Facilitating Student Success in the Psychology Major: Focus on the PSYC 217-218 Transition

TitleFacilitating Student Success in the Psychology Major: Focus on the PSYC 217-218 Transition
Duration1 Year
Project Summary

A solid understanding of research methods and data analysis principles is essential for students preparing for a broad range of careers. Reflecting this, PSYC 217 (Research Methods) and PSYC 218 (Analysis of Behavioural Data) are required courses for over 3600 UBC students currently majoring in Psychology. For many students, however, PSYC 218 elicits extreme levels of anxiety and avoidance. Students with inadequate prior access to the foundational math background that constitutes prerequisite material for PSYC 218 are at heightened risk for delaying their enrolment in the course, dropping the course, and/or failing the course. In collaboration with CTLT and students in these courses, we propose to co-create, assess, and iteratively refine a set of resources, tools, and strategies to help students overcome knowledge gaps and successfully navigate the PSYC 217-218 transition. We expect this project to have tangible positive impacts on students’ well-being and academic success for years to come.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorFrances Chen
Year 1: Funded Amount19,506
Year 1: Team Members

Frances Chen, Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Grace Truong, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Mark Lam, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Catherine Rawn, Professor of Teaching / Associate Head, Undergraduate Affairs, Psychology, Faculty of Arts,
PJ Rayner, Curriculum Consultant, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology