Building deep AI-integrated pedagogy using the aEHR

TitleBuilding deep AI-integrated pedagogy using the aEHR
Faculty/College/UnitPharmaceutical Sciences
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

Cases are a foundational component of health education, providing simulated learning for students to navigate complex care situations. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) offers instructors a safe and efficient way to create new cases, add AI-chat, minimize human biases, and increase case diversity. The goal of this project is to build two AI-enabled tools embedded in the Academic Electronic Health Record (aEHR): a case generator and a patient chatbot.

A case generator will allow instructors near-instant development of cases according to desired parameters (e.g. complexity, length, clinical features), while a patient chatbot brings a realistic patient-voice into the learning activity for students.

The aEHR is a free-to-use patient chart tool currently used at UBC for case-based learning. The AI infrastructure will include two new databases connected to the aEHR: a large language model (the AI) and a retrieval augmentation generation (RAG) database (the sensitive instructor-specific teaching material).

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorJason Min
Year 1: Funded Amount27,500
Year 1: Team Members

Jason Min, Associate Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kelly Allison, Assistant Professor of Teaching / Chair, Field Education, Social Work, Faculty of Arts / Director, Education, UBC Health
Jeffrey Boniface, Clinical Associate Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy,
Faculty of Medicine
Janet Cooper, Executive Director, Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada
Michelle Hamilton, Education Program Manager, UBC Health
Carrie Krekoski, Clinical Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry / Assistant Director, Education, UBC Health
Shona McLaren, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine
Julie Tipping, Lecturer, Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science
Lutfiyya Devji, 2nd Year Student, PharmD Program
Tracy Shu, 3rd Year Student, PharmD Program
Irene Luong, 4th Year Student, PharmD Program
John Cheng, Learning Design Consultant, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
Daniel Machev, Manager, Application Development and IT Infrastructure, Educational Technology and Learning Designs (OETLD), Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
JP Marchand, Director, Educational Technology and Learning Designs, OETLD, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Brie Weir, Manager, Educational Technology, OETLD, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences