2003/2004 | Small TLEF | Michelle Lamberson | VP Academic | Facilitating Convergence: Supporting Community Engagement Through Learning Technologies | Year 1 | 100000 | Completed | | | 2004/2005 | Small TLEF | Michelle Lamberson | Year 2 | 225000 | | 2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Michelle Lamberson | Year 3 | 199973 | |
2003/2004 | Small TLEF | Simon Neame | UBC Library | Online Term Paper Research Clinic | Year 1 | 35000 | Completed | | | 2004/2005 | Small TLEF | Simon Neame | Year 2 | 56807 | | 2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Simon Neame | Year 3 | 34170 | |
2003/2004 | Small TLEF | Margery Fee | Arts | Arts Careers: Enhancing Student Support | Year 1 | 67450 | Completed | | | 2004/2005 | Small TLEF | Margery Fee | Year 2 | 60000 | | 2005/2006 | Small TLEF | John Cooper | Year 3 | 16887 | |
2003/2004 | Small TLEF | Nancy Gallini | Arts | Focus on Teaching: Support Program for New Faculty in Arts | Year 1 | 15600 | Completed | | | 2004/2005 | Small TLEF | Nancy Gallini | Year 2 | 8100 | | 2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Nancy Gallini | Year 3 | 14665 | |
2004/2005 | Small TLEF | Ingrid Price | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Creating and enhancing undergraduate research opportunities across campus | Year 1 | 50667 | Completed | | | 2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Ingrid Price | Year 2 | 48062 | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Ingrid Price | Year 3 | 54000 | |
2004/2005 | Small TLEF | Enzula Tavormina | VP Students | UBC International Week | Year 1 | 33000 | Completed | | | 2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Enzula Tavormina | Year 2 | 39550 | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Enzula Tavormina | Year 3 | 18850 | |
2004/2005 | Small TLEF | Lynn Alden | Graduate Studies | Professional Development for Graduate Students | Year 1 | 63360 | Completed | | | 2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Lynn Alden | Year 2 | 63961 | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Scott Kerlin | Year 3 | 35500 | |
2005/2006 | Small TLEF | David Ng | Science | The Terry Project: Delivery of a Joint Arts/Science Course on Global Issues and Global Citizenship; Continued Leadership Skill Component; Web Site Maintenance; and Global Citizenship Seminar Series Project | Year 1 | 39106 | Completed | | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | David Ng | Year 2 | 50000 | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | David Ng | Year 3 | 43750 | |
2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Karen Gardner | Dentistry | The Trans-Faculty Peer Review Program for Teaching and Learning | Year 1 | 5413 | Completed | | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Karen Gardner | Year 2 | 13450 | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | Karen Gardner | Year 3 | 31557 | |
2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Katherine Beaumont | VP Students | Maximizing UBC Student Mobility Degree Progress via the Web | Year 1 | 44439 | Completed | | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Katherine Beaumont | Year 2 | 50000 | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | Katherine Beaumont | Year 3 | 55000 | |
2005/2006 | Small TLEF | David Kent | VP Students | Expansion of the UBC Let’s Talk Science Partnership Program | Year 1 | 17775 | Completed | | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | David Kent | Year 2 | 18000 | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | David Kent | Year 3 | 25050 | |
2005/2006 | Small TLEF | Adam Davies | VP Students | Debate 101 Workshop Program: Integrating Debate and Dialogue into the UBC Classroom | Year 1 | 26663 | Completed | | | 2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Adam Davies | Year 2 | 25032 | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | Tahara Bhate | Year 3 | 16000 | |
2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Ross King | Arts | Technology-enhanced Chinese Character Learning Resources for Use in ‘CJK’ (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) Language Courses | Year 1 | 99000 | Completed | | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | Ross King | Year 2 | 68000 | | 2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Ross King | Year 3 | 34500 | |
2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Andrew Riseman | Land & Food Systems | Development of an Education Program for Enhanced Learning of Sustainability | Year 1 | 47000 | Completed | | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | Andrew Riseman | Year 2 | 41100 | | 2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Andrew Riseman | Year 3 | 45000 | |
2007/2008 | Small TLEF | Yael Harlap | VP Academic | Preparing Educators for Fostering Global Citizenship in Teaching and Learning | Year 1 | 29300 | Completed | | | 2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Yael Harlap | Year 2 | 14842 | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Yael Harlap | Year 3 | 30759 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Norma Wieland | Arts | Faculty of ARTS Academic Commuter Transition Program (FAACT) | Year 1 | 64964 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Norma Wieland | Year 2 | 56440 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Sally Hermansen | Year 3 | 49300 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Linc Kesler | Arts | Indigenous Foundations: A Multi-Media Website on First Nations History, Culture and Politics | Year 1 | 69324 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Linc Kesler | Year 2 | 60554 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Linc Kesler | Year 3 | 78811 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Angela Towle | UBC Health | Community Partnerships for Health Professional Education | Year 1 | 62050 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Angela Towle | Year 2 | 79665 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Angela Towle | Year 3 | 77020 | |
2006/2007 | Small TLEF | Karen Goddard | Medicine | An Interdisciplinary E-learning Program to Enhance Pediatric Oncology Education | Year 1 | 11000 | Completed | | | 2007/2008 | Small TLEF | Karen Goddard | Year 2 | 11900 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Karen Goddard | Year 3 | 21000 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | John ST Masterson | Medicine | Wrap-Up and Editing of Online Teaching Resources Project in Urology | Year 1 | 20300 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | John ST Masterson | Year 2 | 27950 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | John ST Masterson | Year 3 | 9120 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Rita Irwin | Education | Programmatic and Curricular Integration: Digital pedagogies for the new teacher education program | Year 1 | 42100 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Rita Irwin | Year 2 | 79250 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Rita Irwin | Year 3 | 75500 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Janet Sinclair | VP Students | Conference for Learning and Academic Student Success (CLASS) | Year 1 | 16600 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Janet Sinclair | Year 2 | 30860 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Janet Sinclair | Year 3 | 30860 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | David Ng | VP Students | TEDx TERRY TALKS AND TERRY TALES - Interdisciplinary Student Jams - Ideas that Inspire Action | Year 1 | 20000 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | David Ng | Year 2 | 38000 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | David Ng | Year 3 | 27500 | |
2008/2009 | Small TLEF | Agatha Jassem | VP Students | Building a Sustainable Let's Talk Science Partnership Program | Year 1 | 26750 | Completed | | | 2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Irene Yu | Year 2 | 17750 | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Veronique Lecault | Year 3 | 12750 | |
2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Howie Outerbridge | VP Students | ARTS Internship Program | Year 1 | 31000 | Completed | | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Howie Outerbridge | Year 2 | 31500 | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Howie Outerbridge | Year 3 | 31500 | |
2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Georg Rieger | Science | Designing real-world physics problems for first-year students | Year 1 | 12238 | Completed | | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Georg Rieger | Year 2 | 15112 | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Georg Rieger | Year 3 | 15106 | |
2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Geoffrey Blair | Medicine | Lights, Camera, Surgery: Production of Surgical Education Videos within the OR Setting | Year 1 | 14850 | Completed | | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Geoffrey Blair | Year 2 | 25900 | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Geoffrey Blair | Year 3 | 25900 | |
2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Eric Lagally | Applied Science | University of British Columbia International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) Team | Year 1 | 36817 | Completed | | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Eric Lagally | Year 2 | 10266 | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Eric Lagally | Year 3 | 26752 | |
2009/2010 | Small TLEF | Keith Maillard | Arts | Building a Framework for an Innovative Method of Online Learning at UBC Creative Writing | Year 1 | 25325 | Completed | | | 2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Keith Maillard | Year 2 | 21450 | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Keith Maillard | Year 3 | 10725 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Joanne Fox | VP Students | UBC MIX Project - Creating Interdisciplinary Connections in Classrooms at UBC | Year 1 | 16650 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Joanne Fox | Year 2 | 16650 | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Joanne Fox | Year 3 | 19300 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Robin Stoodley | Science | Development of New Integrated Third-year Chemistry Experiments | Year 1 | 56932 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Robin Stoodley | Year 2 | 61632 | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Robin Stoodley | Year 3 | 62632 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Gulnur Birol | Science | Q4B: Development of a Biology Concept Question Inventory | Year 1 | 60612 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Gulnur Birol | Year 2 | 49576 | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Gulnur Birol | Year 3 | 55796 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Wendy Norman | Medicine | VIP-CARES | Year 1 | 35127 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Wendy Norman | Year 2 | 57017 | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Wendy Norman | Year 3 | 86031 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Lena Patsa | Graduate Studies | The PCGER Initiative: Bringing UBC to the forefront of global geothermal education and research | Year 1 | 92000 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Lena Patsa | Year 2 | 84000 | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Lena Patsa | Year 3 | 50000 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Peter Ostafichuk | Applied Science | UBC Aero Design | Year 1 | 5000 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Peter Ostafichuk | Year 2 | 5000 | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Peter Ostafichuk | Year 3 | 6500 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Cynthia Girling | Applied Science | elementsdb: Engaging students with the environmental dimensions of urban design via the web | Year 1 | 54703 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Cynthia Girling | Year 2 | 65360 | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Cynthia Girling | Year 3 | 61064 | |
2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Leonie Sandercock | Applied Science | Indigenous Community Planning: implementation of a new curriculum | Year 1 | 12500 | Completed | 13-003-Sandercock-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Leonie Sandercock | Year 2 | 47170 | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Leonie Sandercock | Year 3 | 86501 | |
2010/2011 | Small TLEF | Thomas Froese | Applied Science | Triangulation Data for Assessing Curricula | Year 1 | 38170 | Completed | | | 2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Thomas Froese | Year 2 | 29600 | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Susan Nesbit | Year 3 | 29840 | |
2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Margery Fee | Arts | CanLit Guides | Year 1 | 51196 | Completed | | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Margery Fee | Year 2 | 49773 | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Margery Fee | Year 3 | 75755 | |
2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Angela Towle | UBC Health | Interprofessional Health Mentors Program | Year 1 | 49993 | Completed | | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Angela Towle | Year 2 | 51730 | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Angela Towle | Year 3 | 50189 | |
2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Susan Gerofsky | Education | Learning to teach in an outdoor classroom | Year 1 | 40000 | Completed | 13-036-Gerofsky-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Susan Gerofsky | Year 2 | 50120 | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Susan Gerofsky | Year 3 | 62551 | |
2011/2012 | Small TLEF | Tamara Baldwin | VP Students | Learning Outcomes Assessment: Improving Teaching and Learning in International Service Learning | Year 1 | 40870 | Completed | 13-103-TLEF-Final-Report-Baldwin-WEB.pdf | | 2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Tamara Baldwin | Year 2 | 43870 | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Tamara Baldwin | Year 3 | 60532 | |
2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Marina Milner-Bolotin | Education | Turning Teacher-Candidates to Inquiry: Improving Preparation of Future K-12 Teachers in Mathematics and Science through Active Technology Engagement | Year 1 | 39353 | Completed | 14-041-TLEF-Milner-Bolotin-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Marina Milner-Bolotin | Year 2 | 55227 | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Marina Milner-Bolotin | Year 3 | 57415 | |
2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Trish Rosseel | UBC Library | Growing and Sustaining the Graduate Research Commons | Year 1 | 93715 | Completed | 14-062-TLEF-Rosseel-Atkey-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Trish Rosseel | Year 2 | 93715 | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Susan Atkey | Year 3 | 91607 | |
2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Wyeth Wasserman | Medicine | Enhancing cancer genetics education through participatory development of internet-based community education resources | Year 1 | 33898 | Completed | 14-085-Wasserman-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Wyeth Wasserman | Year 2 | 36256 | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Wyeth Wasserman | Year 3 | 37757 | |
2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Jaclyn Stewart | Science | Increasing the Impact of Science-Specific Writing Skills Resources for Learning and Teaching | Year 1 | 49976 | Completed | | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Jaclyn Stewart | Year 2 | 48298 | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Jaclyn Stewart | Year 3 | 43686 | |
2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Bruce Dunham | Science | On-line Homework System for Undergraduate Statistics Courses | Year 1 | 62840 | Completed | 14-101-TLEF-Dunham-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Bruce Dunham | Year 2 | 60240 | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Bruce Dunham | Year 3 | 29950 | |
2012/2013 | Small TLEF | C.J. Rowe | VP Students | Intercultural Understanding: A Transformative Student Training Model | Year 1 | 58248 | Completed | 14-113-TLEF-Rowe-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | C.J. Rowe | Year 2 | 27500 | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | C.J. Rowe | Year 3 | 25000 | |
2012/2013 | Small TLEF | Michael Lee | VP Students | Building Synergy in Promoting Mental Health Awareness Across Campus Using a Student-Led Participatory Action Approach | Year 1 | 32304 | Completed | 14-114-TLEF-Lee-Final-WEB.pdf | | 2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Michael Lee | Year 2 | 42046 | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Michael Lee | Year 3 | 65374 | |
2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Gisele Bourgeois-Law | Medicine | Case-Based Learning (CBL) Tutor Training Program: Supporting MD Undergraduate Curriculum Renewal | Year 1 | 45280 | Completed | Final-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Wisener-WEB.pdf | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Sandra Jarvis-Selinger | Year 2 | 45000 | | 2015/2016 | Small TLEF | Katherine Wisener | Year 3 | 32880 |  |
2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Cheryl Washburn | VP Students | Peer Wellness Coaching Program | Year 1 | 47730 | Completed | Final-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Washburn-WEB.pdf | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Cheryl Washburn | Year 2 | 43172 | | 2015/2016 | Small TLEF | Cheryl Washburn | Year 3 | 49903 |  |
2013/2014 | Small TLEF | David Ng | VP Academic | The Terry Project on CiTR An interdisciplinary radio program and podcast exploring important global issues through a unique mix of storytelling, discussion, and debate (Formerly The Terry Project Podcast) | Year 1 | 39770 | Completed | Final-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Ng-WEB.pdf | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | David Ng | Year 2 | 39770 | | 2015/2016 | Small TLEF | David Ng | Year 3 | 39770 | |
2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Kim Kiloh | VP Students | Enhanced Career Services and Resources for Graduate Students | Year 1 | 147000 | Completed | Final-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Naylor-WEB.pdf | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Kim Kiloh | Year 2 | 103100 | | 2015/2016 | Small TLEF | Carol Naylor | Year 3 | 87400 |  |
2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Siobhán Wittig McPhee | Arts | Human and Environmental Geography Experiential Learning Initiative | Year 1 | 29200 | Completed | 2016-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-McPhee-WEB.pdf | | 2015/2016 | Small TLEF | Siobhán Wittig McPhee | Year 2 | 16200 |  | 2016/2017 | Small TLEF | Siobhán Wittig McPhee | Year 3 | 4176 |  |
2014/2015 | Small TLEF | HsingChi von Bergmann | Dentistry | Enhancing Dental Student Learning Through an Interactive, Online, Competency-Based Progress Test System | Year 1 | 40200 | Completed | | | 2015/2016 | Small TLEF | HsingChi von Bergmann | Year 2 | 44032 |  | 2016/2017 | Small TLEF | HsingChi von Bergmann | Year 3 | 43170 |  |
2013/2014 | Small TLEF | Paris-Ann Gfeller-Ingledew | Medicine | The Development of Online Oncology Modules, an Oncology App and Virtual Patients to Support Interdisciplinary Oncology Education | Year 1 | 8792 | Completed | 2016-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Ingledew-WEB.pdf | | 2014/2015 | Small TLEF | Paris-Ann Gfeller-Ingledew | Year 2 | 6507 | | 2016/2017 | Small TLEF | Paris-Ann Gfeller-Ingledew | Year 3 | 7704 | |
2014/2015 | Large TLEF | Susan Rowley | Arts | Engage UBC | Year 1 | 105788 | Completed | | | 2015/2016 | Large TLEF | Susan Rowley | Year 2 | 65603 |  | 2016/2017 | Large TLEF | Susan Rowley | Year 3 | 41957 | |
2014/2015 | Large TLEF | Gwynaeth McIntyre | Arts | Greek Epigraphic Squeezes: Developing a Digital Environment | Year 1 | 12330 | Completed | 2016-TLEF-LP-Final-Fisher-WEB.pdf | | 2015/2016 | Large TLEF | Gwynaeth McIntyre | Year 2 | 15000 | | 2016/2017 | Large TLEF | Kevin Fisher | Year 3 | 28875 |  |
2014/2015 | Large TLEF | Andrew Riseman | Land & Food Systems | Scaffolding and Scaling up Integrated Experiential Learning Experiences in the Core Series, Land and Food Systems | Year 1 | 100000 | Completed | Report-2014-FL-Riseman-WEB.pdf | | 2015/2016 | Large TLEF | Andrew Riseman | Year 2 | 89000 | | 2016/2017 | Large TLEF | Andrew Riseman | Year 3 | 61000 | |
2014/2015 | Large TLEF | Alison Greig | Medicine | West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator (WICKED) | Year 1 | 55080 | Completed | 2016-TLEF-LP-Final-Greig-WEB.pdf | | 2015/2016 | Large TLEF | Alison Greig | Year 2 | 29500 |  | 2016/2017 | Large TLEF | Alison Greig | Year 3 | 33656 |  |
2015/2016 | Large TLEF | Janet Giltrow | Arts | Educational and Career Outcomes for UBC Arts Students: Towards a New Paradigm | Year 1 | 60611 | Completed | 2017-TLEF-Final-Assanand-WEB.pdf |  | 2016/2017 | Large TLEF | Sunaina Assanand | Year 2 | 61518 |  | 2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Sunaina Assanand | Year 3 | 80000 |  |
2015/2016 | Large TLEF | Saraswathi Vedam | Medicine | Birth Place Toolkit for the Health Professions: Dialogue and Shared Decisions | Year 1 | 74284 | Completed | 2017-TLEF-Final-Report-Vedam-WEB.pdf | | 2016/2017 | Large TLEF | Saraswathi Vedam | Year 2 | 69280 |  | 2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Saraswathi Vedam | Year 3 | 70252 |  |
2015/2016 | Small TLEF | Doug Bonn | Science | Structured Quantitative Inquiry Labs: Developing Critical Thinking in First Year Physics Labs | Year 1 | 25700 | Completed | 2017-TLEF-SP-Final-Bonn-WEB.pdf |  | 2016/2017 | Small TLEF | Doug Bonn | Year 2 | 16500 | | 2017/2018 | Small TLEF | Doug Bonn | Year 3 | 7750 | |
2016/2017 | Large TLEF | Sara Harris | Science | Development of cost effective strategies for teaching, learning and assessing scientific reasoning abilities in large face-to-face and distance education general science courses | Year 1 | 111786 | Completed | 2018-TLEF-Final-Harris-WEB.pdf |  | 2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Sara Harris | Year 2 | 65202 |  | 2018/2019 | Large TLEF | Sara Harris | Year 3 | 29594 |  |
2016/2017 | Small TLEF | Georg Rieger | Science | Animated worked examples to support self-directed learning in Physics 100 | Year 1 | 14232 | Completed | 2018-TLEF-Final-Rieger-WEB.pdf |  | 2017/2018 | Small TLEF | Georg Rieger | Year 2 | 14184 | | 2018/2019 | Small TLEF | Georg Rieger | Year 3 | 12000 |  |
2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Blair Satterfield | Applied Science | Integrated Design Learning through Making & Building @ SALA: Bringing design-making and building infrastructure (tools and expertise) directly to students in the classroom, studio, and in the field | Year 1 | 46150 | Completed | 2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Satterfield-WEB.pdf |  | 2018/2019 | Large TLEF | Blair Satterfield | Year 2 | 104125 |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Blair Satterfield | Year 3 | 31328 | |
2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Laurie McNeill | Arts | Our Cheating Hearts: Academic Integrity Curriculum Design in First-Year Arts Programs | Year 1 | 63002 | Completed | 2019-TLEF-Final-Report-McNeill-WEB.pdf |  | 2018/2019 | Large TLEF | Laurie McNeill | Year 2 | 44079 |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Laurie McNeill | Year 3 | 15626 | |
2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Darren Warburton | Education | Indigenous Studies in Kinesiology | Year 1 | 100200 | Completed | |  | 2018/2019 | Large TLEF | Darren Warburton | Year 2 | 103500 |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Darren Warburton | Year 3 | 45300 |  |
2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Walter Algar | Science | Data-Enabled Pedagogies and Technology for Teaching and Learning Critical-Thinking and Decision Making Skills | Year 1 | 104032 | Completed | |  | 2018/2019 | Large TLEF | Walter Algar | Year 2 | 122354 |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Walter Algar | Year 3 | 27048 | |
2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Patty Hambler | VP Students | Increasing student capacity for academic success, deeper learning, and wellbeing | Year 1 | 79964 | Completed | 2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Jung-WEB.pdf |  | 2018/2019 | Large TLEF | Patty Hambler | Year 2 | 79284 |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Diana Jung | Year 3 | 84737 |  |
2017/2018 | Small TLEF | Tara Mayer | Arts | Curating Curiosities: Object-Based Learning in Museum and Classroom Settings | Year 1 | 4584 | Completed | | | 2018/2019 | Small TLEF | Tara Mayer | Year 2 | 3987 | | 2019/2020 | Small TLEF | Tara Mayer | Year 3 | 7828 | |
2017/2018 | Small TLEF | Sara Shneiderman | Arts | Himalayan Languages, Cultures, and Communities: integrating language learning, community engagement, and Area Studies knowledge | Year 1 | 17703 | Completed | 2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Shneiderman-WEB.pdf |  | 2018/2019 | Small TLEF | Sara Shneiderman | Year 2 | 27123 |  | 2019/2020 | Small TLEF | Sara Shneiderman | Year 3 | 5174 | |
2017/2018 | Large TLEF | Steven Hallam | Science | Experiential Data science for Undergraduate Cross-Disciplinary Education (EDUCE) | Year 1 | 81833 | Completed | 2020‑TLEF‑Final-Report‑Hallam-WEB.pdf |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Steven Hallam | Year 2 | 85698 | | 2020/2021 | Large TLEF | Steven Hallam | Year 3 | 81833 | |
2018/2019 | Large TLEF | John Vigna | Arts | Redefining the undergraduate learning experience in Creative Writing | Year 1 | 79720 | Completed | 2020‑TLEF‑Final-Report-Vigna-WEB.pdf |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | John Vigna | Year 2 | 79728 |  | 2020/2021 | Large TLEF | John Vigna | Year 3 | 79720 |  |
2018/2019 | Large TLEF | Steven Barnes | Arts | Tapestry: Enabling Interactive, Remixable, Reusable, and Extensible Open Educational Modules | Year 1 | 84822 | Completed | |  | 2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Steven Barnes | Year 2 | 100949 |  | 2020/2021 | Large TLEF | Steven Barnes | Year 3 | 63728 | |
2018/2019 | Small TLEF | Bhushan Gopaluni | Applied Science | Math Doesn’t Need to Be Hard: Integrating Experiential Learning and Interactive Online Resources for Chemical Engineering | Year 1 | 33545 | Completed | 2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Gopaluni-WEB.pdf | | 2019/2020 | Small TLEF | Bhushan Gopaluni | Year 2 | 12785 |  | 2020/2021 | Small TLEF | Bhushan Gopaluni | Year 3 | 3651 | |
2018/2019 | Small TLEF | Christine D'Onofrio | Arts | Beyond the Classroom: Disseminating multimodal project resources for faculty and students | Year 1 | 19193 | Completed | 2020-TLEF-Final-Report-DOnofrio-WEB.pdf | | 2019/2020 | Small TLEF | Christine D'Onofrio | Year 2 | 18000 |  | 2020/2021 | Small TLEF | Christine D'Onofrio | Year 3 | 12100 | |
2018/2019 | Small TLEF | Denise Laronde | Dentistry | Enhancing students' oral mucosal screening skills through the integration of live patients and video within an oral medicine and pathology course | Year 1 | 23700 | Completed | 2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Laronde-WEB.pdf | | 2019/2020 | Small TLEF | Denise Laronde | Year 2 | 19200 | | 2020/2021 | Small TLEF | Denise Laronde | Year 3 | 5875 | |
2019/2020 | Large TLEF | Andre Marziali | Science | Engineering Physics Development of Resource-effective Apprenticeship Learning | Year 1 | 60000 | Completed | 2021-TLEF-Final-Report-Marziali-WEB.pdf | | 2020/2021 | Large TLEF | Andre Marziali | Year 2 | 51340 | | 2021/2022 | Large TLEF | Andre Marziali | Year 3 | 40020 | |
2019/2020 | Small TLEF | Nina Hewitt | Arts | Immersive Tools for Field-Based Geoscience Education in Large Undergraduate Courses: Pacific Spirit Forest Augmented Reality field trip and Alpine Ecosystem Virtual Reality tours | Year 1 | 17036 | Completed | 2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Hewitt-WEB.pdf |  | 2020/2021 | Small TLEF | Nina Hewitt | Year 2 | 7960 | | 2022/2023 | Small TLEF | Nina Hewitt | Year 3 | 4000 |  |
2020/2021 | Large TLEF | Larry Leung | Pharmaceutical Sciences | UPROOT: A Community-Based Approach to Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Pharmacy Curriculum | Year 1 | 127380 | Completed | 2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Leung-WEB.pdf |  | 2021/2022 | Large TLEF | Larry Leung | Year 2 | 100000 |  | 2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Larry Leung | Year 3 | 22620 |  |
2020/2021 | Large TLEF | Tiffany Timbers | Science | Bringing Accessible Data Science Training to Undergraduates | Year 1 | 115675 | Completed | | | 2021/2022 | Large TLEF | Tiffany Timbers | Year 2 | 115675 | | 2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Tiffany Timbers | Year 3 | 18490 |  |
2020/2021 | Large TLEF | Tara Ivanochko | Science | Embedding Opensource Computational Tools into the Quantitative Earth Science Specializations | Year 1 | 85390 | Completed | 2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Ivanochko-WEB.pdf |  | 2021/2022 | Large TLEF | Tara Ivanochko | Year 2 | 90607 |  | 2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Tara Ivanochko | Year 3 | 74003 |  |
2020/2021 | Small TLEF | Hsiang-ning Wang | Arts | Transforming language learning: Designing an innovative community-based language learning (CBLL) model for students’ learning experiences, learning outcomes, and community engagement | Year 1 | 23197 | Completed | | | 2021/2022 | Small TLEF | Hsiang-ning Wang | Year 2 | 15032 | | 2022/2023 | Small TLEF | Hsiang-ning Wang | Year 3 | 11727 | |
2020/2021 | Small TLEF | Sunil Kumar Bhatt | Arts | Online resources for teaching Hindi grammar | Year 1 | 6156 | Completed | 2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Bhatt-WEB.pdf |  | 2022/2023 | Small TLEF | Sunil Kumar Bhatt | Year 2 | 7776 | | 2023/2024 | Small TLEF | Sunil Kumar Bhatt | Year 3 | 3240 | |
2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Jonathan Graves | Arts | Vancouver School of Economics - Developing interactive learning modules for hands-on-econometrics skills | Year 1 | 57990 | Active | |  | 2023/2024 | Large TLEF | Jonathan Graves | Year 2 | 57999 |  | 2024/2025 | Large TLEF | Jonathan Graves | Year 3 | 52780 | |
2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Robert J. Petrella | Medicine | Providing UBC Students with Curriculum to Support Their Skills in Delivery of Virtual Lifestyle Counseling for Prevention of Chronic Disease | Year 1 | 118580 | Active | |  | 2023/2024 | Large TLEF | Robert J. Petrella | Year 2 | 98042 |  | 2024/2025 | Large TLEF | Robert J. Petrella | Year 3 | 32584 | |
2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Tristan Lai & Alex Tang | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Promoting 2SLGBTQQIA+ Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Pharmacy Education (PRIDE-RX) | Year 1 | 104880 | Active | |  | 2023/2024 | Large TLEF | Tristan Lai & Alex Tang | Year 2 | 100227 |  | 2024/2025 | Large TLEF | Tristan Lai & Alex Tang | Year 3 | 44893 | |
2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Laura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Philippe Tortell & Brett Gilley | Science | Earth Science Experiential and Indigenous Learning (EaSEIL) | Year 1 | 120779 | Active | |  | 2023/2024 | Large TLEF | Laura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Brett Gilley, Sarah Bean Sherman & Philippe Tortell | Year 2 | 86694 |  | 2024/2025 | Large TLEF | Laura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Brett Gilley, Sarah Bean Sherman & Philippe Tortell | Year 3 | 42200 | |
2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Davide Elmo | Applied Science | Mining Engineering UPER Implementation Project (UIP) | Year 1 | 95062 | Active | | | 2023/2024 | Large TLEF | Davide Elmo | Year 2 | 90318 | | 2024/2025 | Large TLEF | Davide Elmo | Year 3 | 61870 | |
2022/2023 | Large TLEF | Colin Macdonald | Science | Human assessment of student work at scale: pedagogy, privacy, and community | Year 1 | 162152 | Active | | | 2023/2024 | Large TLEF | Colin Macdonald | Year 2 | 77446 | | 2024/2025 | Large TLEF | Colin Macdonald | Year 3 | 10402 | |
2022/2023 | Small TLEF | Alfredo Ferreira | Vantage College | Speaking and Writing Physics 101: The Language and Multiple Competencies of Solving First-year Physics Problems | Year 1 | 15487 | Active | |  | 2023/2024 | Small TLEF | Alfredo Ferreira | Year 2 | 15487 |  | 2024/2025 | Small TLEF | Alfredo Ferreira | Year 3 | 15487 | |
2022/2023 | Small TLEF | Jenna Usprech | Applied Science | Building Competence in Environmental Sustainability and Safety in Engineering Design Courses | Year 1 | 27023 | Active | | | 2023/2024 | Small TLEF | Jenna Usprech | Year 2 | 18498 | | 2025/2026 | Small TLEF | Jenna Usprech | Year 3 | 4475 | |
2023/2024 | Small TLEF | Priya Anka Lekhi | Science | Enhancing Equity in the First-year Chemistry Laboratory through a Targeted Pre-Term Laboratory Foundations Event | Year 1 | 14379 | Active | |  | 2024/2025 | Small TLEF | Priya Anka Lekhi | Year 2 | 11298 | | 2025/2026 | Small TLEF | Priya Anka Lekhi | Year 3 | 5149 | |
2023/2024 | Small TLEF | Joss Ives | Science | Expanding Course Insights for Equity and Inclusion in Science | Year 1 | 18928 | Active | | | 2024/2025 | Small TLEF | Joss Ives | Year 2 | 15536 | | 2025/2026 | Small TLEF | Joss Ives | Year 3 | 15483 | |
2020/2021 | Small TLEF | Ricardo Serrano | Arts | Strategies for the Effective Design and Implementation of Collaborative Peer Learning Activities | Year 1 | 19604 | Completed | 2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Serrano-WEB.pdf |  | 2022/2023 | Small TLEF | Ricardo Serrano | Year 2 | 21188 |  | | | | | | |