Creation of a Canvas Module: “What Science Can Tell You About How To Be Successful in University”

TitleCreation of a Canvas Module: “What Science Can Tell You About How To Be Successful in University”
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

Psychology involves the study of human behaviour. One behaviour that is of interest to virtually all UBC undergraduates is learning. There is a wealth of previous psychological research on correlates and predictors of successful learning, and on the benefits and limitations of different student approaches to learning. However, this research is typically unknown to students, likely due to lack of explicit instruction on learning, as well as many barriers that can prevent students from accessing academic research.

The objective of this TLEF is a Canvas Module on “What Science Can Tell You About How To Be Successful in University”, available for use by any instructor. This module will present a host of high-utility research-supported approaches to success in learning, via short, entertaining accessible video clips. The module will also include pre- and post-video reflections, to aid students in considering how they might adapt their current approaches given the evidence provided.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2024/2025
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorLillian May
Year 1: Funded Amount12,165
Year 1: Team Members

Lillian May, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Sunaina Assinand, Professor of Teaching, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Benjamin Cheung, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Jay Hosking, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
David King, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Simon Lolliot, Associate Professor of Taching, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Grace Truong, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Kayli Johnson, Associate Professor of Teaching, Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Year 2: Project YearYear 1
Year 2: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 2: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 2: Principal InvestigatorLillian May
Year 2: Funded Amount13,538
Year 2: Team Members

Lillian May, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Sunaina Assanand, Professor of Teaching, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Benjamin Cheung, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Jay Hosking, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
David King, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Simon Lolliot, Associate Professor of Teaching, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Grace Truong, Lecturer, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Kayli Johnson, Associate Professor of Teaching, Chemistry, Faculty of Science