Title | Creation of simulation modules to teach trainees communication and collaboration skills |
Faculty/College/Unit | Medicine |
Status | Completed |
Duration | 1 Year |
Initiation | 04/01/2010 |
Completion | 03/28/2011 |
Project Summary | The ability to communicate and collaborate effectively within the multidisciplinary healthcare environment is crucial to ensure patient care and safety. However, residents communication and collaboration skills have significant room for improvement and may deteriorate as their training progresses. Attempts to engage residents during sessions that utilize traditional modalities to teach these competencies have been largely unsuccessful. Therefore, this project aims to develop, implement and evaluate two modules that will use a human patient simulator (HPS) to teach fundamental concepts of communication and collaboration in a multidisciplinary healthcare environment. In addition, we will be creating an online version that will enable groups that do not have access to their own HPS to experience the learning benefits. The success of these modules will be assessed through feedback from trainees and an assessment of trainees communication and collaboration skills by attending physicians, nursing staff and the trainees themselves over a six-month period. |
Funding Details | |
Year 1: Project Year | Year 1 |
Year 1: Funding Year | 2010/2011 |
Year 1: Project Type | Small TLEF |
Year 1: Principal Investigator | Adam Peets |
Year 1: Funded Amount | 8,962 |
Year 1: Team Members | Adam Peets, Faculty of Medicine |