Title | Supporting Professional Development in Graduate Programs |
Faculty/College/Unit | Graduate Studies |
Status | Completed |
Duration | 1 Year |
Initiation | 04/01/2002 |
Completion | 03/31/2003 |
Project Summary | Objectives: a) To produce a Professional Development Handbook that will facilitate graduate students’ early recognition of and involvement with the professional activities necessary to succeed in their discipline and b) to work with departments to deliver this information in a form that will harmonize with and supplement their student mentoring activities. Rationale: The Carnegie Institute survey on successful graduate programs and consultations with the Graduate Student Society point to the need to provide students with information to ensure they proactively plan their graduate experiences so that they efficiently engage in the types of activities that will qualify them to move into high level scholarly, research, and professional positions. The project described here will have a direct effect on graduate education at UBC by providing students with a template for achieving their professional goals. |
Funding Details | |
Year 1: Project Year | Year 1 |
Year 1: Funding Year | 2002/2003 |
Year 1: Project Type | Small TLEF |
Year 1: Principal Investigator | Ann Rose |
Year 1: Funded Amount | 27,776 |
Year 1: Team Members | Ann Rose, Faculty of Graduate Studies |