Funded Proposals New

Displaying 801 - 900 of 998

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2005/2006Small TLEFBarry MasonMedicineCreating a multi-disciplinary electrophysiology laboratory teaching facilityYear 163332Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFJustin BonzoMedicineVirtual Learning Community ProjectYear 144314Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFWilliam E. SchreiberMedicineIn the Palm of Your Hand: A Portable, Electronic Laboratory Reference for Students in the Health SciencesYear 141508Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFJoan FraserMedicineMoving Clinical Education to the Community: A comprehensive evaluation of an innovative programYear 129329Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFTim OberlanderMedicineIntegrated Learning Modules for Clinical Trainees in Developmental PediatricsYear 122219Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFLeslie Ann SadownikMedicineThe Utility of an Objective Structured Teaching Encounter (OSTE) Exam to Reinforce Effective Clinical Teaching BehavioursYear 12140Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFSimon AlbonPharmaceutical SciencesEnhancing Teaching and Learning in the Pharmaceutical Sciences through the Development of the Integrated Laboratory Network (ILN)Year 142455Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFJoanne NakonechnyScienceeTLC: On-line Resources for Teaching Large ClassesYear 136818Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFMichelle HaskinScienceEOSC 111: Laboratory Exploration of Planet EarthYear 113332Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFMargo FryerOther...Building Faculty Members’ Commitment to Community Service-LearningYear 134987Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFKavie ToorVP StudentsFIT UBC: An active approach to learningYear 122219Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFBrian SullivanVP StudentsWhere’s the one-stop shop at UBC? Partnering to ensure academic success for our first and second year undergraduatesYear 1116380Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFGary PooleVP AcademicSupporting Momentum: Nurturing Campus Initiatives for Teaching and LearningYear 1494963Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFHelena HensleyOther...Professional Development for International Teaching Assistants and Graduate ResearchersYear 153326Completed
2005/2006Small TLEFBruce DunwoodyApplied ScienceASSIST 2005 – Academic Success: Summer International Students Transition ProgramYear 195472Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFKay TeschkeGraduate StudiesHealth, Science, Engineering and Public PolicyYear 132500Completed2006/2007Small TLEFKay TeschkeYear 231500
2004/2005Small TLEFIngrid PricePharmaceutical SciencesCreating and enhancing undergraduate research opportunities across campusYear 150667Completed2005/2006Small TLEFIngrid PriceYear 2480622006/2007Small TLEFIngrid PriceYear 354000
2004/2005Small TLEFEnzula TavorminaVP StudentsUBC International WeekYear 133000Completed2005/2006Small TLEFEnzula TavorminaYear 2395502006/2007Small TLEFEnzula TavorminaYear 318850
2004/2005Small TLEFTim MichelLand & Food SystemsScience Awareness: Creating Science Learning Objects for First Nations StudentsYear 120000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFSusan HerringtonLand & Food SystemsThe Claude Glass Collection: Building a Digital Library of Major Works in Landscape ArchitectureYear 130000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFBernie GarrettApplied ScienceA Pilot Project to Create a Mobile, Clinical Learning Environment for Medical and Nursing Students, Using Networked Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to Support Learning in Clinical PracticeYear 147150Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFJohn HowieApplied ScienceCapstone Designe Project (CDP) in Civil EngineeringYear 125000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFSheryl Staub-FrenchApplied ScienceMulti-media Simulations for Engineering ManagementYear 125000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFDhanesh KannangaraApplied ScienceImplementing an Innovative Course Model for Traditional Laboratory CoursesYear 135700Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFJon MikkelsenApplied ScienceMechanical Engineering Capstone Design Program UpdatingYear 124936Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFUlrich RauchArtsA Coordinated Infrastructure for Image Repositories in the Faculty of ArtsYear 1100000Completed2005/2006Small TLEFUlrich RauchYear 286317
2004/2005Small TLEFSusanne GoodisonArtsDeveloping an Early Warning System: Proactively Supporting Student LearningYear 144993Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFSusanne GoodisonArtsMore than Plagiarism: Academic Integrity as a Transition ProgramYear 133150Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFRobert GardinerArtsTheatre and Film Production Curriculum Development at the Great Northern Way CampusYear 149200Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFGaby PailerArtsGerman Theatre – Analyze, Produce, Perform, EnjoyYear 112600Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFBrian KlinkenbergArtsSpatial Analysis – Interactive and On-lineYear 130000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFSandra SchinnerlForestryCanadian Partnership for Forest EducationYear 118850Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFIain MacdonaldForestryCreation of a Learning Objectives Repository on Wood Science and Advanced Wood Products ManufacturingYear 110000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFJohn InnesForestryIntegrating Malcolm Knapp Research Forest Ecosystem Maps in Teaching and Learning in ForestryYear 115394Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFLynn AldenGraduate StudiesProfessional Development for Graduate StudentsYear 163360Completed2005/2006Small TLEFLynn AldenYear 2639612006/2007Small TLEFScott KerlinYear 335500
2004/2005Small TLEFRuth BuchananAllard School of LawGraduate Seminar: Law & DevelopmentYear 115000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFSally OsborneMedicineResearch-centered Problem-based Learning Tutorials in Undergraduate PhysiologyYear 15400Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFDavid FieldingPharmaceutical SciencesAn Embedded Systematic Program Evaluation Process for Pharaceutical SciencesYear 170000Completed2005/2006Small TLEFDavid FieldingYear 262214
2004/2005Small TLEFElaine HumphreyScienceUndergraduate Projects in the UBC Bioimaging FacilityYear 111750Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFRaymond NgScienceInformation Technology Fundamentals for Life and Health Sciences StudentsYear 140000Completed2005/2006Small TLEFRaymond NgYear 24444
2004/2005Small TLEFCarol PollockScienceDynamic Visual Rexources for First Year BiologyYear 112000Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFDana ZendrowskiScienceDevelopment of Video Modules Illustrating Organic Chemistry Lab TechniquesYear 127640Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFDoug BonnScienceDiversifying the Sophomore Physics Lab ExperienceYear 127600Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFChad HysonVP StudentsStudent Leadership and Involvement Program: Initiatives and ExpansionYear 185000Completed2005/2006Small TLEFChad HysonYear 272879
2004/2005Small TLEFSarah TwomeyOther...Africa Awareness / Afro FestYear 120200Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFChad TryttenVP StudentsSpringBoard: Imagine Two – Academic Student Development InitiativeYear 111500Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFFrancis OuelletteOther...Applied Workshops in Bioinformatics – Introducing Bioinformatics into Undergraduate Education at UBCYear 120000Completed2005/2006Small TLEFJoanne FoxYear 217775
2004/2005Small TLEFGary PooleVP AcademicMeeting the Need for Growth: Continued Expansion of Activities and Partnerships for TAGYear 1468085Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFBrooke SmithOther...AMS Tutoring ServicesYear 145099Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFMackie ChaseOther...Professional Development for International Teaching Assistants and Graduate ResearchersYear 157000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFMichelle LambersonVP AcademicCampus-Wide On-line Environment for E-Portfolios: Moving from Project to ProgramYear 1120000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 21500002005/2006Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 3122028
2003/2004Small TLEFMichelle LambersonVP AcademicFacilitating Convergence: Supporting Community Engagement Through Learning TechnologiesYear 1100000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 22250002005/2006Small TLEFMichelle LambersonYear 3199973
2003/2004Small TLEFSimon NeameUBC LibraryOnline Term Paper Research ClinicYear 135000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFSimon NeameYear 2568072005/2006Small TLEFSimon NeameYear 334170
2003/2004Small TLEFMargery FeeArtsArts Careers: Enhancing Student SupportYear 167450Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMargery FeeYear 2600002005/2006Small TLEFJohn CooperYear 316887
2003/2004Small TLEFNancy GalliniArtsFocus on Teaching: Support Program for New Faculty in ArtsYear 115600Completed2004/2005Small TLEFNancy GalliniYear 281002005/2006Small TLEFNancy GalliniYear 314665
2003/2004Small TLEFCharles W. LambScienceProblem Solving Workshops for Mathematics 180Year 121500Completed2004/2005Small TLEFRajiv GuptaYear 214000
2003/2004Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonScienceeScience – Enhancing the Science Learning CommunityYear 148352Completed2004/2005Small TLEFPaul G. HarrisonYear 235426
2003/2004Small TLEFElizabeth DeanMedicineVideo-linked/WebCT Undergraduate Tutorial Teaching in Rehabilitation Sciences: An Innovative “East Meets West” Collaborative ProjectYear 113427Completed2004/2005Small TLEFElizabeth DeanYear 28050
2003/2004Small TLEFSusan NesbitApplied ScienceRemote Fluid Mechanics LaboratoryYear 120300Completed2004/2005Small TLEFSusan NesbitYear 212000
2003/2004Small TLEFCathryn JacksonApplied ScienceDesigning, Implementing, and Evaluating Web-based Learning Resources for Teaching Practice Competencies to Beginning Nursing StudentsYear 120000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSoilweb: A Tool for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Soil ScienceYear 122060Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFMaureen KentLand & Food SystemsPreparing Students for Technology-Enhanced Learning EnvironmentsYear 115000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFThomas FroeseApplied ScienceProblem-Based Learning Program for Civil EngineeringYear 125000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFNancy HermistonArtsLanguages for Opera StudentsYear 123800Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFPatrick MooreArtsKaska Multimedia Language MaterialsYear 130000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFKatie SpicerArtsDelectable Visions – Food, Fantasy & the Body – 22nd Annual Art History and Theory Graduate SymposiumYear 15000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFDaniel HiebertArtsInternational Collaborative Teaching – Migration and SettlementYear 112000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFStephen SheppardForestryForestry Geodatabase – A Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning in the Forestry CurriculumYear 135000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFJustin M. BonzoUBC HealthHealth Disciplines’ Computerized Patient and Case Simulation ProjectYear 149381Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFCharlene WalshUBC HealthHealth Disciplines’ Learning Objects ProjectYear 140000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFIsabel GrantAllard School of LawThe Law of Homicide on the World Wide WebYear 123566Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFWilliam GodolphinMedicineTraining and Trouble Shooting Modules for PBL Group ProcessYear 141200Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFIngrid PricePharmaceutical SciencesDeveloping Effective Strategies for Enhancing Higher Order Learning in Pharmaceutical SciencesYear 144238Completed2004/2005Small TLEFIngrid PriceYear 238580
2003/2004Small TLEFMichael DoebeliScienceNew Integrated Sciences Course on “Biological Aspects of Information” (ISCI 345)Year 128000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFEllen RosenbergScienceBiology 240 LaboratoryYear 150000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFRuben ZamarScienceOnline Interactive Statistical Learning ToolsYear 150000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFAnne-Marie LongVP AcademicStudent Community Conference: Breaking Barriers, Building Communities, Moving Beyond LGBQTT Tolerance in Academia and CommunitiesYear 120000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFParker JohnsonVP StudentsFirst Year Experience: Service Learning Projects for Arts StudentsYear 110000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFGary PooleVP AcademicCombining Established Initiatives with New and Strengthened PartnershipsYear 1400000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFRobert J. TierneyEducationInfusing Technologies into Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of EducationYear 1150000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFRobert J. TierneyYear 2100000
2003/2004Small TLEFJessica YoungOther...AMS Tutoring ServiceYear 143638Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFPeter GrangerMedicineCommunity Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS)Year 159910Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFMackie ChaseOther...Academic Culture and Communication at UBC for International Teaching AssistantsYear 155000Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFA. Lacey SamuelsScienceCell Biology Image DatabaseYear 127500Completed2003/2004Small TLEFA. Lacey SamuelsYear 2450002004/2005Small TLEFA. Lacey SamuelsYear 331808
2002/2003Small TLEFAngela TowleUBC HealthCross-cultural Communication for Health Professional StudentsYear 150000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFAngela TowleYear 235000
2002/2003Small TLEFMartin V. PusicMedicineJust-In-Time Learning in the Pediatric Emergency DepartmentYear 148242Completed2004/2005Small TLEFMartin V. PusicYear 241200
2002/2003Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffEducationTeaching Nontraditional Language Learners: Issues and OpportunitiesYear 128400Completed2003/2004Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 2250002004/2005Small TLEFPatricia A. DuffYear 322550
2002/2003Small TLEFJoanne NakonechnyScienceFirst Nations Community-Building: Walking the Sciences Path with BalanceYear 136000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFTim MichelYear 230000
2002/2003Small TLEFBarbara ZeiglerArtsIntegration of Digital Imaging into Visual Art Printmaking Practice: Student AssistantsYear 136140Completed2003/2004Small TLEFBarbara ZeiglerYear 24500
2002/2003Small TLEFJoanne WaltonDentistryElectronic Education Library (EEL)Year 134000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFJoanne WaltonYear 225000
2002/2003Small TLEFCathryn JacksonVP AcademicBest Practices in Learning Object Management and PedagogyYear 1200000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFBrian LambYear 2120000
2002/2003Small TLEFJanet TeasdaleVP StudentsStudent Leadership, Involvement, and Citizenship Education InitiativesYear 150000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFChad HysonYear 255000
2002/2003Small TLEFDavid NgScienceBIOTEACH: A Student Run Web-based Biotechnology Information CentreYear 127000Completed2003/2004Small TLEFDavid NgYear 217000
2002/2003Small TLEFGary PooleVP AcademicProviding Support for Teaching and Learning in an Era of Technological ChangeYear 1400000Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFFred PritchardOther...Community Partnership – An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planning for a Better UBCYear 123135Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFJaved IqbalSciencee-Coop – The Second Phase of the Web-based Co-op DatabaseYear 135000Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFNimal RajapakseApplied ScienceImplementing MECH II – A Unified Second Year Mechanical Engineering CurriculumYear 145500Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFMichael IsaacsonApplied ScienceSupporting Faculty and Student Engagement in Teaching and Learning TechnologyYear 1126762Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFJulie WalchliArtsGraduate Co-op Programs in the Faculty of ArtsYear 131281Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFKatherine HackerArtsExploring Cultural Diversity Through Film: The UBC South Asian Film ArchivesYear 118876Completed
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster