Preparing Students for the Future of Digitalized Computer Numerical Control Fabrication with Multi-Media and Training Modules

TitlePreparing Students for the Future of Digitalized Computer Numerical Control Fabrication with Multi-Media and Training Modules
Duration2 Year
Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2019/2020
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorVincent Leung
Year 1: Funded Amount16,022
Year 1: Team Members

Vincent Leung, Instructor, Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry
Simon Ellis, Associate Professor / Program Director, Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry,
Jason Chiu, Managing Director, Centre for Advanced Wood Processing, Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry

Year 1: Summary

The TLEF funding is requested to create tutorial modules for three pieces of new equipment, 8-Axis Kuka Industrial Robotic work cell, 5-Axis CNC Processing Centre, and Artec 3D Digital Scanner at the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP), Department of Wood Science. The modules will be used to enhance the teaching and learning for five of the WOOD courses and laboratory work for the Undergraduate Wood Products Processing Program (WPP) and the Graduate study and research for the Department. The WPP program has experienced rapid growth over the past few years. With the growing student numbers, the teaching team will have less one-to-one contact time with students. The material will include machine operation instructions, software programming, animations, videos, graphics and glossaries. The students can use the modules to understand and familiarize themselves with the state-of-the-art Digital Wood Fabrication equipment, and the teaching team can focus their time on more advanced topics that can showcase the real-world application and how they are used in industrial situations.

Year 2: Project YearYear 2
Year 2: Funding Year2020/2021
Year 2: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 2: Principal InvestigatorVincent Leung
Year 2: Funded Amount4,871
Year 2: Team Members

Vincent Leung, Instructor, Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry
Simon Ellis, Associate Professor / Program Director, Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry,
Jason Chiu, Managing Director, Centre for Advanced Wood Processing, Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry

Year 2: Summary

The Year 2 TLEF funding is requested to revise or modify the created instructional modules, funded from the Year 1 TLEF funding, based on the feedback from videos and modules from the students and faculty members who used in 2019/2020.

Teaching modules had been developed for five of the machines ex: 8-Axis Kuka Industrial Robotic work cell, 5 Axis CNC Processing Centre, 5 Head Moulder, Numerical controlled Table Saw, and Artec 3D Digital Scanner at the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP), Department of Wood Science. The modules have been used to enhance the teaching and learning for five of the WOOD courses, laboratory work, and students at co-op for the Undergraduate Wood Products Processing Program (WPP) and the Graduate study and research for the Department of Wood Science. The material includes machine operation instructions, software programming, and glossaries presented in online video format.

Project Report2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Leung-WEB.pdf