArtsOnline resources for teaching Hindi grammarYear 16156Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Bhatt-WEB.pdfPoster2022/2023Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattYear 277762023/2024Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattYear 33240
2019/2020Small TLEFNina HewittArtsImmersive Tools for Field-Based Geoscience Education in Large Undergraduate Courses: Pacific Spirit Forest Augmented Reality field trip and Alpine Ecosystem Virtual Reality toursYear 117036Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Hewitt-WEB.pdfPoster2020/2021Small TLEFNina HewittYear 279602022/2023Small TLEFNina HewittYear 34000Year 3: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFSheryda WarrenerArtsThe Provocation Collection: Experiential Learning Activities to Enliven Creative Practice & Inspire Innovations in WritingYear 112886Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Warrener-WEB.pdfPoster2023/2024Small TLEFSheryda WarrenerYear 213185
2022/2023Small TLEFSimon LolliotArtsActive learning in passive environments: Creating open interactive formative assessment opportunities to enhance student learningYear 128461Active2023/2024Small TLEFSimon LolliotYear 214231
2020/2021Small TLEFHsiang-ning WangArtsTransforming language learning: Designing an innovative community-based language learning (CBLL) model for students’ learning experiences, learning outcomes, and community engagementYear 123197Completed2021/2022Small TLEFHsiang-ning WangYear 2150322022/2023Small TLEFHsiang-ning WangYear 311727
2022/2023Small TLEFAlfredo FerreiraVantage CollegeSpeaking and Writing Physics 101: The Language and Multiple Competencies of Solving First-year Physics ProblemsYear 115487ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFAlfredo FerreiraYear 215487Year 2: Poster2024/2025Small TLEFAlfredo FerreiraYear 315487
2022/2023Small TLEFJenna UsprechApplied ScienceBuilding Competence in Environmental Sustainability and Safety in Engineering Design CoursesYear 127023Active2023/2024Small TLEFJenna UsprechYear 2184982025/2026Small TLEFJenna UsprechYear 34475
2020/2021Small TLEFElisa BaniassadScienceVisualizing inclusion to support equity in student group learningYear 124241ActivePoster2022/2023Small TLEFElisa BaniassadYear 218726
2022/2023Small TLEFKelly McCormickArtsBehind the Camera: Gender, Power, and Politics in the History of Japanese PhotographyYear 116301ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKelly McCormickYear 218760Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFBhushan GopaluniApplied ScienceTranslating Process Control Theory into Practice – An Innovative, Real-time, Online Simulation Approach to Digital LearningYear 131164Active2024/2025Small TLEFBhushan GopaluniYear 218761
2022/2023Small TLEFDenise GabrielScienceIncorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge in Integrated Sciences sustainability coursesYear 121529Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Gabriel-WEB.pdfPoster2023/2024Small TLEFDenise GabrielYear 219360Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFKshamta HunterEducationEmbedding Climate Education in Teacher Education Courses through a Novel Framework of Climate Kind PedagogyYear 129978ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKshamta HunterYear 219950
2022/2023Small TLEFLeeann DonnellyDentistryDevelopment and implementation of teledentistry to support clinical practice and structural competence among undergraduate dental and dental hygiene studentsYear 128902ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFLeeann DonnellyYear 221007Year 2: Poster
2020/2021Small TLEFRicardo SerranoArtsStrategies for the Effective Design and Implementation of Collaborative Peer Learning ActivitiesYear 119604Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Serrano-WEB.pdfPoster2022/2023Small TLEFRicardo SerranoYear 221188Year 2: Poster
2019/2020Small TLEFMoberley LugerArtsSpeaking in the Disciplines: A “Precedents” Archive for Teaching and Learning Oral GenresYear 124853Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Luger-WEB.pdfPoster2022/2023Small TLEFMoberley LugerYear 222094Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFJoseph DahmenApplied ScienceIntegrating Architecture and Landscape Architecture with Community Forest ManagementYear 122308Completed2023-TLEF-Final-Report-Dahmen-WEB.pdf2023/2024Small TLEFJoseph DahmenYear 222592Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFBenjamin CheungArtsCreation of a Hong Kong Canadian course to support Asian Canadian studies, Hong Kong studies, and the growing HK Canadian diasporaYear 122767Active2023/2024Small TLEFBenjamin CheungYear 223127Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFKirsten HodgeScienceStudent-Curated Informal Learning and Engagement Spaces (SCI-LEnS): Developing a New Course for STEM Graduate StudentsYear 123970ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKirsten HodgeYear 226030Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFSilvia BartolicArtsAdvice from the Field: Creating Open Resources in Relationship ScienceYear 115283ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFSilvia BartolicYear 226443
2022/2023Small TLEFJenny PetersonArtsEstablishing an Interdisciplinary Human Rights Experiential Learning ProgramYear 121725Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Peterson-WEB.pdf2023/2024Small TLEFJenny PetersonYear 228082
2020/2021Small TLEFRyuko KubotaEducationLearning about Global Englishes: Educational Video ProjectYear 117450ActivePoster2022/2023Small TLEFRyuko KubotaYear 232550Year 2: Poster
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster