Funded Proposals New

Displaying 801 - 900 of 998

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2023/2024Small TLEFJose Rodriguez NunezScienceChemistry and Societal Impacts: Re-imagining the First-Year Experience in the Lecture and Lab with CHEM 141Year 124819Active2024/2025Small TLEFJose Rodriguez NunezYear 224654
2022/2023Small TLEFJoseph DahmenApplied ScienceIntegrating Architecture and Landscape Architecture with Community Forest ManagementYear 122308Completed2023-TLEF-Final-Report-Dahmen-WEB.pdf2023/2024Small TLEFJoseph DahmenYear 222592Year 2: Poster
2017/2018Small TLEFJoss IvesScienceEvidence-based best practices for two-stage collaborative examsYear 117672Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Ives-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFJoss IvesYear 216128Year 2: Poster
2023/2024Small TLEFJoss IvesScienceExpanding Course Insights for Equity and Inclusion in ScienceYear 118928Active2024/2025Small TLEFJoss IvesYear 2155362025/2026Small TLEFJoss IvesYear 315483
2000/2001Small TLEFGordon PageMedicineUsing Standardized Patients for Faculty Development in Clinical SkillsYear 144610Completed2001/2002Small TLEFJudith A. VestrupYear 2455702002/2003Small TLEFSharon SalloumYear 323418
2013/2014Small TLEFJudith WalkerDentistryTransitioning into a dental hygiene baccaleureate: Understanding and enhancing academic and social integrationYear 113550Completed2014/2015Small TLEFJudith WalkerYear 217295
2010/2011Small TLEFJudy McLeanLand & Food SystemsInternational Food and Nutrition Security InitiativeYear 142700Completed2012/2013Small TLEFJudy McLeanYear 254120
1999/2000Small TLEFShirley NeumanArtsArts Co-operative Education ProgramYear 1150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFJulie WalchliYear 21200002001/2002Small TLEFJulie WalchliYear 390000
2024/2025Large TLEFJustin BullSauder School of BusinessIntegrating SDG-Related Content into Business Curriculum to Develop Future Responsible LeadersYear 142689Active2025/2026Large TLEFJustin BullYear 237901
2017/2018Small TLEFKaren DahriPharmaceutical SciencesVirtual Patients – Bridging the Gap Between the Classroom and Clinical Pharmacy PracticeYear 110636Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Dahri-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFKaren DahriYear 212892Year 2: Poster
2005/2006Small TLEFKaren GardnerDentistryThe Trans-Faculty Peer Review Program for Teaching and LearningYear 15413Completed2006/2007Small TLEFKaren GardnerYear 2134502007/2008Small TLEFKaren GardnerYear 331557
2006/2007Small TLEFKaren GoddardMedicineAn Interdisciplinary E-learning Program to Enhance Pediatric Oncology EducationYear 111000Completed2007/2008Small TLEFKaren GoddardYear 2119002010/2011Small TLEFKaren GoddardYear 321000
2015/2016Small TLEFKarol TravissLand & Food SystemsNew approaches to Dietetics Major clinical courses: incorporation of innovative and effective pedagogies to enhance teaching and learning in a health professional training programYear 131642Completed2016-Final-Traviss-WEB.pdf2016/2017Small TLEFKarol TravissYear 218291
2005/2006Small TLEFKatherine BeaumontVP StudentsMaximizing UBC Student Mobility Degree Progress via the WebYear 144439Completed2006/2007Small TLEFKatherine BeaumontYear 2500002007/2008Small TLEFKatherine BeaumontYear 355000
2018/2019Small TLEFKatherine LyonArtsExperiential Learning in Large Enrollment Courses: Designing an Augmented Reality, Geospatial, Gamified Experience in First Year Sociology & GeographyYear 133975CompletedPoster2019/2020Small TLEFKatherine LyonYear 215983
2004/2005Small TLEFKay TeschkeGraduate StudiesHealth, Science, Engineering and Public PolicyYear 132500Completed2006/2007Small TLEFKay TeschkeYear 231500
2009/2010Small TLEFKeith MaillardArtsBuilding a Framework for an Innovative Method of Online Learning at UBC Creative WritingYear 125325Completed2010/2011Small TLEFKeith MaillardYear 2214502011/2012Small TLEFKeith MaillardYear 310725
2022/2023Small TLEFKelly McCormickArtsBehind the Camera: Gender, Power, and Politics in the History of Japanese PhotographyYear 116301ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKelly McCormickYear 218760Year 2: Poster
2005/2006Small TLEFKendall HoMedicineEssentials in Health Informatics for Life Sciences and Computer Science Students – summer and e-learning courseYear 143372Completed2006/2007Small TLEFKendall HoYear 245400
2009/2010Small TLEFShafik DharamsiUBC HealthStrengthening an Ethical Platform for International Engagement and Service-learning at UBC: Filling knowledge and educational resource gapsYear 1118567Completed2010/2011Small TLEFKendra FosterYear 265000
2019/2020Small TLEFKerry GreerArtsUndergraduate Leadership Development: Leveraging the student experience to strengthen Community Engaged LearningYear 122653Completed2020/2021Small TLEFKerry GreerYear 227090
2019/2020Small TLEFKerry WilburPharmaceutical SciencesDetermining Pharmacy Student Competencies across Experiential Education ContextsYear 125913Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Wilbur-WEB.pdf2020/2021Small TLEFKerry WilburYear 223180
2023/2024Large TLEFKerry WilburPharmaceutical SciencesHybrid Learning in the PharmD Program (HIPP)Year 171817ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFKerry WilburYear 2128173
2005/2006Small TLEFKevin SmithApplied ScienceCreating a sustainable framework for capstone experiences in Chemical EngineeringYear 129614Completed2006/2007Small TLEFKevin SmithYear 216114
2013/2014Small TLEFKim KilohVP StudentsEnhanced Career Services and Resources for Graduate StudentsYear 1147000CompletedFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Naylor-WEB.pdf2014/2015Small TLEFKim KilohYear 21031002015/2016Small TLEFCarol NaylorYear 387400Year 3: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFKirsten HodgeScienceStudent-Curated Informal Learning and Engagement Spaces (SCI-LEnS): Developing a New Course for STEM Graduate StudentsYear 123970ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKirsten HodgeYear 226030Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFKshamta HunterEducationEmbedding Climate Education in Teacher Education Courses through a Novel Framework of Climate Kind PedagogyYear 129978ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKshamta HunterYear 219950
2001/2002Small TLEFKurt GrimmScienceThe Science and Practice of Sustainability: A New Transdisciplinary Field Course at UBCYear 115552Completed2002/2003Small TLEFKurt GrimmYear 240000
2024/2025Small TLEFLaila FerreiraArtsCultivating Inclusive Writing Instruction: Planting Seeds Across the CurriculumYear 121309Active2025/2026Small TLEFLaila FerreiraYear 226772
2014/2015Large TLEFLarissa RinghamUBC LibraryGold Rush in the Digital Age: Immersing UBC Students in Primary Sources in an Online EnvironmentYear 113400Completed2015/2016Large TLEFLarissa RinghamYear 220900
2020/2021Large TLEFLarry LeungPharmaceutical SciencesUPROOT: A Community-Based Approach to Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Pharmacy CurriculumYear 1127380Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Leung-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Large TLEFLarry LeungYear 2100000Year 2: Poster2022/2023Large TLEFLarry LeungYear 322620Year 3: Poster
2024/2025Small TLEFLarry LeungPharmaceutical SciencesThe BRAIN Project - Building Resources and Accessibility in Neurology for Practical LearningYear 130000Active2025/2026Small TLEFLarry LeungYear 220000
2022/2023Large TLEFLaura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Philippe Tortell & Brett GilleyScienceEarth Science Experiential and Indigenous Learning (EaSEIL)Year 1120779ActivePoster2023/2024Large TLEFLaura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Brett Gilley, Sarah Bean Sherman & Philippe TortellYear 286694Year 2: Poster2024/2025Large TLEFLaura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Brett Gilley, Sarah Bean Sherman & Philippe TortellYear 342200
2017/2018Large TLEFLaurie McNeillArtsOur Cheating Hearts: Academic Integrity Curriculum Design in First-Year Arts ProgramsYear 163002Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-McNeill-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Large TLEFLaurie McNeillYear 244079Year 2: Poster2019/2020Large TLEFLaurie McNeillYear 315626
2024/2025Large TLEFLaurie McNeill & Andrew OwenArtsWe’re only Human? Educative Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence, Academic Integrity, and Writing in the Faculty of ArtsYear 169861Active2025/2026Large TLEFLaurie McNeill & Andrew OwenYear 270947
2007/2008Small TLEFLeah May WalkerMedicineInternational Indigenous Experiences of ColonizationYear 144204Completed2009/2010Small TLEFLeah May WalkerYear 246504
2022/2023Small TLEFLeeann DonnellyDentistryDevelopment and implementation of teledentistry to support clinical practice and structural competence among undergraduate dental and dental hygiene studentsYear 128902ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFLeeann DonnellyYear 221007Year 2: Poster
2010/2011Small TLEFLena PatsaGraduate StudiesThe PCGER Initiative: Bringing UBC to the forefront of global geothermal education and researchYear 192000Completed2011/2012Small TLEFLena PatsaYear 2840002012/2013Small TLEFLena PatsaYear 350000
2010/2011Small TLEFLeo StoccoApplied ScienceEnhancing the Design Experience in 2nd Year Electrical and Computer Engineering ProjectsYear 154024Completed2011/2012Small TLEFLeo StoccoYear 291361
2011/2012Small TLEFLeonie SandercockApplied ScienceIndigenous Community Planning: implementation of a new curriculumYear 112500Completed13-003-Sandercock-Final-WEB.pdf2012/2013Small TLEFLeonie SandercockYear 2471702013/2014Small TLEFLeonie SandercockYear 386501
2010/2011Small TLEFLesley BainbridgeUBC HealthA Parisian Salon: creating a culture of intellect around the social determinants of healthYear 15000Completed2011/2012Small TLEFLesley BainbridgeYear 24820
2008/2009Small TLEFLesley BainbridgeUBC HealthInterprofessional Pain Management CourseYear 178609Completed2010/2011Small TLEFLesley BainbridgeYear 242223
2023/2024Large TLEFLeyton SchnellertEducationRural and Remote Teacher Education Program: An innovative hybrid approachYear 199547ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLeyton SchnellertYear 295074
2024/2025Small TLEFLillian MayArtsCreation of a Canvas Module: “What Science Can Tell You About How To Be Successful in University”Year 112165Active2025/2026Small TLEFLillian MayYear 113538
2008/2009Small TLEFLinc KeslerArtsIndigenous Foundations: A Multi-Media Website on First Nations History, Culture and PoliticsYear 169324Completed2009/2010Small TLEFLinc KeslerYear 2605542010/2011Small TLEFLinc KeslerYear 378811
2023/2024Large TLEFLindsay CuffLand & Food SystemsFlexible hybrid writing instruction throughout undergraduate curricula: Fostering students' growth, persistence, and identity as writers in scholarly communities and beyondYear 157971ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLindsay CuffYear 245377
2020/2021Small TLEFLindsay RogersScienceA Dynamic and Integrated Metabolic Map for Teaching Metabolism in the Biological SciencesYear 125275Completed2021-TLEF-Final-Report-Rogers-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Small TLEFLindsay RogersYear 222425Year 2: Poster
2001/2002Small TLEFLing ShiEducationLearning About Language and Learning About Culture: A Web-based Research and Teaching projectYear 125000Completed2002/2003Small TLEFLing ShiYear 2200002003/2004Small TLEFKen ReederYear 320000
2012/2013Small TLEFLouise NasmithUBC HealthThe UBC Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) ConnectorYear 173352Completed13-028-Nasmith-Final-WEB.pdf2013/2014Small TLEFLouise NasmithYear 223876
2023/2024Large TLEFLuisa CanutoArtsChanging Course: Hybrid Opportunities for Students in French, Hispanic, and Italian Language ProgramsYear 178548ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLuisa CanutoYear 272279
2004/2005Small TLEFLynn AldenGraduate StudiesProfessional Development for Graduate StudentsYear 163360Completed2005/2006Small TLEFLynn AldenYear 2639612006/2007Small TLEFScott KerlinYear 335500
1999/2000Small TLEFKatherine BeaumontOther...Intercultural Understanding and Tools for the UBC CommunityYear 150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFMackie ChaseYear 2500002001/2002Small TLEFMackie ChaseYear 360000
2020/2021Large TLEFMahesh NagarajanSauder School of BusinessLlgaay gwii gina sk'aadGa 'láas ad Xaaydas gina Gan unsid: Enhancing Business Education with Indigenous KnowledgeYear 1143749CompletedPoster2023/2024Large TLEFMahesh NagarajanYear 271977
2010/2011Small TLEFManuela CostantinoArtsExpanding and Enriching the Co-ordinated ARTS Program: Phase IIIYear 1110000Completed2011/2012Small TLEFManuela CostantinoYear 250000
1997/1998Small TLEFWilliam SchreiberUBC HealthUsing WebCT (Course Tools) as an Adjunct to the delivery of Phase II Courses in the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry CurriculumYear 1Completed1998/1999Small TLEFMarc BroudoYear 21999/2000Small TLEFMarc BroudoYear 339700
2023/2024Large TLEFMarcia GravesScienceAn inclusive hybrid approach for fostering belonging, building academic skills, and integrating Indigenous Ways of Knowing in the First-Year Seminar in Science (SCIE 113)Year 1101257ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFMarcia GravesYear 2119439
2011/2012Small TLEFMargery FeeArtsCanLit GuidesYear 151196Completed2012/2013Small TLEFMargery FeeYear 2497732013/2014Small TLEFMargery FeeYear 375755
2003/2004Small TLEFMargery FeeArtsArts Careers: Enhancing Student SupportYear 167450Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMargery FeeYear 2600002005/2006Small TLEFJohn CooperYear 316887
2020/2021Small TLEFMargot Hessing-LewisScienceCo-producing Aquatic Science Curriculum Through University-Indigenous Community PartnershipsYear 124939Completed2021-TLEF-Final-Report-Hessing-Lewis-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Small TLEFMargot Hessing-LewisYear 224955Year 2: Poster
2012/2013Small TLEFMariano TappataSauder School of BusinessEconomics hands-on. A simulation approach to learning microeconomicsYear 125620Completed2013/2014Small TLEFMariano TappataYear 218308
2012/2013Small TLEFMarina Milner-BolotinEducationTurning Teacher-Candidates to Inquiry: Improving Preparation of Future K-12 Teachers in Mathematics and Science through Active Technology EngagementYear 139353Completed14-041-TLEF-Milner-Bolotin-Final-WEB.pdf2013/2014Small TLEFMarina Milner-BolotinYear 2552272014/2015Small TLEFMarina Milner-BolotinYear 357415
2005/2006Small TLEFMarina Milner-BolotinScienceImproving Student Laboratory Experiences for First Year Large Introductory Physics CoursesYear 142447Completed2006/2007Small TLEFMarina Milner-BolotinYear 250822
1998/1999Small TLEFMartha WhiteheadUBC LibraryInformation Connections: Information Literacy, Technology, and Research SkillsYear 1Completed1999/2000Small TLEFMartha WhiteheadYear 2500002000/2001Small TLEFMartha WhiteheadYear 350000
2002/2003Small TLEFMartin V. PusicMedicineJust-In-Time Learning in the Pediatric Emergency DepartmentYear 148242Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMartin V. PusicYear 241200
2006/2007Small TLEFMaura MacPheeApplied ScienceHigh Fidelity Simulation Curriculum Development and Faculty EducationYear 149290Completed2007/2008Small TLEFMaura MacPheeYear 239158
2000/2001Small TLEFMaureen GarlandLand & Food SystemsTraining for Adoption of Innovative Learning Technology Environments: E-Learning, PBL Online and MoreYear 149690Completed2001/2002Small TLEFMaureen GarlandYear 2499202002/2003Small TLEFMaureen GarlandYear 323000
1999/2000Small TLEFMaureen GarlandLand & Food SystemsStudent Support for the Agora Learning CommonsYear 129000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFMaureen GarlandYear 212350
2009/2010Small TLEFRuth Elwood MartinMedicineEnhancing medical education by creating learning opportunities and clinical electives in prison communities, phase 2: evaluation developmentYear 142000Completed2010/2011Small TLEFMegan SmithYear 219430
2013/2014Small TLEFMelania AlvarezScienceEmerging Aboriginal Scholars Summer SchoolYear 129000Completed2014/2015Small TLEFMelania AlvarezYear 230000
2009/2010Small TLEFMichael FryzukScienceBuilding Capacity for Undergraduate Peer Leaders in ChemistryYear 119542Completed2010/2011Small TLEFMichael FryzukYear 26490
2015/2016Small TLEFMichael GriffinArtsCultivating citizenship skills through teaching and learning in the humanitiesYear 15670Completed2016-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Griffin-WEB.pdfPoster2016/2017Small TLEFMichael GriffinYear 29038
2000/2001Small TLEFMichael IsaacsonApplied ScienceMyUBCYear 1125000Completed2001/2002Small TLEFMichael IsaacsonYear 275000
2015/2016Small TLEFMichael LeeVP StudentsIdentifying the influence of teaching practices on undergraduate students' mental health and wellbeing in the Faculties of Arts and ScienceYear 126988CompletedFinal-Report-2016-TLEF-SP-Lee.pdfPoster2016/2017Small TLEFMichael LeeYear 223012Year 2: Poster
2012/2013Small TLEFMichael LeeVP StudentsBuilding Synergy in Promoting Mental Health Awareness Across Campus Using a Student-Led Participatory Action ApproachYear 132304Completed14-114-TLEF-Lee-Final-WEB.pdf2013/2014Small TLEFMichael LeeYear 2420462014/2015Small TLEFMichael LeeYear 365374
2010/2011Small TLEFMichael LeeUBC HealthContinuing to Promote Mental Health Awareness on Campus: A Student-Led Interprofessional Learning Project to Benefit the UBC CommunityYear 115609Completed2011/2012Small TLEFMichael LeeYear 217784
2003/2004Small TLEFMichelle LambersonVP AcademicCampus-Wide On-line Environment for E-Portfolios: Moving from Project to ProgramYear 1120000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 21500002005/2006Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 3122028
2003/2004Small TLEFMichelle LambersonVP AcademicFacilitating Convergence: Supporting Community Engagement Through Learning TechnologiesYear 1100000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 22250002005/2006Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 3199973
2024/2025Small TLEFMichelle ZengForestryInnovating Forestry Education: Advancing Accessibility, Equity, Diversity, and InclusionYear 137135Active2025/2026Small TLEFMichelle ZengYear 212829
2019/2020Small TLEFMoberley LugerArtsSpeaking in the Disciplines: A “Precedents” Archive for Teaching and Learning Oral GenresYear 124853Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Luger-WEB.pdfPoster2022/2023Small TLEFMoberley LugerYear 222094Year 2: Poster
2010/2011Small TLEFMoura QuayleSauder School of BusinessThe Sauder d-studio: Design Thinking in ActionYear 185641Completed2011/2012Small TLEFMoura QuayleYear 252500
2001/2002Small TLEFNancy E. PerryEducationPreparing Teaching to Model and Promote Self-Regulated LearningYear 144927Completed2002/2003Small TLEFNancy E. PerryYear 245477
2006/2007Small TLEFNancy GalliniArtsExpanding the Co-ordinated Arts Program: Phase IIYear 1150000Completed2007/2008Small TLEFNancy GalliniYear 2108770
2003/2004Small TLEFNancy GalliniArtsFocus on Teaching: Support Program for New Faculty in ArtsYear 115600Completed2004/2005Small TLEFNancy GalliniYear 281002005/2006Small TLEFNancy GalliniYear 314665
2015/2016Large TLEFNancy HeckmanScienceIntroductory StatisticsYear 1140459Completed2016-TLEF-Final-Report-Heckman-WEB.pdfPoster2016/2017Large TLEFNancy HeckmanYear 2106694Year 2: Poster
2007/2008Small TLEFNatasha BoskicEducationAlternative Service Delivery Models for Aboriginal EducationYear 143073Completed2008/2009Small TLEFNatasha BoskicYear 223140
2009/2010Small TLEFNeil SafierArtsGlobal Encounters: An Interdisciplinary Project for Enhancing the Teaching of Cultural Contact and Exchange at UBCYear 136659Completed2010/2011Small TLEFNeil SafierYear 23600
2024/2025Small TLEFNick HallArtsTransforming Language Learning: Inclusive Interactive Web-Based Course Materials for Studying Elementary JapaneseYear 133943Active2025/2026Small TLEFNick HallYear 215432
2019/2020Small TLEFNina HewittArtsImmersive Tools for Field-Based Geoscience Education in Large Undergraduate Courses: Pacific Spirit Forest Augmented Reality field trip and Alpine Ecosystem Virtual Reality toursYear 117036Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Hewitt-WEB.pdfPoster2020/2021Small TLEFNina HewittYear 279602022/2023Small TLEFNina HewittYear 34000Year 3: Poster
2024/2025Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsBuilding and assessing the use of audio artifacts in blended geography coursesYear 15000Active2025/2026Small TLEFNina HewittYear 22000
2008/2009Small TLEFNorma WielandArtsFaculty of ARTS Academic Commuter Transition Program (FAACT)Year 164964Completed2009/2010Small TLEFNorma WielandYear 2564402010/2011Small TLEFSally HermansenYear 349300
2016/2017Large TLEFPamela KalasScienceBlended learning to enhance an undergraduate Biology laboratory courseYear 197922Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Kalas-WEB1.pdf2017/2018Large TLEFPamela KalasYear 294577Year 2: Poster
2013/2014Small TLEFParis-Ann Gfeller-IngledewMedicineThe Development of Online Oncology Modules, an Oncology App and Virtual Patients to Support Interdisciplinary Oncology EducationYear 18792Completed2016-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Ingledew-WEB.pdf2014/2015Small TLEFParis-Ann Gfeller-IngledewYear 265072016/2017Small TLEFParis-Ann Gfeller-IngledewYear 37704
2002/2003Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffEducationTeaching Nontraditional Language Learners: Issues and OpportunitiesYear 128400Completed2003/2004Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 2250002004/2005Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 322550
2015/2016Small TLEFPatricia JohnstonArtsWising Up: Learning to Share Knowledge between Canada’s Northern Communities and Southern ClassroomsYear 125000Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Johnston-WEB.pdfPoster2017/2018Small TLEFPatricia JohnstonYear 225000
2017/2018Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryAugmented Forests: Supplementing Forestry Field Instruction with Virtual Field Instruction and Dynamic Adaptive Quizzing to Build Skills and KnowledgeYear 135554Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Culbert-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFPatrick CulbertYear 214154
2017/2018Large TLEFPatty HamblerVP StudentsIncreasing student capacity for academic success, deeper learning, and wellbeingYear 179964Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Jung-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Large TLEFPatty HamblerYear 279284Year 2: Poster2019/2020Large TLEFDiana JungYear 384737Year 3: Poster
2011/2012Small TLEFPaul ClarksonMedicineUBC Interactive Online Resource to Enhance Musculoskeletal Oncology EducationYear 125700Completed2012/2013Small TLEFPaul ClarksonYear 213510
2003/2004Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonScienceeScience – Enhancing the Science Learning CommunityYear 148352Completed2004/2005Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonYear 235426
2006/2007Small TLEFPaul M. WoodForestryWriting Well: Write Effectively, Learn for LifeYear 146000Completed2007/2008Small TLEFPaul M. WoodYear 24410
1999/2000Small TLEFShirley NeumanArtsFoundations ProgramYear 1150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFPaul TennantYear 21500002001/2002Small TLEFPaul TennantYear 3150000
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster