TLEF Proposals

Displaying 601 - 700 of 998

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2024/2025Small TLEFAndrew AlmasForestryCreating an Urban Forest Demonstration at the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest ArboretumYear 147791Active
2024/2025Small TLEFBianca EskelsonForestryFVS-BC Exercises for Forest Resources Management and ConservationYear 126692Active
2024/2025Small TLEFNicholas CoopsForestryGeospatial Solutions for the Climate Emergency: Advancing Earth Observation, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing EducationYear 148720Active
2024/2025Small TLEFMichael JohnsonLand & Food SystemsLFS 252 Hybrid Delivery ProjectYear 123660Active
2024/2025Small TLEFPhilip D. CrowellMedicineDental Ethics and DEI: Toward a Strategic Plan to Align Clinical Ethics with the Competencies of DEIYear 127521Active
2024/2025Small TLEFHeather BuckleyMedicineLayered Learning: Building critical community capacity for teaching medical studentsYear 149934Active
2024/2025Small TLEFSteven WolfmanScienceRedesigning computer-based labs to be more engaging by identifying and implementing use cases relevant to studentsYear 17048Active
2024/2025Small TLEFJacquelyn CraggPharmaceutical SciencesStatistics Bakers: a Recipe Box for Biostatistics and Critical Appraisal Courses at The University of British ColumbiaYear 138716Active
2025/2026Large TLEFChristoph Sielmann & Paul LusinaApplied ScienceChatUBC: Conversational AI for Personalized and Targeted LearningYear 174030Active
2025/2026Large TLEFAlireza BagherzadehApplied ScienceEngE-AI: A GenAI-augmented Tool to Enhance Engineering Education in Cultivating Critical ThinkingYear 187198Active
2025/2026Large TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsOnline Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA) - scaffolding academic reading and course materialYear 1117282Active
2025/2026Large TLEFLaura NelsonArtsUnpacking the Black Box: Critical AI Literacies for Arts EducationYear 185087Active
2025/2026Large TLEFFong Chan & Jamie YuenPharmaceutical SciencesGENRx: Generative AI-Enhanced Role-Playing for Pharmacy Education and Physical ExaminationYear 199967Active
2025/2026Large TLEFKayli JohnsonScienceGRASP: Using Generative AI to Efficiently Provide Spaced, Elaborative, Interleaving Formative AssessmentsYear 1116883Active
2025/2026Large TLEFSarah GergelForestryAI-Powered Course Assistant for Forestry: Enhancing Engagement and Interactive LearningYear 184603Active
2025/2026Large TLEFAnnabel LyonArtsProcedural Poetry FunhouseYear 199997Active
2025/2026Large TLEFColleen InglisPharmaceutical SciencesEMPATH-AI: Generative AI for Enhancing Empathy and Communication Skills in Pharmacy EducationYear 191215Active
2025/2026Small TLEFTonia WelchApplied ScienceCourse Development for the Indigenous STEM Bridging ProgramYear 144257Active
2025/2026Small TLEFAshley ScottApplied ScienceDeveloping an Artificial Intelligence-driven Virtual Reality simulation to enhance clinical education for nurse practitioner studentsYear 149102Active
2025/2026Small TLEFPranav ChintalapatiApplied ScienceEnhancing Socio-Technical Skills in Engineering Education through Cross-Cultural Experiential LearningYear 118276Active
2025/2026Small TLEFNassim AdhamiApplied ScienceInclusive Excellence: Bringing Universal Design for Learning into Undergraduate Nursing EducationYear 146424Active
2025/2026Small TLEFFrances ChenArtsFacilitating Student Success in the Psychology Major: Focus on the PSYC 217-218 TransitionYear 119506Active
2025/2026Small TLEFCaroline LebrecArtsBuilding Self-Paced Modules for the French Placement TestYear 113500Active
2025/2026Small TLEFMallory TaterArtsCurriculum Renewal for CRWR 200: Introduction to Creative WritingYear 120133Active
2025/2026Small TLEFElizabeth ShafferArtsInnovating the iSchool Classroom: Piloting a hybrid model for Indigenizng graduate pedagogyYear 140000Active
2025/2026Small TLEFChelsea FreebornArtsInterdisciplinary Modular Simulation-Based Learning for Family Studies, Psychology, and SociologyYear 120924Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJon HaunSauder School of BusinessAI Mentor: Bridging the Gap Between Business Theory and PracticeYear 120613Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJorn DettmerForestryAugmented Reality Assisted Equipment Safety and Setup Learning ToolYear 121664Active
2025/2026Small TLEFAndrés VarholaForestryBridging Learning Outcomes and Competencies for Student Success: Enhancements to a Curriculum Mapping ToolYear 135892Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKelly AllisonUBC HealthEquity in Action: Renewing the Integrated Curriculum for Accessible, Inclusive Health EducationYear 132540Active
2025/2026Small TLEFCarrie Anne VanderhoopForestryHGI Development of a foundational Indigenous focused course that would be open to all and serve as a pre-requisite for HGSE 371 Re-Storying History: Indigenous PerspectivesYear 149659Active
2025/2026Small TLEFElisabeth BaileyApplied ScienceSelf & Collective Care for Nursing Students: Development of a Train-the-Trainer InitiativeYear 138452Active
2025/2026Small TLEFSandra BrownLand & Food SystemsAgriculture in a Changing World: Students tackling food security, biodiversity and climate change through a first-year courseYear 113562Active
2025/2026Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSoil science educational resources - virtual reality of soil in the landscapeYear 145162Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJustin StudentMedicineConversational AI for Clinical Confidence: Supporting the Transition to Real-World Patient Care in Medical EducationYear 135718Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKendall HoMedicineHarmonizing interdisciplinary virtual teams (HIVE): Development and implementation of a spiral educational intervention content in UBC Health Integrated CurriculumYear 124983Active
2025/2026Small TLEFEden Fussner-DupasMedicineMeet BIOCBOT, A GenAI Biochemistry Study Buddy tool designed to help you learn-by-teachingYear 140657Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKayla Fang & Gilly LauPharmaceutical SciencesAI AM READY: Readying Pharmacy Students for Practice in a World with GenAIYear 131872Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJason MinPharmaceutical SciencesBuilding deep AI-integrated pedagogy using the aEHRYear 127500Active
2025/2026Small TLEFNahid WaljiScienceAI and the Assessment of Mathematical Thinking: How to guard against “cognitive offloading” and enable students’ critical thinking through and with AIYear 120000Active
2025/2026Small TLEFMehrdad OveisiScienceAIQuest: Enhancing Assessment Creation and Review through an AI-Powered Question Bank Management SystemYear 149841Active
2025/2026Small TLEFRobin StoodleyScienceAlchemy lab manual for student-customized learning in chemistry labsYear 113910Active
2025/2026Small TLEFSara CannonScienceAnti-Colonial Fisheries Science: Developing a course on Community-Driven Science in the Institute for Oceans and Fisheries, With a Focus on Indigenous PartnershipsYear 122991Active
2025/2026Small TLEFDenise GabrielScienceExpanding Access to Field-Based Learning through Immersive Virtual Tours: A Universal Design for Learning Approach to Inclusive, Experiential Education in Field CoursesYear 129673Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJames CharbonneauScienceExperiencing Diversion: Engagement and Development following the Introduction of the Diversionary ProcessYear 110127Active
2025/2026Small TLEFRoger BeckieScienceGenerating Interactive LearningYear 138552Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKshamta HunterVP AcademicCentering and Advancing Indigenous Climate Justice in Climate EducationYear 125000Active
2025/2026Small TLEFSara KozickyVP StudentsWellbeing and Climate Change Intersect in the Classroom - Developing a Resource Toolkit and an Instructor Network to Support Student LearningYear 132792Active
2025/2026Small TLEFPatricia A. ShawArtsDevelopment Project for Online Multi-modal FNEL Learning Resources: Musqueam Language Program (FNEL) & Arts ISIT (Arts Digital Collections)Year 130605Active
2025/2026Small TLEFPetra MikulanEducationEmbedding Climate Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in Teacher Education Courses through a Novel Approach of Drag-PedagogyYear 120967Active
1997/1998Small TLEFWilliam SchreiberUBC HealthUsing WebCT (Course Tools) as an Adjunct to the delivery of Phase II Courses in the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry CurriculumYear 1Completed1998/1999Small TLEFMarc BroudoYear 21999/2000Small TLEFMarc BroudoYear 339700
1998/1999Small TLEFMartha WhiteheadUBC LibraryInformation Connections: Information Literacy, Technology, and Research SkillsYear 1Completed1999/2000Small TLEFMartha WhiteheadYear 2500002000/2001Small TLEFMartha WhiteheadYear 350000
1998/1999Small TLEFAnn DoyleFirst Nations House of LearningFirst Nations Information Technology (IT) and Research SkillsYear 1Completed1999/2000Small TLEFAnn DoyleYear 2253282000/2001Small TLEFJo-Ann ArchibaldYear 323000
1998/1999Small TLEFRoss KingArtsMultimedia Web-Based Teaching Material for Korean as a Foreign LanguageYear 141520Completed1999/2000Small TLEFRoss KingYear 2150002000/2001Small TLEFRoss KingYear 315000
1997/1998Small TLEFEd AuldArtsA Hot-linked CD-ROM Version of the British Open University’s Self Study Package “The Flexible Learning Approach to Physics (FLAP)”Year 1Completed1999/2000Small TLEFEd AuldYear 210000
1998/1999Small TLEFJülyet BenbasatScienceDesign and Implementation of Integrated Science Core CoursesYear 130935Completed1999/2000Small TLEFJohn GoslineYear 249750
1999/2000Small TLEFKatherine BeaumontOther...Intercultural Understanding and Tools for the UBC CommunityYear 150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFMackie ChaseYear 2500002001/2002Small TLEFMackie ChaseYear 360000
1999/2000Small TLEFSimon P. AlbonPharmaceutical SciencesEstablishing an Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning through the Development, Implementation, and Utilization of Cross-Disciplinary Case-Based Problems using the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Web-Based Learning CentreYear 131000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFSimon P. AlbonYear 2350002001/2002Small TLEFSimon P. AlbonYear 343694
1999/2000Small TLEFBrian KlinkenbergArtsMultimedia ArcView Research and Teaching Help Assistant (MARTHA)Year 125000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFBrian KlinkenbergYear 2150002001/2002Small TLEFBrian KlinkenbergYear 322192
1999/2000Small TLEFShirley NeumanArtsArts Co-operative Education ProgramYear 1150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFJulie WalchliYear 21200002001/2002Small TLEFJulie WalchliYear 390000
1999/2000Small TLEFShirley NeumanArtsFoundations ProgramYear 1150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFPaul TennantYear 21500002001/2002Small TLEFPaul TennantYear 3150000
1999/2000Small TLEFMaureen GarlandLand & Food SystemsStudent Support for the Agora Learning CommonsYear 129000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFMaureen GarlandYear 212350
1999/2000Small TLEFInge AndreenEducationDemocratizing Teacher Education: Sharing Governance and Promoting Interdisciplinarity Within a Community of LearnersYear 122900Completed2000/2001Small TLEFAnthony ClarkeYear 223750
1999/2000Small TLEFRicki Goldman-SegallEducationOn-Line Digital Data Documentation: An Integrated Model for Teaching Media Arts and SciencesYear 150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFRicki Goldman-SegallYear 220000
1999/2000Small TLEFSally N. AitkenForestryDeveloping “Hands-on” Labs ot Learn Concepts in Genetic DiversityYear 121327Completed2000/2001Small TLEFSally N. AitkenYear 222827
1999/2000Small TLEFIan CaversScienceRoadmap to Computing - Interactive Courseware and On-Line Resources Introducing Computing Facilities at UBCYear 147104Completed2000/2001Small TLEFIan CaversYear 230000
1997/1998Small TLEFJ. P. KimminsForestryForestry 202 - Forest Ecology Learning Enhancement ToolYear 1Completed2000/2001Small TLEFJ. P. KimminsYear 211125
2000/2001Small TLEFMaureen GarlandLand & Food SystemsTraining for Adoption of Innovative Learning Technology Environments: E-Learning, PBL Online and MoreYear 149690Completed2001/2002Small TLEFMaureen GarlandYear 2499202002/2003Small TLEFMaureen GarlandYear 323000
2000/2001Small TLEFGordon PageMedicineUsing Standardized Patients for Faculty Development in Clinical SkillsYear 144610Completed2001/2002Small TLEFJudith A. VestrupYear 2455702002/2003Small TLEFSharon SalloumYear 323418
2000/2001Small TLEFSophia NussbaumScienceInquiry Based Laboratory Instruction in the First Year General Chemistry CourseYear 122800Completed2001/2002Small TLEFSophia NussbaumYear 236050
2000/2001Small TLEFMichael IsaacsonApplied ScienceMyUBCYear 1125000Completed2001/2002Small TLEFMichael IsaacsonYear 275000
2001/2002Small TLEFBabak ChehroudiDentistryApplications of Three-Dimensional Imaging and Vitural Reality in Dental EducationYear 132188Completed2002/2003Small TLEFBabak ChehroudiYear 2234842003/2004Small TLEFBabak ChehroudiYear 325000
2001/2002Small TLEFLing ShiEducationLearning About Language and Learning About Culture: A Web-based Research and Teaching projectYear 125000Completed2002/2003Small TLEFLing ShiYear 2200002003/2004Small TLEFKen ReederYear 320000
2000/2001Small TLEFGeorge SpiegelmanScienceEnvironmental Sciences ProgramYear 127440Completed2002/2003Small TLEFGeorge SpiegelmanYear 2287202003/2004Small TLEFGeorge SpiegelmanYear 320000
2001/2002Small TLEFNancy E. PerryEducationPreparing Teaching to Model and Promote Self-Regulated LearningYear 144927Completed2002/2003Small TLEFNancy E. PerryYear 245477
2001/2002Small TLEFKathryn HornbyUBC HealthEducational Technology Centre (ETC) for the College of Health DisciplinesYear 148660Completed2002/2003Small TLEFCharlene WalshYear 220000
2001/2002Small TLEFKurt GrimmScienceThe Science and Practice of Sustainability: A New Transdisciplinary Field Course at UBCYear 115552Completed2002/2003Small TLEFKurt GrimmYear 240000
2001/2002Small TLEFSusan SorrellOther...Trek 2000 Volunteer Leadership ProjectYear 120125Completed2002/2003Small TLEFSusan SorrellYear 225000
2002/2003Small TLEFA. Lacey SamuelsScienceCell Biology Image DatabaseYear 127500Completed2003/2004Small TLEFA. Lacey SamuelsYear 2450002004/2005Small TLEFA. Lacey SamuelsYear 331808
2002/2003Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffEducationTeaching Nontraditional Language Learners: Issues and OpportunitiesYear 128400Completed2003/2004Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 2250002004/2005Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 322550
2002/2003Small TLEFJoanne NakonechnyScienceFirst Nations Community-Building: Walking the Sciences Path with BalanceYear 136000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFTim MichelYear 230000
2002/2003Small TLEFBarbara ZeiglerArtsIntegration of Digital Imaging into Visual Art Printmaking Practice: Student AssistantsYear 136140Completed2003/2004Small TLEFBarbara ZeiglerYear 24500
2002/2003Small TLEFJoanne WaltonDentistryElectronic Education Library (EEL)Year 134000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFJoanne WaltonYear 225000
2002/2003Small TLEFCathryn JacksonVP AcademicBest Practices in Learning Object Management and PedagogyYear 1200000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFBrian LambYear 2120000
2002/2003Small TLEFJanet TeasdaleVP StudentsStudent Leadership, Involvement, and Citizenship Education InitiativesYear 150000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFChad HysonYear 255000
2002/2003Small TLEFDavid NgScienceBIOTEACH: A Student Run Web-based Biotechnology Information CentreYear 127000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFDavid NgYear 217000
2003/2004Small TLEFMichelle LambersonVP AcademicCampus-Wide On-line Environment for E-Portfolios: Moving from Project to ProgramYear 1120000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 21500002005/2006Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 3122028
2003/2004Small TLEFMichelle LambersonVP AcademicFacilitating Convergence: Supporting Community Engagement Through Learning TechnologiesYear 1100000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 22250002005/2006Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 3199973
2003/2004Small TLEFSimon NeameUBC LibraryOnline Term Paper Research ClinicYear 135000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFSimon NeameYear 2568072005/2006Small TLEFSimon NeameYear 334170
2003/2004Small TLEFMargery FeeArtsArts Careers: Enhancing Student SupportYear 167450Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMargery FeeYear 2600002005/2006Small TLEFJohn CooperYear 316887
2003/2004Small TLEFNancy GalliniArtsFocus on Teaching: Support Program for New Faculty in ArtsYear 115600Completed2004/2005Small TLEFNancy GalliniYear 281002005/2006Small TLEFNancy GalliniYear 314665
2003/2004Small TLEFCharles W. LambScienceProblem Solving Workshops for Mathematics 180Year 121500Completed2004/2005Small TLEFRajiv GuptaYear 214000
2003/2004Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonScienceeScience – Enhancing the Science Learning CommunityYear 148352Completed2004/2005Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonYear 235426
2003/2004Small TLEFElizabeth DeanMedicineVideo-linked/WebCT Undergraduate Tutorial Teaching in Rehabilitation Sciences: An Innovative “East Meets West” Collaborative ProjectYear 113427Completed2004/2005Small TLEFElizabeth DeanYear 28050
2002/2003Small TLEFAngela TowleUBC HealthCross-cultural Communication for Health Professional StudentsYear 150000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFAngela TowleYear 235000
2002/2003Small TLEFMartin V. PusicMedicineJust-In-Time Learning in the Pediatric Emergency DepartmentYear 148242Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMartin V. PusicYear 241200
2003/2004Small TLEFSusan NesbitApplied ScienceRemote Fluid Mechanics LaboratoryYear 120300Completed2004/2005Small TLEFSusan NesbitYear 212000
2003/2004Small TLEFIngrid PricePharmaceutical SciencesDeveloping Effective Strategies for Enhancing Higher Order Learning in Pharmaceutical SciencesYear 144238Completed2004/2005Small TLEFIngrid PriceYear 238580
2003/2004Small TLEFRobert J. TierneyEducationInfusing Technologies into Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of EducationYear 1150000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFRobert J. TierneyYear 2100000
2004/2005Small TLEFIngrid PricePharmaceutical SciencesCreating and enhancing undergraduate research opportunities across campusYear 150667Completed2005/2006Small TLEFIngrid PriceYear 2480622006/2007Small TLEFIngrid PriceYear 354000
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster