General Information:
Large TLEF Transformation Projects
TLEF Transformation projects are large, multi-year projects that are intended to advance UBC’s strategic goals relating to transformative learning. These projects aspire to impact multiple courses or programs, have the potential to involve collaboration across departments or Faculties, and align with one or more strategies or priorities in UBC’s Strategic Plan.
Small TLEF Innovation Projects
Small TLEF Innovation projects are grassroots projects that are intended to support experimentation with pedagogical approaches that have strong potential to enhance learning. These projects should also align with UBC’s strategic priorities relating to transformative learning, but they are typically smaller in scope and scale, and may involve more experimentation and exploration of new and emerging approaches to support learning.
Internal Dentistry Processes:
A notification e-mail will be sent to eligible researchers once the yearly call is available (Large – Summer; Small – Fall) and will include vital information concerning specific timelines, etc. Anyone interested in applying for either the Large or Small TLEF competitions must first notify Angela Tether ( in order to discuss eligibility and internal deadlines. NOTE: All applications are reviewed first by internal Faculty TLEF committees and then by the UBC TLEF Adjudication Committee. Therefore, notification (by the internal Dentistry deadline) of intent to submit is vital in order to convene the required committees.