HGI Development of a foundational Indigenous focused course that would be open to all and serve as a pre-requisite for HGSE 371 Re-Storying History: Indigenous Perspectives

TitleHGI Development of a foundational Indigenous focused course that would be open to all and serve as a pre-requisite for HGSE 371 Re-Storying History: Indigenous Perspectives
Duration2 Year
Project Summary

Our broad goal is to ensure all students in the Faculty of Forestry and HGI have exposure to a foundational baseline of knowledge of Indigenous history and current issues that prepares them for future learning. A key component of this is to develop a foundational first year level Indigenous-focused course that serves the evolving needs of HGI and Forestry’s programs and provides conceptual laddering for students that links to our upper level curricula. Within the Faculty of Forestry, a lot of work has been done in developing and providing learning opportunities, courses and programs focused on Indigenous topics. This project aims to ensure there are clear pathways for students, course alignment and a cohesive scaffolding of knowledge and skills that will prepare students for working with Indigenous peoples and communities in the context of their future studies and professions.

Funding Details
Year 1: Project YearYear 1
Year 1: Funding Year2025/2026
Year 1: Project TypeSmall TLEF
Year 1: Principal InvestigatorCarrie Anne Vanderhoop
Year 1: Funded Amount49,659
Year 1: Team Members

Carrie Anne Vanderhoop, Director, Haida Gwaii Institute, Faculty of Forestry
Dana-Lyn Mackenzie, Sr. Manager, EDI and Indigeneity, Faculty of Applied Science / Faculty of Land and Food Systems / Faculty of Forestry
Carlos Ormond, Director, Indigenous and Intercultural Initiatives, Faculty of Forestry
Andres Varhola, Director, Forest Management and Forest Operations, Faculty of Forestry
Hisham Zerriffi, Associate Dean Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Faculty of Forestry