Funded Proposals New

Displaying 1 - 100 of 998

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2025/2026Large TLEFChristoph Sielmann & Paul LusinaApplied ScienceChatUBC: Conversational AI for Personalized and Targeted LearningYear 174030Active
2025/2026Large TLEFAlireza BagherzadehApplied ScienceEngE-AI: A GenAI-augmented Tool to Enhance Engineering Education in Cultivating Critical ThinkingYear 187198Active
2025/2026Large TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsOnline Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA) - scaffolding academic reading and course materialYear 1117282Active
2025/2026Large TLEFLaura NelsonArtsUnpacking the Black Box: Critical AI Literacies for Arts EducationYear 185087Active
2025/2026Large TLEFFong Chan & Jamie YuenPharmaceutical SciencesGENRx: Generative AI-Enhanced Role-Playing for Pharmacy Education and Physical ExaminationYear 199967Active
2025/2026Large TLEFKayli JohnsonScienceGRASP: Using Generative AI to Efficiently Provide Spaced, Elaborative, Interleaving Formative AssessmentsYear 1116883Active
2025/2026Large TLEFSarah GergelForestryAI-Powered Course Assistant for Forestry: Enhancing Engagement and Interactive LearningYear 184603Active
2025/2026Large TLEFAnnabel LyonArtsProcedural Poetry FunhouseYear 199997Active
2025/2026Large TLEFColleen InglisPharmaceutical SciencesEMPATH-AI: Generative AI for Enhancing Empathy and Communication Skills in Pharmacy EducationYear 191215Active
2025/2026Small TLEFTonia WelchApplied ScienceCourse Development for the Indigenous STEM Bridging ProgramYear 144257Active
2025/2026Small TLEFAshley ScottApplied ScienceDeveloping an Artificial Intelligence-driven Virtual Reality simulation to enhance clinical education for nurse practitioner studentsYear 149102Active
2025/2026Small TLEFPranav ChintalapatiApplied ScienceEnhancing Socio-Technical Skills in Engineering Education through Cross-Cultural Experiential LearningYear 118276Active
2025/2026Small TLEFNassim AdhamiApplied ScienceInclusive Excellence: Bringing Universal Design for Learning into Undergraduate Nursing EducationYear 146424Active
2025/2026Small TLEFFrances ChenArtsFacilitating Student Success in the Psychology Major: Focus on the PSYC 217-218 TransitionYear 119506Active
2025/2026Small TLEFCaroline LebrecArtsBuilding Self-Paced Modules for the French Placement TestYear 113500Active
2025/2026Small TLEFMallory TaterArtsCurriculum Renewal for CRWR 200: Introduction to Creative WritingYear 120133Active
2025/2026Small TLEFElizabeth ShafferArtsInnovating the iSchool Classroom: Piloting a hybrid model for Indigenizng graduate pedagogyYear 140000Active
2025/2026Small TLEFChelsea FreebornArtsInterdisciplinary Modular Simulation-Based Learning for Family Studies, Psychology, and SociologyYear 120924Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJon HaunSauder School of BusinessAI Mentor: Bridging the Gap Between Business Theory and PracticeYear 120613Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJorn DettmerForestryAugmented Reality Assisted Equipment Safety and Setup Learning ToolYear 121664Active
2025/2026Small TLEFAndrés VarholaForestryBridging Learning Outcomes and Competencies for Student Success: Enhancements to a Curriculum Mapping ToolYear 135892Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKelly AllisonUBC HealthEquity in Action: Renewing the Integrated Curriculum for Accessible, Inclusive Health EducationYear 132540Active
2025/2026Small TLEFCarrie Anne VanderhoopForestryHGI Development of a foundational Indigenous focused course that would be open to all and serve as a pre-requisite for HGSE 371 Re-Storying History: Indigenous PerspectivesYear 149659Active
2025/2026Small TLEFElisabeth BaileyApplied ScienceSelf & Collective Care for Nursing Students: Development of a Train-the-Trainer InitiativeYear 138452Active
2025/2026Small TLEFSandra BrownLand & Food SystemsAgriculture in a Changing World: Students tackling food security, biodiversity and climate change through a first-year courseYear 113562Active
2025/2026Small TLEFMaja KrzicLand & Food SystemsSoil science educational resources - virtual reality of soil in the landscapeYear 145162Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJustin StudentMedicineConversational AI for Clinical Confidence: Supporting the Transition to Real-World Patient Care in Medical EducationYear 135718Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKendall HoMedicineHarmonizing interdisciplinary virtual teams (HIVE): Development and implementation of a spiral educational intervention content in UBC Health Integrated CurriculumYear 124983Active
2025/2026Small TLEFEden Fussner-DupasMedicineMeet BIOCBOT, A GenAI Biochemistry Study Buddy tool designed to help you learn-by-teachingYear 140657Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKayla Fang & Gilly LauPharmaceutical SciencesAI AM READY: Readying Pharmacy Students for Practice in a World with GenAIYear 131872Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJason MinPharmaceutical SciencesBuilding deep AI-integrated pedagogy using the aEHRYear 127500Active
2025/2026Small TLEFNahid WaljiScienceAI and the Assessment of Mathematical Thinking: How to guard against “cognitive offloading” and enable students’ critical thinking through and with AIYear 120000Active
2025/2026Small TLEFMehrdad OveisiScienceAIQuest: Enhancing Assessment Creation and Review through an AI-Powered Question Bank Management SystemYear 149841Active
2025/2026Small TLEFRobin StoodleyScienceAlchemy lab manual for student-customized learning in chemistry labsYear 113910Active
2025/2026Small TLEFSara CannonScienceAnti-Colonial Fisheries Science: Developing a course on Community-Driven Science in the Institute for Oceans and Fisheries, With a Focus on Indigenous PartnershipsYear 122991Active
2025/2026Small TLEFDenise GabrielScienceExpanding Access to Field-Based Learning through Immersive Virtual Tours: A Universal Design for Learning Approach to Inclusive, Experiential Education in Field CoursesYear 129673Active
2025/2026Small TLEFJames CharbonneauScienceExperiencing Diversion: Engagement and Development following the Introduction of the Diversionary ProcessYear 110127Active
2025/2026Small TLEFRoger BeckieScienceGenerating Interactive LearningYear 138552Active
2025/2026Small TLEFKshamta HunterVP AcademicCentering and Advancing Indigenous Climate Justice in Climate EducationYear 125000Active
2025/2026Small TLEFSara KozickyVP StudentsWellbeing and Climate Change Intersect in the Classroom - Developing a Resource Toolkit and an Instructor Network to Support Student LearningYear 132792Active
2025/2026Small TLEFPatricia A. ShawArtsDevelopment Project for Online Multi-modal FNEL Learning Resources: Musqueam Language Program (FNEL) & Arts ISIT (Arts Digital Collections)Year 130605Active
2025/2026Small TLEFPetra MikulanEducationEmbedding Climate Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in Teacher Education Courses through a Novel Approach of Drag-PedagogyYear 120967Active
2024/2025Large TLEFLaurie McNeill & Andrew OwenArtsWe’re only Human? Educative Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence, Academic Integrity, and Writing in the Faculty of ArtsYear 169861Active2025/2026Large TLEFLaurie McNeill & Andrew OwenYear 270947
2024/2025Large TLEFJustin BullSauder School of BusinessIntegrating SDG-Related Content into Business Curriculum to Develop Future Responsible LeadersYear 142689Active2025/2026Large TLEFJustin BullYear 237901
2024/2025Large TLEFTara IvanochkoScienceImplementing an Environmental Science (ENSC) Curriculum RenewalYear 174048Active2025/2026Large TLEFTara IvanochkoYear 276893
2024/2025Large TLEFDongwook YoonSciencePreparing for an Automated Future: Building Automation Resilience in Computer and Data Science EducationYear 163250Active2025/2026Large TLEFDongwook YoonYear 266544
2024/2025Small TLEFSathish GopalakrishnanApplied ScienceCPSLab: Design and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems using a Safety-First ApproachYear 146628Active
2024/2025Small TLEFAndrew BinetApplied ScienceDeveloping a Community-Engaged Capstone Onboarding Model for Urban StudiesYear 116978Active2025/2026Small TLEFAndrew BinetYear 221114
2024/2025Small TLEFJonathan NakaneApplied ScienceDevelopment of a new case study incorporating themes of Indigenous engagement and consultation in a core first year engineering courseYear 129999Active
2024/2025Small TLEFSergey KravchenkoApplied ScienceIntegration of Simulation Software Teaching Modules into Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Curricula to Enhance Practical LearningYear 150000Active
2024/2025Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsBuilding and assessing the use of audio artifacts in blended geography coursesYear 15000Active2025/2026Small TLEFNina HewittYear 22000
2024/2025Small TLEFDavid GaertnerArtsCity Poems: Transformative Learning through Locative PoetryYear 149254Active
2024/2025Small TLEFSzu ShenArtsCommunity as Pedagogy: Building Sustainability for Community Engaged ResearchYear 125000Active2025/2026Small TLEFSzu ShenYear 225000
2024/2025Small TLEFLillian MayArtsCreation of a Canvas Module: “What Science Can Tell You About How To Be Successful in University”Year 112165Active2025/2026Small TLEFLillian MayYear 113538
2024/2025Small TLEFLaila FerreiraArtsCultivating Inclusive Writing Instruction: Planting Seeds Across the CurriculumYear 121309Active2025/2026Small TLEFLaila FerreiraYear 226772
2024/2025Small TLEFEvan Mauro & Kirby ManiàArtsLearning Research, Learning Reciprocity: Student Community Engagement with the Making Research Accessible InitiativeYear 125000Active2025/2026Small TLEFEvan Mauro & Kirby ManiàYear 225000
2024/2025Small TLEFIsabelle Delage-BélandArtsModernizing traditional French grammar courses: Towards an active, descriptive, and inclusive approach for advanced studentsYear 116250Active2025/2026Small TLEFIsabelle Delage-BélandYear 26142
2024/2025Small TLEFNick HallArtsTransforming Language Learning: Inclusive Interactive Web-Based Course Materials for Studying Elementary JapaneseYear 133943Active2025/2026Small TLEFNick HallYear 215432
2024/2025Small TLEFJolanta AleksejunieneDentistryEnhanced Teaching and Learning of Critical Thinking in the Undergraduate Dental CurriculaYear 140761Active2025/2026Small TLEFJolanta AleksejunieneYear 29239
2024/2025Small TLEFTeresa DobsonEducationEthical and Professional Use of Generative AI in Teaching and LearningYear 126591Active
2024/2025Small TLEFCarolyn McEwenEducationImproving student learning and experience through curriculum mappingYear 132840Active
2024/2025Small TLEFKari GrainEducationReimagining Experiential Education: Pedagogies and Field ExperiencesYear 125000Active
2024/2025Small TLEFJasmin MaEducationUBC School of Kinesiology: Implementation of a Clinical Exercise Physiologist PathwayYear 124895Active2025/2026Small TLEFJasmin MaYear 224974
2024/2025Small TLEFAndrew AlmasForestryCreating an Urban Forest Demonstration at the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest ArboretumYear 147791Active
2024/2025Small TLEFBianca EskelsonForestryFVS-BC Exercises for Forest Resources Management and ConservationYear 126692Active
2024/2025Small TLEFNicholas CoopsForestryGeospatial Solutions for the Climate Emergency: Advancing Earth Observation, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing EducationYear 148720Active
2024/2025Small TLEFMichelle ZengForestryInnovating Forestry Education: Advancing Accessibility, Equity, Diversity, and InclusionYear 137135Active2025/2026Small TLEFMichelle ZengYear 212829
2024/2025Small TLEFMichael JohnsonLand & Food SystemsLFS 252 Hybrid Delivery ProjectYear 123660Active
2024/2025Small TLEFPhilip D. CrowellMedicineDental Ethics and DEI: Toward a Strategic Plan to Align Clinical Ethics with the Competencies of DEIYear 127521Active
2024/2025Small TLEFSarah PurcellMedicineDevelopment, refinement, and evaluation of educational modules for identifying and managing eating disorders among students enrolled in healthcare-related programsYear 129327Active2025/2026Small TLEFSarah PurcellYear 217838
2024/2025Small TLEFBen MortensonMedicineImplementing Climate and Sustainability Education in Occupational Therapy ProgramsYear 125000Active2025/2026Small TLEFBen MortensonYear 225000
2024/2025Small TLEFHeather BuckleyMedicineLayered Learning: Building critical community capacity for teaching medical studentsYear 149934Active
2024/2025Small TLEFHannah WittmanScienceEthical Engagement for Climate and Environmental JusticeYear 124530Active2025/2026Small TLEFHannah WittmanYear 224530
2024/2025Small TLEFSteven WolfmanScienceRedesigning computer-based labs to be more engaging by identifying and implementing use cases relevant to studentsYear 17048Active
2024/2025Small TLEFFiras MoosviScienceSustainable migration to digital assessments at scaleYear 130000Active2025/2026Small TLEFFiras MoosviYear 220000
2024/2025Small TLEFJacquelyn CraggPharmaceutical SciencesStatistics Bakers: a Recipe Box for Biostatistics and Critical Appraisal Courses at The University of British ColumbiaYear 138716Active
2024/2025Small TLEFLarry LeungPharmaceutical SciencesThe BRAIN Project - Building Resources and Accessibility in Neurology for Practical LearningYear 130000Active2025/2026Small TLEFLarry LeungYear 220000
2023/2024Large TLEFLuisa CanutoArtsChanging Course: Hybrid Opportunities for Students in French, Hispanic, and Italian Language ProgramsYear 178548ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLuisa CanutoYear 272279
2023/2024Large TLEFLeyton SchnellertEducationRural and Remote Teacher Education Program: An innovative hybrid approachYear 199547ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLeyton SchnellertYear 295074
2023/2024Large TLEFJohn InnesForestryTurning the Indigenous Land Stewardship program into a multi-access programYear 1116759Active2024/2025Large TLEFCarlos OrmondYear 282628
2023/2024Large TLEFLindsay CuffLand & Food SystemsFlexible hybrid writing instruction throughout undergraduate curricula: Fostering students' growth, persistence, and identity as writers in scholarly communities and beyondYear 157971ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLindsay CuffYear 245377
2023/2024Large TLEFKerry WilburPharmaceutical SciencesHybrid Learning in the PharmD Program (HIPP)Year 171817ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFKerry WilburYear 2128173
2023/2024Large TLEFMarcia GravesScienceAn inclusive hybrid approach for fostering belonging, building academic skills, and integrating Indigenous Ways of Knowing in the First-Year Seminar in Science (SCIE 113)Year 1101257ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFMarcia GravesYear 2119439
2023/2024Small TLEFZeina BaalbakiApplied ScienceIntegrating process simulation into Environmental Engineering curriculum - Promoting sustainable and reliable designYear 120500ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFZeina BaalbakiYear 28984
2023/2024Small TLEFJonathan VerrettApplied ScienceScaffolding professional skill development across the undergraduate curriculumYear 119635Active2025/2026Small TLEFJonathan VerrettYear 228224
2023/2024Small TLEFDouglas PulleyblankArtsAudible phonologyYear 15674Active
2023/2024Small TLEFCatherine Corrigall-BrownArtsSociology Multi-modality ProjectYear 141363ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFCatherine Corrigall-BrownYear 28453
2023/2024Small TLEFZorana SvedicSauder School of BusinessBusiness Plans RepositoryYear 125500Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Svedic-WEB.pdf
2023/2024Small TLEFMichelle StackEducationPartnering with the Downtown Eastside to Shift Journalism EducationYear 149545ActivePoster
2023/2024Small TLEFPatrick CulbertForestryVirtual Field Trips to Interior ForestsYear 114818Active
2023/2024Small TLEFJames BachmannAllard School of LawOnline Open Access Critical Thinking TutorialYear 130278ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFJames BachmannYear 27722
2023/2024Small TLEFSamuel BeswickAllard School of LawOpening Up Tort Law CoursesYear 123891ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFSamuel BeswickYear 216109
2023/2024Small TLEFJane XiaPharmaceutical SciencesIMPPaCT Project - Implementing Pharmacy Point of Care Testing ProjectYear 130000Active2024/2025Small TLEFJane XiaYear 219983
2023/2024Small TLEFGabriella Wong & Asal TaheriPharmaceutical SciencesRemediation Program for Students Experiencing Academic Challenges during Practicum in the Entry-to-Practice PharmD ProgramYear 126798Active2024/2025Small TLEFGabriella Wong & Asal TaheriYear 213306
2023/2024Small TLEFJose Rodriguez NunezScienceChemistry and Societal Impacts: Re-imagining the First-Year Experience in the Lecture and Lab with CHEM 141Year 124819Active2024/2025Small TLEFJose Rodriguez NunezYear 224654
2023/2024Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiScienceEnhancing Equity in the First-year Chemistry Laboratory through a Targeted Pre-Term Laboratory Foundations EventYear 114379ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiYear 2112982025/2026Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiYear 35149
2023/2024Small TLEFJoss IvesScienceExpanding Course Insights for Equity and Inclusion in ScienceYear 118928Active2024/2025Small TLEFJoss IvesYear 2155362025/2026Small TLEFJoss IvesYear 315483
2023/2024Small TLEFJackie Chambers & Bridgette ClarkstonScienceMAKING CONNECTIONS: Students, faculty, staff, and community partners as co-creators of a biodiversity science course for undergraduatesYear 124318ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFJackie Chambers & Bridgette ClarkstonYear 224318
2023/2024Small TLEFSven BachmannScienceMath and EOAS Collaborate to Improve Climate Education at UBCYear 127893Active2024/2025Small TLEFSven BachmannYear 218699
2023/2024Small TLEFRana TarzemanyDentistryDevelopment of Novel Surgical Simulation Technology to Enhance Education of Dental Students and Surgical Residents at the UBC Faculty of DentistryYear 128175Active
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster