Title | Best Practices in Learning Object Management and Pedagogy |
Faculty/College/Unit | VP Academic |
Status | Completed |
Duration | 2 Year |
Initiation | 04/01/2002 |
Completion | 03/31/2004 |
Funding Details | |
Year 1: Project Title | Coordinated Metadata Infrastructure for Learning Object Repositories at UBC |
Year 1: Project Year | Year 1 |
Year 1: Funding Year | 2002/2003 |
Year 1: Project Type | Small TLEF |
Year 1: Principal Investigator | Cathryn Jackson |
Year 1: Funded Amount | 200,000 |
Year 1: Team Members | Cathryn Jackson, Chair, Faculty of Alliance for Technology in Education |
Year 1: Summary | A wide range of educational materials is available in many formats (audio, video, animation, text and simulation) and is delivered through a variety of modes. However, much of these materials are 'hidden' within the discrete course or discipline for which they were created even though the potential exists for them to be used in multiple ways by multiple users. UBC requires a system where learning materials can be created, captured, shared and reused easily given its highly decentralized arrangement. The goal of this project is to create a coordinated set of Learning Object Repositories that share common standards and allow the sharing and reuse of pedagogical materials (Learning Objects) at UBC. This project will build a platform independent metadata framework that enables collaboration among projects, ensures that objects can be shared and searched in consistent ways, and that permits learning objects to work together in standard ways. There are two significant objectives for this TLEF. The first one is to establish and communicate a set of standards that allow for cross-disciplinary sharing of pedagogical materials and resources. These standards will be applied to provide the teaching community with the infrastructure for collecting, cataloguing, retrieving and sharing of learning materials across campus and with other institutions. As World standards are emerging for the cataloging, storing and sharing of Learning Objects this project will build upon this work to establish the UBC standards. The second project objective is to explore and develop the applications of learning objects to educational outcomes through project-based initiatives at the level of individual faculties and units. The main focus of this objective is to leverage strategic applications of information and educational technologies in ways that enhance and expand educational processes at UBC. Specific goals that will guide the exploration and development of this project include:
Year 2: Project Year | Year 2 |
Year 2: Funding Year | 2003/2004 |
Year 2: Project Type | Small TLEF |
Year 2: Principal Investigator | Brian Lamb |
Year 2: Funded Amount | 120,000 |
Year 2: Team Members | Brian Lamb, Office of Learning Technology |
Year 2: Summary | This proposal focuses on the best practices in utilizing learning objects (LOs) to benefit teaching and learning, and promotes the efficient production, use and reuse of digital resources. Key strategies including promoting cases studies, providing assistance to users, and fostering communities of practice among instructors, students and developers. These strategies have been conceived to correspond to and partner with similar efforts in Canada and internationally. The initiative builds on the 2002 TLEF project, “Coordinated Metadata Infrastructure for Learning Object Repositories at UBC.” The emphasis on technical matters in the initial phase will give UBC a solid infrastructure of local and central repositories, create a workable set of implementation guidelines for LOs, and address the growing interest in LOs at the university. In this second phase, we will leverage this infrastructure, and concentrate on the continuing challenge of integrating LOs into practices of UBC’s learning community. The overall objective of this second phase is to develop practices that deliver the best digital resources to students, faculty and staff, optimize the quality of UBC’s instructional multimedia, and ensure that resources for educational technology are employed efficiently and effectively. Specific Objectives: