Open Case Studies

TitleOpen Case Studies
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

This project brings together faculty and students from across departments and Faculties to co-create an interdisciplinary, open educational resource on sustainability and environmental ethics. The structure and open nature of this resource will allow faculty and students to contribute to and provide commentary on a collection of case studies through the lens of their respective academic disciplines. It will break down silos by encouraging professors and students to draw from additional disciplinary perspectives to those in their courses. We will hold a “sprint” to start the resource, but students and faculty will continue to add to it later. Graduate RAs will work with professors to incorporate the resource into their courses and evaluate its success, with emphasis on leveraging the resource's openness to create new, student-generated cases as well as disciplinary, research-based commentary on cases. With new contributions from students and faculty, the resource will evolve and expand over time.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project TitleSustainability Case Studies: A Model for Interdisciplinary Learning and Showcasing of Student Work
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2016/2017
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorChristina Hendricks
Year 1: Funded Amount14,954
Year 1: Team Members

Christina Hendricks, Professor of Teaching, Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
Richard Price, Professor, Political Science, Faculty of Arts
Eduardo Jovel, Associate Professor, Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Jenna Omassi, VP Academic and University Affairs, AMS
Daniel Munro, Associate VP Academic and University Affairs, AMS

Year 1: TLEF ShowcaseYear 1: TLEF Showcase
Year 2: Project YearYear 2
Year 2: Funding Year2018/2019
Year 2: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 2: Principal InvestigatorChristina Hendricks
Year 2: Funded Amount4,410
Year 2: Team Members

Christina Hendricks, Professor of Teaching, Philosophy, Faculty of Arts / Associate Academic Director, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
Richard Price, Professor, Political Science, Faculty of Arts
Janette Bulkan, Assistant Professor, Forest Resources Management, Faculty of Forestry
Deb Chen, Educational Developer, Teaching and Learning PD, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Year 2: TLEF ShowcaseYear 2: TLEF Showcase
Project Report2018-TLEF-Final-Hendricks-WEB.pdf
Project Outcomes


Dissemination: Presentations & workshops in which the project is discussed