Funded Proposals New

Displaying 901 - 965 of 965

 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster
2019/2020Small TLEFDarren DegraafSauder School of BusinessEnhancing student interest in a diverse student population can lead to better student performanceYear 143938CompletedPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFBathseba OpiniEducationAnti-racism Education for Teacher Education CandidatesYear 140156CompletedPoster
2019/2020Small TLEFJohanna SamEducationNuxalk-Carrier Grease Trail Storytelling Project: Creating Indigenous Digital PathwaysYear 110500Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Sam-WEB.pdfPoster2020/2021Small TLEFJohanna SamYear 218876
2019/2020Small TLEFShannon LeddyEducationRedevelopment of the Faculty of Education’s Teaching for Indigenous Education websiteYear 125026CompletedPoster
2019/2020Small TLEFSusanne LavalleeForestryVisual imagery teaching resources for vertebrate identificationYear 148269Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Lavallee-WEB.pdfPoster
2019/2020Small TLEFSusan CoxGraduate StudiesGraduate Supervisory Relationships: Creating Space for Dialogue and Wellbeing through TheatreYear 149860Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Report-Cox-WEB.pdfPoster
2019/2020Small TLEFAngela TowleUBC HealthHealth advocacy for health professional studentsYear 137490Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Towle-WEB.pdfPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFChristine KlarayLand & Food SystemsROOTSS (Reach Out, Orientation, Transition & Study Skills): A social, wellbeing & academic co-curricular program to engage & support success of new students in the Faculty of Land & Food SystemsYear 130860Completed2021-TLEF-Final-Report-Klaray-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Small TLEFChristine KlarayYear 219140Year 2: Poster
2020/2021Small TLEFGeorge PachevPharmaceutical SciencesEducational resources to support effective learning in pharmacy practicum settingsYear 123702CompletedPoster
2020/2021Large TLEFLarry LeungPharmaceutical SciencesUPROOT: A Community-Based Approach to Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Pharmacy CurriculumYear 1127380Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Leung-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Large TLEFLarry LeungYear 2100000Year 2: Poster2022/2023Large TLEFLarry LeungYear 322620Year 3: Poster
2020/2021Small TLEFTony SeetPharmaceutical SciencesPACER Project – Pharmacy Cases Development for a Simulated Electronic Medical Records DatabaseYear 149984Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Seet-WEB.pdfPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFLindsay RogersScienceA Dynamic and Integrated Metabolic Map for Teaching Metabolism in the Biological SciencesYear 125275Completed2021-TLEF-Final-Report-Rogers-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Small TLEFLindsay RogersYear 222425Year 2: Poster
2020/2021Small TLEFMargot Hessing-LewisScienceCo-producing Aquatic Science Curriculum Through University-Indigenous Community PartnershipsYear 124939Completed2021-TLEF-Final-Report-Hessing-Lewis-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Small TLEFMargot Hessing-LewisYear 224955Year 2: Poster
2020/2021Large TLEFTara IvanochkoScienceEmbedding Opensource Computational Tools into the Quantitative Earth Science SpecializationsYear 185390Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Ivanochko-WEB.pdfPoster2021/2022Large TLEFTara IvanochkoYear 290607Year 2: Poster2022/2023Large TLEFTara IvanochkoYear 374003Year 3: Poster
2019/2020Small TLEFGail HammondLand & Food SystemsDeveloping a Blended Nutrition Education Curriculum for the Dental Hygiene Program: A peer-led interprofessional collaboration between dietetics and dental hygiene studentsYear 116239ActivePoster
2020/2021Small TLEFAgnes d'EntremontApplied ScienceEquity education in engineering: developing and implementing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) content for the second-year mechanical engineering programYear 116735Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-DEntremont-WEB.pdfPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFPamela WolfApplied ScienceDecolonizing Engineering Curriculum and Culture: A Pilot ProjectYear 150000Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Wolf-WEB.pdfPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattArtsOnline resources for teaching Hindi grammarYear 16156Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Bhatt-WEB.pdfPoster2022/2023Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattYear 277762023/2024Small TLEFSunil Kumar BhattYear 33240
2020/2021Small TLEFRyuko KubotaEducationLearning about Global Englishes: Educational Video ProjectYear 117450ActivePoster2022/2023Small TLEFRyuko KubotaYear 232550Year 2: Poster
2020/2021Small TLEFShawna FaberEducationA hybrid course on assessment: Using Canvas and Data Analytics to respond to and understand the needs of a diverse student populationYear 122927Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Faber-WEB.pdfPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFAlex TangPharmaceutical SciencesA Novel Instructional Media for Accessible Teaching and Education (ANIMATE)Year 122313Completed2020-TLEF-Final-Report-Tang-WEB.pdfPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFCinda HeerenScienceOpen Access Assessment -- PrairieLearn and the Computer Based Testing FacilityYear 124480CompletedPoster
2020/2021Small TLEFElisa BaniassadScienceVisualizing inclusion to support equity in student group learningYear 124241ActivePoster2022/2023Small TLEFElisa BaniassadYear 218726
2022/2023Large TLEFCarla FerreiraApplied ScienceIntegrating and expanding simulation pedagogy: Refreshing practice education across the undergraduate nursing curriculumYear 1122835Completed2022-TLEF-LP-Final-Report-Ferreira-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFChristoph SielmannApplied ScienceExploring Data in Manufacturing: Enhancing the Manufacturing Engineering ProgramsYear 136746Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Sielmann-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFHessam DehghaniArtsInteractive Web-based Course Material for Learning Alphabet and Basic Literacy Skills for Heritage Students of PersianYear 148257ActivePoster
2022/2023Large TLEFJonathan GravesArtsVancouver School of Economics - Developing interactive learning modules for hands-on-econometrics skillsYear 157990ActivePoster2023/2024Large TLEFJonathan GravesYear 257999Year 2: Poster2024/2025Large TLEFJonathan GravesYear 352780
2022/2023Small TLEFKelly McCormickArtsBehind the Camera: Gender, Power, and Politics in the History of Japanese PhotographyYear 116301ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKelly McCormickYear 218760Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFSheryda WarrenerArtsThe Provocation Collection: Experiential Learning Activities to Enliven Creative Practice & Inspire Innovations in WritingYear 112886Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Warrener-WEB.pdfPoster2023/2024Small TLEFSheryda WarrenerYear 213185
2022/2023Small TLEFSilvia BartolicArtsAdvice from the Field: Creating Open Resources in Relationship ScienceYear 115283ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFSilvia BartolicYear 226443
2022/2023Small TLEFCaren LombardSauder School of BusinessExperiential learning cases for finance coursesYear 134393ActivePoster
2022/2023Small TLEFDavid (DJ) MillerSauder School of BusinessStudent Speaking SimulatorYear 121332Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Miller-WEB.pdfPoster
2020/2021Large TLEFMahesh NagarajanSauder School of BusinessLlgaay gwii gina sk'aadGa 'láas ad Xaaydas gina Gan unsid: Enhancing Business Education with Indigenous KnowledgeYear 1143749ActivePoster2023/2024Large TLEFMahesh NagarajanYear 271977
2022/2023Small TLEFLeeann DonnellyDentistryDevelopment and implementation of teledentistry to support clinical practice and structural competence among undergraduate dental and dental hygiene studentsYear 128902ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFLeeann DonnellyYear 221007Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFMario BrondaniDentistryDental public health mixed pedagogies: bringing the community to the classroomYear 144330ActivePoster
2022/2023Small TLEFKshamta HunterEducationEmbedding Climate Education in Teacher Education Courses through a Novel Framework of Climate Kind PedagogyYear 129978ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKshamta HunterYear 219950
2022/2023Small TLEFPaul PickellForestryUBC is Entering the Metaverse: Gamifying ForestryYear 141558Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Pickell-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFGabriel SmithLand & Food SystemsFlexible Assessment Integration with Canvas GradebookYear 118300Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Smith-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFAdrian YeeMedicinePartnering with Patients, Caregivers and Learners to Develop Virtual Clinical Educational ProductsYear 146937Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Yee-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFKaren DaviesMedicineHow Do We Move? Striving for Consensus in Lower Extremity Physical Examination and the Assessment of GaitYear 116740Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Davies-WEB.pdfPosterYear 2: Poster
2022/2023Large TLEFRobert J. PetrellaMedicineProviding UBC Students with Curriculum to Support Their Skills in Delivery of Virtual Lifestyle Counseling for Prevention of Chronic DiseaseYear 1118580ActivePoster2023/2024Large TLEFRobert J. PetrellaYear 298042Year 2: Poster2024/2025Large TLEFRobert J. PetrellaYear 332584
2022/2023Small TLEFElizabeth StacyPharmaceutical SciencesBuilding Foundations for Success in Decolonization and Indigenization within Pharmacy-focused Academic Programs in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical SciencesYear 150000Completed2022-TLEF-Final-Report-Stacy-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFAli Reza LadakPharmaceutical SciencesThe Next STEP-PF: A Standardized Teaching Education Program for Pharmacist FacilitatorsYear 149601Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Barbour-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Large TLEFTristan Lai & Alex TangPharmaceutical SciencesPromoting 2SLGBTQQIA+ Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Pharmacy Education (PRIDE-RX)Year 1104880ActivePoster2023/2024Large TLEFTristan Lai & Alex TangYear 2100227Year 2: Poster2024/2025Large TLEFTristan Lai & Alex TangYear 344893
2022/2023Small TLEFDenise GabrielScienceIncorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge in Integrated Sciences sustainability coursesYear 121529Completed2023-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Gabriel-WEB.pdfPoster2023/2024Small TLEFDenise GabrielYear 219360Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Small TLEFKirsten HodgeScienceStudent-Curated Informal Learning and Engagement Spaces (SCI-LEnS): Developing a New Course for STEM Graduate StudentsYear 123970ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFKirsten HodgeYear 226030Year 2: Poster
2022/2023Large TLEFLaura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Philippe Tortell & Brett GilleyScienceEarth Science Experiential and Indigenous Learning (EaSEIL)Year 1120779ActivePoster2023/2024Large TLEFLaura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Brett Gilley, Sarah Bean Sherman & Philippe TortellYear 286694Year 2: Poster2024/2025Large TLEFLaura Lukes, Shandin Pete, Brett Gilley, Sarah Bean Sherman & Philippe TortellYear 342200
2022/2023Small TLEFAlfredo FerreiraVantage CollegeSpeaking and Writing Physics 101: The Language and Multiple Competencies of Solving First-year Physics ProblemsYear 115487ActivePoster2023/2024Small TLEFAlfredo FerreiraYear 215487Year 2: Poster2024/2025Small TLEFAlfredo FerreiraYear 315487
2015/2016Small TLEFShannon HagermanForestryBlending the Foundations: Pilot testing a blended environment for Foundations of Conservation (CONS 200) through two new modulesYear 122030Completed2016-Hagerman-Final-WEB.pdfPoster2016/2017Small TLEFShannon HagermanYear 21475Year 2: Poster
2015/2016Large TLEFSimon BatesScienceMOOC consumption: enhanced learning on campus using course material developed elsewhereYear 145566Completed2016-TLEF-Final-Bates-WEB.pdfPoster2016/2017Large TLEFSimon BatesYear 215564
2019/2020Small TLEFStefania BurkArtsEmpowering Students Through Self-Regulated Learning: Fostering Students’ Self-Awareness as Learners and Capacity for Academic SuccessYear 147097Completed2019-TLEF-Final-Burk-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFAdelheid O’BrienArtsDevelopment of a guided self-directed study online German for Reading Knowledge course on the beginner level applicable in various hybrid instructional modesYear 116040Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-OBrien-WEB.pdfPoster
2022/2023Small TLEFAsal TaheriPharmaceutical SciencesBuilding Blocks of Inpatient Pharmacy Practice Experience in the Entry-to-Practice PharmD CurriculumYear 149574Completed2022-TLEF-SP-Final-Report-Taheri-WEB.pdfPoster
2023/2024Large TLEFLuisa CanutoArtsChanging Course: Hybrid Opportunities for Students in French, Hispanic, and Italian Language ProgramsYear 178548ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLuisa CanutoYear 272279
2023/2024Large TLEFLeyton SchnellertEducationRural and Remote Teacher Education Program: An innovative hybrid approachYear 199547ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLeyton SchnellertYear 295074
2023/2024Large TLEFLindsay CuffLand & Food SystemsFlexible hybrid writing instruction throughout undergraduate curricula: Fostering students' growth, persistence, and identity as writers in scholarly communities and beyondYear 157971ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFLindsay CuffYear 245377
2023/2024Large TLEFKerry WilburPharmaceutical SciencesHybrid Learning in the PharmD Program (HIPP)Year 171817ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFKerry WilburYear 2128173
2023/2024Large TLEFMarcia GravesScienceAn inclusive hybrid approach for fostering belonging, building academic skills, and integrating Indigenous Ways of Knowing in the First-Year Seminar in Science (SCIE 113)Year 1101257ActivePoster2024/2025Large TLEFMarcia GravesYear 2119439
2023/2024Small TLEFZeina BaalbakiApplied ScienceIntegrating process simulation into Environmental Engineering curriculum - Promoting sustainable and reliable designYear 120500ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFZeina BaalbakiYear 28984
2023/2024Small TLEFCatherine Corrigall-BrownArtsSociology Multi-modality ProjectYear 141363ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFCatherine Corrigall-BrownYear 28453
2023/2024Small TLEFJames BachmannAllard School of LawOnline Open Access Critical Thinking TutorialYear 130278ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFJames BachmannYear 27722
2023/2024Small TLEFSamuel BeswickAllard School of LawOpening Up Tort Law CoursesYear 123891ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFSamuel BeswickYear 216109
2023/2024Small TLEFJackie Chambers & Bridgette ClarkstonScienceMAKING CONNECTIONS: Students, faculty, staff, and community partners as co-creators of a biodiversity science course for undergraduatesYear 124318ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFJackie Chambers & Bridgette ClarkstonYear 224318
2023/2024Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiScienceEnhancing Equity in the First-year Chemistry Laboratory through a Targeted Pre-Term Laboratory Foundations EventYear 114379ActivePoster2024/2025Small TLEFPriya Anka LekhiYear 211298
2023/2024Small TLEFMichelle StackEducationPartnering with the Downtown Eastside to Shift Journalism EducationYear 149545ActivePoster
 Funding Year Project Type Principal Investigator Faculty / College / Unit Title Project Year Funded Amount Status Report Poster Year 2: Funding Year Year 2: Project Type Year 2: Principal Investigator Year 2: Project Year Year 2: Funded Amount Year 2: Poster Year 3: Funding Year Year 3: Project Type Year 3: Principal Investigator Year 3: Project Year Year 3: Funded Amount Year 3: Poster