Generating Interactive Learning

TitleGenerating Interactive Learning
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

Students learn best through active engagement, repeated exposure to material, targeted feedback, and making mistakes (Nilson, 2023). However, developing interactive content that engages students can be time-consuming, especially for universal design and accessibility.

To address these challenges, we propose leveraging existing AI tools through CREATE (Content, Retention, Engagement, Accessible, Teaching Presence, Evaluation).

This project aligns with UBC’s strategic plan to facilitate transformative learning through innovative learning technology to support student experience.

CREATE will:

  1. Allow instructors to upload a document and generate interactive elements (Quiz, Multiple Choice, True/False, Essay, Flashcards, Summary)
  2. Choose the pedagogical approach from three main streams:
    • To support student learning;
    • To assess student learning and;
    • To gamify student learning
  3. Review and re-generate the interactive elements
  4. Export, upload and edit the interactive elements

By implementing CREATE, we are will foster more meaningful and relevant engagement techniques for graduate and undergraduate students.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorRoger Beckie
Year 1: Funded Amount38,552