Development Project for Online Multi-modal FNEL Learning Resources: Musqueam Language Program (FNEL) & Arts ISIT (Arts Digital Collections)

TitleDevelopment Project for Online Multi-modal FNEL Learning Resources: Musqueam Language Program (FNEL) & Arts ISIT (Arts Digital Collections)
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

This project will result in the development of a new interactive multimodal online course platform for students in the Musqueam language classes of the First Nations and Endangered Languages Program to work towards the reclamation of the critically endangered hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language. Whereas the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ Salish language spoken by the Musqueam people, on whose traditional and unceded territory UBC is situated, flourished for millennia as a body of rich oral traditions, there are no longer any fluent speakers who grew up with hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ as their first language. Particularly crucial therefore to Indigenous language revitalization is access to sound files. Two fundamentally important design features of this innovative course platform are first, the stable integration of audio files with the literate text; and secondly, in-built safeguards to ensure the protection of these sound files from unauthorized use.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorPatricia A. Shaw
Year 1: Funded Amount30,605
Year 1: Team Members

Patricia A. Shaw, Professor Emerita, Critical Indigenous Studies (CIS), Faculty of Arts
Jill Campbell, Adjunct Professor, First Nations and Endangered Languages Program (FNEL) / CIS, Faculty of Arts
Marny Point, Lecturer, Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP), Faculty of Education
Grace Point Bassett, Lecturer, NITEP, Faculty of Education

Project Team Members:

Fiona Campbell, Sessional Lecturer, FNEL / CIS, Faculty of Arts
Larry Grant, Adjunct Professor, FNEL / CIS, Faculty of Arts