Observing the Earth from Space

TitleObserving the Earth from Space
Duration1 Year
Project Summary

The adventures of astronaut, Chris Hadfield, have inspired a new generation of “space wonderers”; interested and inspired by viewing the Earth from space, and what technological advances have come from humans in space. UBC courses cover some of these domains, including sensing the Earth from space, geo-positioning and locations services from space and mapping / citizen science activities.

This TLEF proposes to develop online education resources including three key components (a content portal, interactive online labs and a blog / student portfolio) to support learning and the underlying theory, capitalizing on this current interest. The site will have direct use in a number of undergraduate courses: FRST 443 (Remote Sensing); CONS 340 (GIS) and CONS 452 (Landscape ecology). In addition the website will be used by a new course CONS127 “Observing the Earth from Space”, a first year, all access, course (CONS 127) offered by Faculty of Forestry.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2015/2016
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorNicholas Coops
Year 1: Funded Amount44,995
Year 1: Team Members

Nicholas Coops, Professor, Forest Resources Management, Faculty of Forestry

Project ReportFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Coops-WEB.pdf