TLEF Proposals

Displaying 701 - 800 of 998

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2002/2003Small TLEFNimal RajapakseApplied ScienceImplementing MECH II – A Unified Second Year Mechanical Engineering CurriculumYear 145500Completed
2019/2020Small TLEFNina HewittArtsImmersive Tools for Field-Based Geoscience Education in Large Undergraduate Courses: Pacific Spirit Forest Augmented Reality field trip and Alpine Ecosystem Virtual Reality toursYear 117036Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Hewitt-WEB.pdfPoster2020/2021Small TLEFNina HewittYear 279602022/2023Small TLEFNina HewittYear 34000Year 3: Poster
2017/2018Small TLEFNisha MalhotraArtsData Analysis and Statistics with STATA - Online Resources for Undergraduate ProgramsYear 125026Completed2017-TLEF-SP-Final-Malhotra-WEB.pdf
2013/2014Large TLEFNoboru YonemitsuApplied ScienceCivil Engineering lab safety videosYear 166135CompletedReport-2013-FL-Yonemitsu-WEB.pdf
2014/2015Small TLEFNoboru YonemitsuApplied ScienceDeveloping Engineering Design Workshop for First-year Engineering Students-APSC150 Case Study 1Year 124700Completed14-001-TLEF-Yonemitsu-Final-WEB.pdf
2019/2020Small TLEFNoboru YonemitsuApplied ScienceDevelopment of Self-teaching Software Modules and Web-based Resources for Civil Engineering Undergraduate StudentsYear 123767Completed
2008/2009Small TLEFNorma WielandArtsFaculty of ARTS Academic Commuter Transition Program (FAACT)Year 164964Completed2009/2010Small TLEFNorma WielandYear 2564402010/2011Small TLEFSally HermansenYear 349300
2016/2017Small TLEFNoureddine ElouaziziScienceNatural Language Processing-informed learning analytics for tracking and measuring aspects of argumentationYear 149984CompletedPoster
2016/2017Large TLEFPamela KalasScienceBlended learning to enhance an undergraduate Biology laboratory courseYear 197922Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Kalas-WEB1.pdf2017/2018Large TLEFPamela KalasYear 294577Year 2: Poster
2005/2006Small TLEFPamela PerreaultForestryBreaking Math-Related Boundaries – Innovative Instruction Addressing Cultural BarriersYear 126819Completed2007/2008Small TLEFCandace ParsonsYear 220161
2020/2021Small TLEFPamela WolfApplied ScienceDecolonizing Engineering Curriculum and Culture: A Pilot ProjectYear 150000Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Wolf-WEB.pdfPoster
2013/2014Small TLEFParis-Ann Gfeller-IngledewMedicineThe Development of Online Oncology Modules, an Oncology App and Virtual Patients to Support Interdisciplinary Oncology EducationYear 18792Completed2016-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Ingledew-WEB.pdf2014/2015Small TLEFParis-Ann Gfeller-IngledewYear 265072016/2017Small TLEFParis-Ann Gfeller-IngledewYear 37704
2013/2014Large TLEFParisa MehrkhodavandiScienceDigital Learning Objects for CHEM121 and CHEM123Year 1213962Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFParker JohnsonVP StudentsFirst Year Experience: Service Learning Projects for Arts StudentsYear 110000Completed
1999/2000Small TLEFPaschal OdochOther...AMS Tutoring ServiceYear 142620Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffEducationTeaching Nontraditional Language Learners: Issues and OpportunitiesYear 128400Completed2003/2004Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 2250002004/2005Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 322550
2025/2026Small TLEFPatricia A. ShawArtsDevelopment Project for Online Multi-modal FNEL Learning Resources: Musqueam Language Program (FNEL) & Arts ISIT (Arts Digital Collections)Year 130605Active
2010/2011Small TLEFPatricia BostonMedicineA Multi-disciplinary Teaching DVD for Students, Faculty and Community Education: Providing Palliative Care in BC Hospice/ Palliative Care SettingsYear 1123526Completed
2017/2018Small TLEFPatricia GerberPharmaceutical SciencesDesign and Implementation of “LEAP” a Leadership Experience Applied to Pharmacy Course Series for Entry-to-Practice (E2P) Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) StudentsYear 110787Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Gerber-WEB.pdfPoster
2009/2010Small TLEFPatricia JanssenMedicineDistributed Learning: A New Model for Graduate Training in Public HealthYear 1106084Completed
2015/2016Small TLEFPatricia JohnstonArtsWising Up: Learning to Share Knowledge between Canada’s Northern Communities and Southern ClassroomsYear 125000Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Johnston-WEB.pdfPoster2017/2018Small TLEFPatricia JohnstonYear 225000
2010/2011Small TLEFPatricia ShawArtsWeb-based Curriculum Resources for UBC First Nations Languages CoursesYear 153388Completed
2006/2007Small TLEFPatricia ShawArtsFirst Nations Languages in the Linguistics CurriculumYear 141650Completed
2017/2018Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryAugmented Forests: Supplementing Forestry Field Instruction with Virtual Field Instruction and Dynamic Adaptive Quizzing to Build Skills and KnowledgeYear 135554Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Culbert-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFPatrick CulbertYear 214154
2019/2020Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryFelling Language Barriers: An Open, Online, Multilingual Dictionary of ForestryYear 113183Active
2023/2024Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryVirtual Field Trips to Interior ForestsYear 114818Active
2010/2011Small TLEFPatrick KeelingScienceLaboratory and web-based resources for student-directed learning in microbial biodiversityYear 143984Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFPatrick MooreArtsKaska Multimedia Language MaterialsYear 130000Completed
2017/2018Large TLEFPatty HamblerVP StudentsIncreasing student capacity for academic success, deeper learning, and wellbeingYear 179964Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Jung-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Large TLEFPatty HamblerYear 279284Year 2: Poster2019/2020Large TLEFDiana JungYear 384737Year 3: Poster
2011/2012Small TLEFPaul ClarksonMedicineUBC Interactive Online Resource to Enhance Musculoskeletal Oncology EducationYear 125700Completed2012/2013Small TLEFPaul ClarksonYear 213510
2013/2014Large TLEFPaul CubbonSauder School of BusinessFlexible Learning Platform for EntrepreneurshipYear 179968Completed
2012/2013Small TLEFPaul CubbonSauder School of BusinessDecoding Social Media: Theory and PracticeYear 18382Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonScienceeScience – Enhancing the Science Learning CommunityYear 148352Completed2004/2005Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonYear 235426
2013/2014Large TLEFPaul KennedyEducationTransformation of KIN469: Exercise PrescriptionYear 121177CompletedReport-2013-FL-Kennedy-WEB.pdf
2006/2007Small TLEFPaul M. WoodForestryWriting Well: Write Effectively, Learn for LifeYear 146000Completed2007/2008Small TLEFPaul M. WoodYear 24410
2022/2023Small TLEFPaul PickellForestryUBC is Entering the Metaverse: Gamifying ForestryYear 141558Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Pickell-WEB.pdfPoster
2013/2014Small TLEFPawel KindlerMedicinePeer Facilitation and Assessment in Case Based Learning in the Renewed Medical Curriculum: a PilotYear 115700Completed13-070-Kindler-Final-WEB.pdf
2007/2008Small TLEFPawel KindlerMedicineEnhancing Student Engagement in Problem Based Learning Tutorial Process in 2nd Year Medical CurriculumYear 19760Completed
2011/2012Small TLEFPeter DanielsonOther...Computer Enhanced Experimental Applied Ethics EducationYear 149232Completed
2015/2016Small TLEFPeter EnglezosApplied ScienceDevelopment of an automated grading and data manipulation program for the Teaching Laboratory Data Management (TLDM) SystemYear 131274Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Englezos-WEB.pdfPoster2017/2018Small TLEFPeter EnglezosYear 218726Year 2: Poster
2012/2013Small TLEFPeter EnglezosApplied ScienceIntegration of Statistical Understanding with the CHBE Undergraduate Laboratory Student ExperienceYear 130032Completed
2010/2011Small TLEFPeter EnglezosApplied ScienceUsing Video PODcasts to integrate conceptual knowledge and laboratory practiceYear 122800Completed
2015/2016Large TLEFPeter GrafArtsFostering Peer Learning & Assessment SkillYear 1120021CompletedPoster
2003/2004Small TLEFPeter GrangerMedicineCommunity Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS)Year 159910Completed
2007/2008Small TLEFPeter GrangerMedicineCommunity Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS)Year 133900Completed
2008/2009Small TLEFPeter GrangerMedicineCommunity Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS)Year 142370Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFPeter GrangerMedicineCommunity Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS)Year 184720Completed
2010/2011Small TLEFPeter GrangerMedicineCommunity Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS)Year 154850Completed
2022/2023Small TLEFPeter J. MurphyDentistryUsing 3D visualization to Teach the Critically Important Anatomical Aspects of the Pterygopalatine Fossa for the Administration of Local Anesthesia of the Mid-FaceYear 149650Completed
2013/2014Small TLEFPeter LoewenPharmaceutical SciencesEnhancing Student Learning and Expanding Institutional Experiential Clerkship Opportunities across UBC's Pharmacy ProgramsYear 196550Completed14-087-Loewen-Final-WEB.pdf2014/2015Small TLEFPeter LoewenYear 2140936
2015/2016Large TLEFPeter OstafichukApplied ScienceRedesign of First Year EngineeringYear 1138735Completed2016/2017Large TLEFPeter OstafichukYear 2110665Year 2: Poster
2010/2011Small TLEFPeter OstafichukApplied ScienceUBC Aero DesignYear 15000Completed2011/2012Small TLEFPeter OstafichukYear 250002012/2013Small TLEFPeter OstafichukYear 36500
2025/2026Small TLEFPetra MikulanEducationEmbedding Climate Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in Teacher Education Courses through a Novel Approach of Drag-PedagogyYear 120967Active
2024/2025Small TLEFPhilip D. CrowellMedicineDental Ethics and DEI: Toward a Strategic Plan to Align Clinical Ethics with the Competencies of DEIYear 127521Active
2005/2006Small TLEFPhilippe KruchtenApplied ScienceGlobal Software Engineering Capstone ProjectsYear 128085Completed
2025/2026Small TLEFPranav ChintalapatiApplied ScienceEnhancing Socio-Technical Skills in Engineering Education through Cross-Cultural Experiential LearningYear 118276Active
2023/2024Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiScienceEnhancing Equity in the First-year Chemistry Laboratory through a Targeted Pre-Term Laboratory Foundations EventYear 114379ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiYear 2112982025/2026Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiYear 35149
2013/2014Large TLEFQian WangArtsYour Chinese Learning, Your WayYear 151127CompletedReport-2013-FL-Wang-WEB.pdf
2010/2011Small TLEFRajiv GuptaScienceEnhancing First-Year Calculus Workshop Delivery Via Web-Based ToolsYear 17000Completed
2023/2024Small TLEFRana TarzemanyDentistryDevelopment of Novel Surgical Simulation Technology to Enhance Education of Dental Students and Surgical Residents at the UBC Faculty of DentistryYear 128175Active
2004/2005Small TLEFRaymond NgScienceInformation Technology Fundamentals for Life and Health Sciences StudentsYear 140000Completed2005/2006Small TLEFRaymond NgYear 24444
2020/2021Small TLEFRenisa MawaniArtsUnruly Oceans: Law, Violence, and Sovereignty at SeaYear 118110Completed2020-ITTG-Final-Report-Mawani-WEB.pdf
2008/2009Small TLEFRhodri Windsor-LiscombeArtsObsolete Concepts: Formative Lingerings (The 27th Annual Art History Graduate Symposium, March 28 and 29, 2008)Year 16950Completed
2020/2021Small TLEFRicardo SerranoArtsStrategies for the Effective Design and Implementation of Collaborative Peer Learning ActivitiesYear 119604Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Serrano-WEB.pdfPoster2022/2023Small TLEFRicardo SerranoYear 221188Year 2: Poster
2017/2018Small TLEFRichard Arias HernandezArtsEvidenced-Based Evaluation Framework for Community-Based Experiential Learning Projects for the Bachelor of Media StudiesYear 14800Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Hernandez-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFRichard Arias HernandezYear 210000Year 2: Poster
2001/2002Small TLEFRichard CavellArtsCDST 350: Canada and Crossborder IssuesYear 13200Completed
2000/2001Small TLEFRichard TeesArtsNew Cognitive Systems Program Development: Cross-Disciplinary Interactions on the World-Wide-WebYear 142000Completed
2006/2007Small TLEFRichard VedanFirst Nations House of LearningIndigenous Elders-in-Residence ProgramYear 149830Completed
1999/2000Small TLEFRicki Goldman-SegallEducationOn-Line Digital Data Documentation: An Integrated Model for Teaching Media Arts and SciencesYear 150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFRicki Goldman-SegallYear 220000
2008/2009Small TLEFRita IrwinEducationProgrammatic and Curricular Integration: Digital pedagogies for the new teacher education programYear 142100Completed2009/2010Small TLEFRita IrwinYear 2792502010/2011Small TLEFRita IrwinYear 375500
2007/2008Small TLEFRita L. IrwinEducationSupporting Student E-portfolio Creation in the Teacher Education ProgramYear 178000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFRobert GardinerArtsTheatre and Film Production Curriculum Development at the Great Northern Way CampusYear 149200Completed
2022/2023Large TLEFRobert J. PetrellaMedicineProviding UBC Students with Curriculum to Support Their Skills in Delivery of Virtual Lifestyle Counseling for Prevention of Chronic DiseaseYear 1118580ActivePoster2023/2024Large TLEFRobert J. PetrellaYear 298042Year 2: Poster2024/2025Large TLEFRobert J. PetrellaYear 332584
2005/2006Small TLEFRobert J. TierneyEducationFrom Campus to Community: Supporting UBC Students Implementing Learning Technologies in ClassroomsYear 142661Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFRobert J. TierneyEducationInfusing Technologies into Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of EducationYear 1150000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFRobert J. TierneyYear 2100000
2015/2016Small TLEFRobert MillerArtsBlended Learning: Redesigning 1st and 2nd year language courses for French and SpanishYear 125903Completed2016-TLEF-Final-Report-Miller-WEB.pdf2016/2017Small TLEFRobert MillerYear 219025Year 2: Poster
2012/2013Small TLEFRobert PeregoodoffSauder School of BusinessIntegrating iPeer with UBC's new course management system - Blackboard LearnYear 151600Completed
2012/2013Small TLEFRobert PeregoodoffSauder School of BusinessApplying Emerging Web Practices in Teaching and Learning for Improved Student Experience and InteractionYear 156703Completed
2010/2011Small TLEFRobert TaylorArtsMusicianship in the Digital Era: Embracing New Technologies in the Advancement of Individual and Ensemble Performance SkillsYear 156392Completed
2017/2018Small TLEFRobert VanwynsbergheEducationDeveloping assessment tools for evaluating key competencies in sustainability across programs at UBCYear 122336Completed2018/2019Small TLEFRobert VanwynsbergheYear 213784
1999/2000Small TLEFRobert WoollardMedicineUndergraduate Rural Practice Network ProjectYear 123600Completed
2006/2007Small TLEFRobert WoollwardMedicineCollaboration in First Nations’ Health through Interprofessional Training and Community EngagementYear 135400Completed
2013/2014Small TLEFRobin StoodleyScienceChemTube: Instructional videos to improve student learning in the CHEM3XX analytical laboratoryYear 143392Completed13-095-Stoodley-Final-WEB.pdf
2010/2011Small TLEFRobin StoodleyScienceDevelopment of New Integrated Third-year Chemistry ExperimentsYear 156932Completed2011/2012Small TLEFRobin StoodleyYear 2616322012/2013Small TLEFRobin StoodleyYear 362632
2025/2026Small TLEFRobin StoodleyScienceAlchemy lab manual for student-customized learning in chemistry labsYear 113910Active
2025/2026Small TLEFRoger BeckieScienceGenerating Interactive LearningYear 138552Active
2015/2016Small TLEFRoland StullScienceRoleplaying to Enhance Student Decision-making Skills in the Online Components of Blended Flipped Science Course ATSC 113Year 147095CompletedFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Stull-WEB.pdfPoster
2001/2002Small TLEFRoland StullScienceNatural Disasters LabYear 120600Completed
2013/2014Large TLEFRon ReidPharmaceutical SciencesRedesign of PHAR330: Genomics and Personalized MedicineYear 128006Completed
2023/2024Small TLEFRonaldo CerriLand & Food SystemsCreating a hybrid, interactive and enhanced learning experience for students in animal health and physiology coursesYear 140000Active2024/2025Small TLEFRonaldo CerriYear 210000
2014/2015Large TLEFRosemary RedfieldScienceBlending Fundamental and Useful GeneticsYear 152081Completed
2017/2018Small TLEFRoss KingArtsThe UBC Korean Reader: Collaborative and Contextual Learning in UBC’s Korean Language ProgrammeYear 122400CompletedPoster2018/2019Small TLEFRoss KingYear 220490Year 2: Poster
2006/2007Small TLEFRoss KingArtsTechnology-enhanced Chinese Character Learning Resources for Use in ‘CJK’ (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) Language CoursesYear 199000Completed2007/2008Small TLEFRoss KingYear 2680002008/2009Small TLEFRoss KingYear 334500
1998/1999Small TLEFRoss KingArtsMultimedia Web-Based Teaching Material for Korean as a Foreign LanguageYear 141520Completed1999/2000Small TLEFRoss KingYear 2150002000/2001Small TLEFRoss KingYear 315000
2003/2004Small TLEFRuben ZamarScienceOnline Interactive Statistical Learning ToolsYear 150000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFRuth BuchananAllard School of LawGraduate Seminar: Law & DevelopmentYear 115000Completed
2014/2015Large TLEFRuth Elwood MartinMedicineHealth Research Methods Course for Undergraduate StudentsYear 148723Completed
2009/2010Small TLEFRuth Elwood MartinMedicineEnhancing medical education by creating learning opportunities and clinical electives in prison communities, phase 2: evaluation developmentYear 142000Completed2010/2011Small TLEFMegan SmithYear 219430
2020/2021Small TLEFRyuko KubotaEducationLearning about Global Englishes: Educational Video ProjectYear 117450CompletedPoster2022/2023Small TLEFRyuko KubotaYear 232550Year 2: Poster
2017/2018Small TLEFSally HermansenArtsConcentrated Blended Learning: the redesign of traditional weekly lectures and labs into blended on-line learning modules for GEOB270 Geographic Information Science (GIScience)Year 112131Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Hermansen-WEB.pdf
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster