Funded Proposals New

Displaying 801 - 900 of 996

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2015/2016Small TLEFSamuel A. Navarro OrtegaArtsDesigning Instructional Resources for Teaching and Learning through a Blended Business Spanish courseYear 16050CompletedFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Navarro-WEB.pdfPoster
2023/2024Small TLEFSamuel BeswickAllard School of LawOpening Up Tort Law CoursesYear 123891ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFSamuel BeswickYear 216109
2018/2019Small TLEFSandra BrownLand & Food SystemsCatalysts: learning modules addressing content and language gapsYear 122250Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Brown-WEB.pdf2019/2020Small TLEFSandra BrownYear 22250
2009/2010Small TLEFSandra BrownLand & Food SystemsEmpowering Resource Based CommunitiesYear 145000Completed
2025/2026Small TLEFSandra BrownLand & Food SystemsAgriculture in a Changing World: Students tackling food security, biodiversity and climate change through a first-year courseYear 113562Active
2010/2011Small TLEFSandra Jarvis-SelingerMedicineSurgical Residents as Teachers: Implementing an Educators' Curriculum for Surgical ResidentsYear 170000Completed2011/2012Small TLEFSandra Jarvis-SelingerYear 265500
2004/2005Small TLEFSandra SchinnerlForestryCanadian Partnership for Forest EducationYear 118850Completed
2014/2015Large TLEFSandra WilkinsAllard School of LawLegal Research and Writing for the "Net Generation": Developing an Interactive Online CourseYear 139548CompletedTLEF-Final-RPT-Wilkins-WEB.pdf2015/2016Large TLEFSandra WilkinsYear 213939
2016/2017Small TLEFSandra Zappa-HollmanVP AcademicCultivating success for English as an Additional Language Students: a Library Flexible Learning PartnershipYear 129059Completed2016-Zappa-Hollman-Final-WEB.pdfPoster
2016/2017Small TLEFSantokh SinghScienceBuilding Biodiversity: A Campus Resource for Teaching, Learning and DoingYear 129854Completed2016-TLEF-Final-Singh-WEB.pdfPoster
2005/2006Small TLEFSantokh SinghScienceIntroduction of investigator (student)-centered research projects to undergraduate plant physiology studentsYear 117331Completed2006/2007Small TLEFSantokh SinghYear 221500
2025/2026Small TLEFSara CannonScienceAnti-Colonial Fisheries Science: Developing a course on Community-Driven Science in the Institute for Oceans and Fisheries, With a Focus on Indigenous PartnershipsYear 122991Active
2016/2017Large TLEFSara HarrisScienceDevelopment of cost effective strategies for teaching, learning and assessing scientific reasoning abilities in large face-to-face and distance education general science coursesYear 1111786Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Harris-WEB.pdfPoster2017/2018Large TLEFSara HarrisYear 265202Year 2: Poster2018/2019Large TLEFSara HarrisYear 329594Year 3: Poster
2013/2014Large TLEFSara HarrisScienceEarth and Ocean Science: Developing Blended and Distance Education ModelsYear 1187353CompletedReport-2013-FL-Harris-WEB.pdfPoster
2025/2026Small TLEFSara KozickyVP StudentsWellbeing and Climate Change Intersect in the Classroom - Developing a Resource Toolkit and an Instructor Network to Support Student LearningYear 132792Active
2017/2018Small TLEFSara ShneidermanArtsHimalayan Languages, Cultures, and Communities: integrating language learning, community engagement, and Area Studies knowledgeYear 117703Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Shneiderman-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFSara ShneidermanYear 227123Year 2: Poster2019/2020Small TLEFSara ShneidermanYear 35174
2010/2011Small TLEFSarah GergelForestryIncorporating Local and Indigenous Perspectives of Sustainability: Training of Global Stewards via CONS452Year 122250Completed
2025/2026Large TLEFSarah GergelForestryAI-Powered Course Assistant for Forestry: Enhancing Engagement and Interactive LearningYear 184603Active
2024/2025Small TLEFSarah PurcellMedicineDevelopment, refinement, and evaluation of educational modules for identifying and managing eating disorders among students enrolled in healthcare-related programsYear 129327Active2025/2026Small TLEFSarah PurcellYear 238931
2004/2005Small TLEFSarah TwomeyOther...Africa Awareness / Afro FestYear 120200Completed
2015/2016Large TLEFSaraswathi VedamMedicineBirth Place Toolkit for the Health Professions: Dialogue and Shared DecisionsYear 174284Completed2017-TLEF-Final-Report-Vedam-WEB.pdf2016/2017Large TLEFSaraswathi VedamYear 269280Year 2: Poster2017/2018Large TLEFSaraswathi VedamYear 370252Year 3: Poster
2010/2011Small TLEFSaraswathi VedamUBC HealthInteractive Electronic Learning and Teaching Management System for Midwifery EducationYear 146510Completed2012/2013Small TLEFSaraswathi VedamYear 224992
2011/2012Small TLEFSathish GopalakrishnanApplied ScienceStrengthening Engineering Education in Parallel and Concurrent ProgrammingYear 139660Completed
2008/2009Small TLEFSathish GopalakrishnanApplied ScienceHands-on Training in Distributed, Embedded and Real-time Systems EngineeringYear 123700Completed
2024/2025Small TLEFSathish GopalakrishnanApplied ScienceCPSLab: Design and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems using a Safety-First ApproachYear 146628Active
2008/2009Small TLEFSavvas NicolaouMedicineMedicine and Technology for the 21st Century: Integrating Radiology Within a Medical CurriculumYear 125000Completed2009/2010Small TLEFSavvas NicolaouYear 256100
2018/2019Small TLEFSebastian PrangeArtsInteractive Image Annotation as part of UBC's Collaborative Learning Annotation SystemYear 113194Completed2019/2020Small TLEFSebastian PrangeYear 212923
2010/2011Small TLEFSerge GuilbautArtsBreathless Days: 1959-1960: Audio Taping and Conference WebsiteYear 15220Completed
2024/2025Small TLEFSergey KravchenkoApplied ScienceIntegration of Simulation Software Teaching Modules into Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Curricula to Enhance Practical LearningYear 150000Active
2009/2010Small TLEFShafik DharamsiUBC HealthStrengthening an Ethical Platform for International Engagement and Service-learning at UBC: Filling knowledge and educational resource gapsYear 1118567Completed2010/2011Small TLEFKendra FosterYear 265000
2007/2008Small TLEFShafik DharamsiDentistryIntroducing a Community Service Learning Curriculum into Dental EducationYear 145790Completed
2006/2007Small TLEFShafik DharamsiUBC HealthEducating the Next Generation of Health Professionals for Social Responsibility and Global CitizenshipYear 150000Completed
2013/2014Large TLEFShannon BredinEducationTransformation of KIN284 and KIN366Year 137373Completed
2015/2016Small TLEFShannon HagermanForestryBlending the Foundations: Pilot testing a blended environment for Foundations of Conservation (CONS 200) through two new modulesYear 122030Completed2016-Hagerman-Final-WEB.pdfPoster2016/2017Small TLEFShannon HagermanYear 21475Year 2: Poster
2019/2020Small TLEFShannon LeddyEducationRedevelopment of the Faculty of Education’s Teaching for Indigenous Education websiteYear 125026CompletedPoster
2017/2018Small TLEFShannon WalshArtsTeaching integrated storytelling in a digital world: From stage to screen to pixelYear 124844Completed2018-TLEF-Final-Walsh-WEB.pdfPoster2018/2019Small TLEFShannon WalshYear 225156
2002/2003Small TLEFSharon SutherlandAllard School of LawLaw 479: Online MediationYear 134854Completed
2020/2021Small TLEFShawna FaberEducationA hybrid course on assessment: Using Canvas and Data Analytics to respond to and understand the needs of a diverse student populationYear 122927Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Faber-WEB.pdfPoster
2015/2016Small TLEFShayna RusticusMedicinePerceptions of the Medical School Learning Environment in a Distributed Education Program: Identifying the Key Elements of Positive Learning EnvironmentsYear 116525CompletedFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Rusticus-WEB.pdfPoster
2016/2017Small TLEFShervin MortazaviScienceProject M.I.L.E - Microbiology & Immunology Laboratory Experience: A Comprehensive Web-Based Resource for Microbiology LaboratoriesYear 19089Completed2016-Final-Mortazavi-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFSheryda WarrenerArtsThe Provocation Collection: Experiential Learning Activities to Enliven Creative Practice & Inspire Innovations in WritingYear 112886Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Warrener-WEB.pdfPoster2023/2024Small TLEFSheryda WarrenerYear 213185
2008/2009Small TLEFSheryl AdamUBC LibraryLiving in a Digital World: Protecting Your Digital ReputationYear 146345Completed
2004/2005Small TLEFSheryl Staub-FrenchApplied ScienceMulti-media Simulations for Engineering ManagementYear 125000Completed
2013/2014Small TLEFShirin EshghiUBC LibraryAsian-Language Citation GuidesYear 115307Completed13-054-Eshghi-Final-WEB.pdf
1999/2000Small TLEFShirley NeumanArtsArts Co-operative Education ProgramYear 1150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFJulie WalchliYear 21200002001/2002Small TLEFJulie WalchliYear 390000
1999/2000Small TLEFShirley NeumanArtsFoundations ProgramYear 1150000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFPaul TennantYear 21500002001/2002Small TLEFPaul TennantYear 3150000
2013/2014Large TLEFShona EllisScienceFlipped Transformation of Biology 112: Biology of the Cell and Biol121: Genetics, Evolution and EcologyYear 1173400Completed
2014/2015Small TLEFShona EllisScienceCapping a Sustainability PathwayYear 182900Completed
2012/2013Small TLEFShona EllisScienceSustainability Pathway - Phase 1: BiologyYear 140000Completed
2010/2011Small TLEFShona EllisScienceCommunicating Science: development of online resource and interactive learning centre for a new course in the General Science ProgramYear 161896Completed
2020/2021Small TLEFShreya MoodleyMedicineUnderstanding Congenital Heart Disease through 3-D ModelsYear 149920Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Moodley-WEB.pdf
2016/2017Large TLEFSidney FelsApplied ScienceFrom passively watching to actively learning: ViDeX, a robust video player that supports learning from personalized videoYear 1123978Completed2017-TLEF-LP-Final-Fels-WEB.pdfPoster2017/2018Large TLEFSidney FelsYear 2110010Year 2: Poster
2015/2016Small TLEFSidney FelsApplied ScienceProviding personalized course video viewing experiences through student and instructor viewing analysisYear 149992CompletedFinal-Report-2015-TLEF-SP-Fels-WEB.pdfPoster
2016/2017Small TLEFSilvia BartolicArtsQuantitative Arts: Scientists by Nurture – Evaluating ImpactYear 126492CompletedPoster2017/2018Small TLEFSilvia BartolicYear 218523Year 2: Poster
2019/2020Small TLEFSilvia BartolicArtsEffective Personalized Feedback: Developing Resources, Practices and Capacity to Provide Personalized Feedback to Students at Scale, Across DisciplinesYear 133732Completed2020/2021Small TLEFSilvia BartolicYear 214290Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFSilvia BartolicArtsAdvice from the Field: Creating Open Resources in Relationship ScienceYear 115283ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFSilvia BartolicYear 226443
2005/2006Small TLEFSimon AlbonPharmaceutical SciencesEnhancing Teaching and Learning in the Pharmaceutical Sciences through the Development of the Integrated Laboratory Network (ILN)Year 142455Completed
2015/2016Large TLEFSimon BatesScienceMOOC consumption: enhanced learning on campus using course material developed elsewhereYear 145566Completed2016-TLEF-Final-Bates-WEB.pdfPoster2016/2017Large TLEFSimon BatesYear 215564
2005/2006Small TLEFSimon EllisForestryPICTURES (Portable Image Capture – Teaching, Understanding, and Rembering Enhancement for Students)Year 122219Completed
2002/2003Small TLEFSimon EllisForestryForestry Student Career CentreYear 166980Completed
2022/2023Small TLEFSimon LolliotArtsActive learning in passive environments: Creating open interactive formative assessment opportunities to enhance student learningYear 128461Active2023/2024Small TLEFSimon LolliotYear 214231
2007/2008Small TLEFSimon NeameUBC LibraryAcademic Integrity 101: A Game-Based TutorialYear 110000Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFSimon NeameUBC LibraryOnline Term Paper Research ClinicYear 135000Completed2004/2005Small TLEFSimon NeameYear 2568072005/2006Small TLEFSimon NeameYear 334170
1999/2000Small TLEFSimon P. AlbonPharmaceutical SciencesEstablishing an Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning through the Development, Implementation, and Utilization of Cross-Disciplinary Case-Based Problems using the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Web-Based Learning CentreYear 131000Completed2000/2001Small TLEFSimon P. AlbonYear 2350002001/2002Small TLEFSimon P. AlbonYear 343694
2018/2019Small TLEFSiobhan WhadcoatSciencePiloting the integration of Geographical Information Systems into existing courses in EOASYear 144338CompletedPoster2019/2020Small TLEFScott McDougallYear 25079
2014/2015Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsHuman and Environmental Geography Experiential Learning InitiativeYear 129200Completed2016-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-McPhee-WEB.pdf2015/2016Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeYear 216200Year 2: Poster2016/2017Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeYear 34176Year 3: Poster
2020/2021Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsBlending first-year Geography courses: provide students with flexibility while innovating multiple delivery and engagement methodsYear 117900Completed2021-TLEF-Final-Report-McPhee-WEB.pdf2021/2022Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeYear 26800
2024/2025Small TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsBuilding and assessing the use of audio artifacts in blended geography coursesYear 15000Active2025/2026Small TLEFNina HewittYear 22000
2025/2026Large TLEFSiobhán Wittig McPheeArtsOnline Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA) - scaffolding academic reading and course materialYear 1117282Active
2001/2002Small TLEFSiu-Kae YeongOther...AMS Tutoring ServiceYear 125000Completed
2000/2001Small TLEFSophia NussbaumScienceInquiry Based Laboratory Instruction in the First Year General Chemistry CourseYear 122800Completed2001/2002Small TLEFSophia NussbaumYear 236050
2013/2014Small TLEFStan BardalMedicineDeveloping a formulary app for UBC medical studentsYear 114200Completed
2000/2001Small TLEFStanley W. HamiltonSauder School of BusinessMarketing@techedge Teaching LaboratoryYear 135000Completed
2000/2001Small TLEFStanley W. HamiltonSauder School of BusinessWomen in Commerce Mentoring ProgramYear 112000Completed
2013/2014Large TLEFStefania BurkArtsAsia 222 and Asia 223 – video dialogues and interviewsYear 16750CompletedReport-2013-FL-Burk-WEB.pdf
2019/2020Small TLEFStefania BurkArtsEmpowering Students Through Self-Regulated Learning: Fostering Students’ Self-Awareness as Learners and Capacity for Academic SuccessYear 147097Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Burk-WEB.pdfPoster
2001/2002Small TLEFStephan M. SalzbergAllard School of LawDeveloping an Interactive Course in Canada-Japan Contract Negotiation and Drafting Using New Information Technologies in Linked Distance Education ProgramsYear 120000Completed
2019/2020Small TLEFStephanie EwenForestryForestry Soils Skills and Field Navigation EnhancementYear 116000Completed
2011/2012Small TLEFStephen MitchellForestryCultivating forest stewardship - integrating forest ecosystem management and student learning at the UBC South Campus FarmYear 146870Completed2012/2013Small TLEFStephen MitchellYear 245000
2008/2009Small TLEFStephen MitchellForestryScenario Planning and Trade-off Analysis for New Natural Resource Conservation Global Perspectives Capstone CourseYear 18750Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFStephen SheppardForestryForestry Geodatabase – A Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning in the Forestry CurriculumYear 135000Completed
2013/2014Large TLEFSteven BarnesArtsBlended Psychology 304 – Brain and BehavioursYear 159806CompletedReport-2013-FL-Barnes-WEB.pdf
2018/2019Large TLEFSteven BarnesArtsTapestry: Enabling Interactive, Remixable, Reusable, and Extensible Open Educational ModulesYear 184822CompletedPoster2019/2020Large TLEFSteven BarnesYear 2100949Year 2: Poster2020/2021Large TLEFSteven BarnesYear 363728
2017/2018Large TLEFSteven HallamScienceExperiential Data science for Undergraduate Cross-Disciplinary Education (EDUCE)Year 181833Completed2020‑TLEF‑Final-Report‑Hallam-WEB.pdfPoster2019/2020Large TLEFSteven HallamYear 2856982020/2021Large TLEFSteven HallamYear 381833
2013/2014Small TLEFSteven StewartApplied ScienceUniversity of British Columbia Human Powered Vehicle TeamYear 17000Completed
2024/2025Small TLEFSteven WolfmanScienceRedesigning computer-based labs to be more engaging by identifying and implementing use cases relevant to studentsYear 17048Active
2019/2020Small TLEFStuart SutherlandScienceEmpowering Students to Engage With, and Contribute to, Multi-Disciplinary Learning Activities Using Open, Interactive Virtual Geoscience Field Sites and SpecimensYear 149943Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Sutherland-WEB.pdf
2009/2010Small TLEFSue MurphyMedicineInnovative model for student learning in a community program for people with chronic conditionsYear 141837Completed2010/2011Small TLEFSue MurphyYear 242700
2022/2023Small TLEFSumeet GulatiLand & Food SystemsFilling the gaps for new program development: Five new FRE courses and Online Content ProvisionYear 127059Active2023/2024Small TLEFSumeet GulatiYear 26708
2017/2018Small TLEFSunil KaliaMedicineCreation of Online Interactive Simulated Teaching Modules Using Enhanced Three Dimensional PhotographyYear 120000Completed
2020/2021Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattArtsOnline resources for teaching Hindi grammarYear 16156Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Bhatt-WEB.pdfPoster2022/2023Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattYear 277762023/2024Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattYear 33240
2019/2020Small TLEFSusan CoxGraduate StudiesGraduate Supervisory Relationships: Creating Space for Dialogue and Wellbeing through TheatreYear 149860Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Cox-WEB.pdfPoster
2014/2015Small TLEFSusan ForwellMedicineStudent-run rehabilitation clinic in the specialized UBC Multiple Sclerosis clinic: A pilot project - Year 2Year 149946Completed2015/2016Small TLEFSusan ForwellYear 240782
2015/2016Small TLEFSusan GerofskyEducationDeveloping interactive and print resources for sustainability educators in innovative outdoor classroom pedagogiesYear 116750CompletedPoster2016/2017Small TLEFSusan GerofskyYear 216750
2011/2012Small TLEFSusan GerofskyEducationLearning to teach in an outdoor classroomYear 140000Completed13-036-Gerofsky-Final-WEB.pdf2012/2013Small TLEFSusan GerofskyYear 2501202013/2014Small TLEFSusan GerofskyYear 362551
2004/2005Small TLEFSusan HerringtonLand & Food SystemsThe Claude Glass Collection: Building a Digital Library of Major Works in Landscape ArchitectureYear 130000Completed
2016/2017Small TLEFSusan NesbitApplied ScienceFlipping Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship in EngineeringYear 124955Completed
2003/2004Small TLEFSusan NesbitApplied ScienceRemote Fluid Mechanics LaboratoryYear 120300Completed2004/2005Small TLEFSusan NesbitYear 212000
2014/2015Large TLEFSusan RowleyArtsEngage UBCYear 1105788Completed2015/2016Large TLEFSusan RowleyYear 265603Year 2: Poster2016/2017Large TLEFSusan RowleyYear 341957
2001/2002Small TLEFSusan SorrellOther...Trek 2000 Volunteer Leadership ProjectYear 120125Completed2002/2003Small TLEFSusan SorrellYear 225000
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster