Experiencing Diversion: Engagement and Development following the Introduction of the Diversionary Process

TitleExperiencing Diversion: Engagement and Development following the Introduction of the Diversionary Process
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

The diversionary option for academic misconduct was introduced into UBC’s Academic Calendar in September 2022 to provide students with a more direct, educative and streamlined path forward after an incident. A two-year pilot led by the Academic Integrity Hub in the Provost’s Office (2022-2024) implemented the diversionary process across the Faculties. Valuable knowledge has been gained across the Faculties and this project is a way to ensure that it continues to be captured in a thorough and comprehensive way. Through a collaboration between stakeholders involved in the diversionary process, this project will build on the introduction of diversion at UBC to create evidence-based resources for students, instructors, and decision-makers. This project presents an opportunity for greater pre-emptive and responsive dissemination of knowledge gained through this process to a broader audience and seeks to capture lessons learned by decision makers during the implementation of diversion at UBC.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorJames Charbonneau
Year 1: Funded Amount10,127
Year 1: Team Members

James Charbonneau, Associate Dean, Students / Associate Professor of Teaching, Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science
Ainsley Rouse, Associate Director, Academic Integrity Hub, Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
Jared Taylor, Academic Integrity Program Manager, Academic Integrity Hub, Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
Lan Luo, Academic Integrity and Awards Manager, Faculty of Science