How to communicate with people with aphasia: Establishing an innovative speech-language pathology clinical placement to provide experiential interprofessional learning for health profession students in Northern B.C. – A pilot project

TitleHow to communicate with people with aphasia: Establishing an innovative speech-language pathology clinical placement to provide experiential interprofessional learning for health profession students in Northern B.C. - A pilot project
Duration1 Year
Project Summary

In 2015, a 50% increase in MSc. Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) seats resulted in the need to provide a total of 288 clinical placements for 72 students over a two-year program (an increase from 192 placements). To address a critical shortage of adult placements, the SASS is seeking innovative placement models with a focus in Northern B.C. where SLP services are scarce, especially for adults with aphasia, a communication disorder experienced by 20-30% of people after stroke.

The SASS and its partners at the University Hospital of Northern B.C. have identified a unique opportunity for interprofessional experiential learning involving groups of SLPs and other health profession students. The School proposes a sustainable student SLP clinic for people with aphasia (PWA) post-stroke which would also enable other health profession students to benefit from interprofessional communication partner training and practice based on the evidence-based program Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2017/2018
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorTami Howe
Year 1: Funded Amount49,800
Year 1: Team Members

Tami Howe, Assistant Professor, Audiology and Speech Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Marcia Choi, Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, Audiology and Speech Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Elaina McCarron, Chief Speech-Language Pathologist, UHNBC Prince George BC, Northern Health
Robin Roots, Coordinator of Clinical Education Northern and Rural Cohort, Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine and UNBC
Valter Ciocca, Director, Audiology and Speech Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Eavan Sinden, Instructor, Acquired Language Disorders, Clinical Teaching and Coordinator Team, Audiology and Speech Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Jessica Barclay, MSc. 2017 Candidate, Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Speech Sciences
Danielle Bigiolli, MSc. 2017 Candidate, Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Speech Sciences
Rheanne Brownridge, MSc. 2017 Candidate, Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Speech Sciences
Kean Leung, MSc. 2017 Candidate, Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Speech Sciences

Project Report2017-TLEF-Final-Howe-WEB.pdf